"""Support to interface with Sonos players.""" from __future__ import annotations import datetime from functools import partial import logging from typing import Any from soco import SoCo, alarms from soco.core import ( MUSIC_SRC_LINE_IN, MUSIC_SRC_RADIO, PLAY_MODE_BY_MEANING, PLAY_MODES, ) from soco.data_structures import DidlFavorite, DidlMusicTrack from soco.ms_data_structures import MusicServiceItem from sonos_websocket.exception import SonosWebsocketError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import media_source, spotify from homeassistant.components.media_player import ( ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE, ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME, ATTR_MEDIA_ANNOUNCE, ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE, ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE, BrowseMedia, MediaPlayerDeviceClass, MediaPlayerEnqueue, MediaPlayerEntity, MediaPlayerEntityFeature, MediaPlayerState, MediaType, RepeatMode, async_process_play_media_url, ) from homeassistant.components.plex import PLEX_URI_SCHEME from homeassistant.components.plex.services import process_plex_payload from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_TIME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, SupportsResponse, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, ServiceValidationError from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform, service from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from . import UnjoinData, media_browser from .const import ( DATA_SONOS, DOMAIN as SONOS_DOMAIN, MEDIA_TYPES_TO_SONOS, MODELS_LINEIN_AND_TV, MODELS_LINEIN_ONLY, MODELS_TV_ONLY, PLAYABLE_MEDIA_TYPES, SONOS_CREATE_MEDIA_PLAYER, SONOS_MEDIA_UPDATED, SONOS_STATE_PLAYING, SONOS_STATE_TRANSITIONING, SOURCE_LINEIN, SOURCE_TV, ) from .entity import SonosEntity from .helpers import soco_error from .speaker import SonosMedia, SonosSpeaker _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 30.0 UNJOIN_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 0.1 VOLUME_INCREMENT = 2 REPEAT_TO_SONOS = { RepeatMode.OFF: False, RepeatMode.ALL: True, RepeatMode.ONE: "ONE", } SONOS_TO_REPEAT = {meaning: mode for mode, meaning in REPEAT_TO_SONOS.items()} UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE = ["701", "711", "712"] ANNOUNCE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORS: list[str] = ["globalError"] SERVICE_SNAPSHOT = "snapshot" SERVICE_RESTORE = "restore" SERVICE_SET_TIMER = "set_sleep_timer" SERVICE_CLEAR_TIMER = "clear_sleep_timer" SERVICE_UPDATE_ALARM = "update_alarm" SERVICE_PLAY_QUEUE = "play_queue" SERVICE_REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE = "remove_from_queue" SERVICE_GET_QUEUE = "get_queue" ATTR_SLEEP_TIME = "sleep_time" ATTR_ALARM_ID = "alarm_id" ATTR_VOLUME = "volume" ATTR_ENABLED = "enabled" ATTR_INCLUDE_LINKED_ZONES = "include_linked_zones" ATTR_MASTER = "master" ATTR_WITH_GROUP = "with_group" ATTR_QUEUE_POSITION = "queue_position" async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Sonos from a config entry.""" platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() @callback def async_create_entities(speaker: SonosSpeaker) -> None: """Handle device discovery and create entities.""" _LOGGER.debug("Creating media_player on %s", speaker.zone_name) async_add_entities([SonosMediaPlayerEntity(speaker)]) @service.verify_domain_control(hass, SONOS_DOMAIN) async def async_service_handle(service_call: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle dispatched services.""" assert platform is not None entities = await platform.async_extract_from_service(service_call) if not entities: return speakers = [] for entity in entities: assert isinstance(entity, SonosMediaPlayerEntity) speakers.append(entity.speaker) if service_call.service == SERVICE_SNAPSHOT: await SonosSpeaker.snapshot_multi( hass, speakers, service_call.data[ATTR_WITH_GROUP] ) elif service_call.service == SERVICE_RESTORE: await SonosSpeaker.restore_multi( hass, speakers, service_call.data[ATTR_WITH_GROUP] ) config_entry.async_on_unload( async_dispatcher_connect(hass, SONOS_CREATE_MEDIA_PLAYER, async_create_entities) ) join_unjoin_schema = cv.make_entity_service_schema( {vol.Optional(ATTR_WITH_GROUP, default=True): cv.boolean} ) hass.services.async_register( SONOS_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SNAPSHOT, async_service_handle, join_unjoin_schema ) hass.services.async_register( SONOS_DOMAIN, SERVICE_RESTORE, async_service_handle, join_unjoin_schema ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_TIMER, { vol.Required(ATTR_SLEEP_TIME): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0, max=86399) ) }, "set_sleep_timer", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_CLEAR_TIMER, None, "clear_sleep_timer" ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_UPDATE_ALARM, { vol.Required(ATTR_ALARM_ID): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(ATTR_TIME): cv.time, vol.Optional(ATTR_VOLUME): cv.small_float, vol.Optional(ATTR_ENABLED): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(ATTR_INCLUDE_LINKED_ZONES): cv.boolean, }, "set_alarm", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_PLAY_QUEUE, {vol.Optional(ATTR_QUEUE_POSITION): cv.positive_int}, "play_queue", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE, {vol.Optional(ATTR_QUEUE_POSITION): cv.positive_int}, "remove_from_queue", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_GET_QUEUE, None, "get_queue", supports_response=SupportsResponse.ONLY, ) class SonosMediaPlayerEntity(SonosEntity, MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of a Sonos entity.""" _attr_name = None _attr_supported_features = ( MediaPlayerEntityFeature.BROWSE_MEDIA | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.CLEAR_PLAYLIST | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.GROUPING | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.MEDIA_ANNOUNCE | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.MEDIA_ENQUEUE | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.NEXT_TRACK | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PAUSE | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PLAY | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PLAY_MEDIA | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PREVIOUS_TRACK | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.REPEAT_SET | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SEEK | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SELECT_SOURCE | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SHUFFLE_SET | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.STOP | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.VOLUME_MUTE | MediaPlayerEntityFeature.VOLUME_SET ) _attr_media_content_type = MediaType.MUSIC _attr_device_class = MediaPlayerDeviceClass.SPEAKER def __init__(self, speaker: SonosSpeaker) -> None: """Initialize the media player entity.""" super().__init__(speaker) self._attr_unique_id = self.soco.uid async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle common setup when added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, SONOS_MEDIA_UPDATED, self.async_write_media_state, ) ) @callback def async_write_media_state(self, uid: str) -> None: """Write media state if the provided UID is coordinator of this speaker.""" if self.coordinator.uid == uid: self.async_write_ha_state() @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return if the media_player is available.""" return ( self.speaker.available and bool(self.speaker.sonos_group_entities) and self.media.playback_status is not None ) @property def coordinator(self) -> SonosSpeaker: """Return the current coordinator SonosSpeaker.""" return self.speaker.coordinator or self.speaker @property def group_members(self) -> list[str] | None: """List of entity_ids which are currently grouped together.""" return self.speaker.sonos_group_entities def __hash__(self) -> int: """Return a hash of self.""" return hash(self.unique_id) @property def state(self) -> MediaPlayerState: """Return the state of the entity.""" if self.media.playback_status in ( "PAUSED_PLAYBACK", "STOPPED", ): # Sonos can consider itself "paused" but without having media loaded # (happens if playing Spotify and via Spotify app # you pick another device to play on) if self.media.title is None: return MediaPlayerState.IDLE return MediaPlayerState.PAUSED if self.media.playback_status in ( SONOS_STATE_PLAYING, SONOS_STATE_TRANSITIONING, ): return MediaPlayerState.PLAYING return MediaPlayerState.IDLE async def _async_fallback_poll(self) -> None: """Retrieve latest state by polling.""" await ( self.hass.data[DATA_SONOS].favorites[self.speaker.household_id].async_poll() ) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._update) def _update(self) -> None: """Retrieve latest state by polling.""" self.speaker.update_groups() self.speaker.update_volume() if self.speaker.is_coordinator: self.media.poll_media() @property def volume_level(self) -> float | None: """Volume level of the media player (0..1).""" return self.speaker.volume and self.speaker.volume / 100 @property def is_volume_muted(self) -> bool | None: """Return true if volume is muted.""" return self.speaker.muted @property def shuffle(self) -> bool | None: """Shuffling state.""" return PLAY_MODES[self.media.play_mode][0] @property def repeat(self) -> RepeatMode | None: """Return current repeat mode.""" sonos_repeat = PLAY_MODES[self.media.play_mode][1] return SONOS_TO_REPEAT[sonos_repeat] @property def media(self) -> SonosMedia: """Return the SonosMedia object from the coordinator speaker.""" return self.coordinator.media @property def media_content_id(self) -> str | None: """Content id of current playing media.""" return self.media.uri @property def media_duration(self) -> int | None: """Duration of current playing media in seconds.""" return int(self.media.duration) if self.media.duration else None @property def media_position(self) -> int | None: """Position of current playing media in seconds.""" return self.media.position @property def media_position_updated_at(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When was the position of the current playing media valid.""" return self.media.position_updated_at @property def media_image_url(self) -> str | None: """Image url of current playing media.""" return self.media.image_url or None @property def media_channel(self) -> str | None: """Channel currently playing.""" return self.media.channel or None @property def media_playlist(self) -> str | None: """Title of playlist currently playing.""" return self.media.playlist_name @property def media_artist(self) -> str | None: """Artist of current playing media, music track only.""" return self.media.artist or None @property def media_album_name(self) -> str | None: """Album name of current playing media, music track only.""" return self.media.album_name or None @property def media_title(self) -> str | None: """Title of current playing media.""" return self.media.title or None @property def source(self) -> str | None: """Name of the current input source.""" return self.media.source_name or None @soco_error() def volume_up(self) -> None: """Volume up media player.""" self.soco.volume += VOLUME_INCREMENT @soco_error() def volume_down(self) -> None: """Volume down media player.""" self.soco.volume -= VOLUME_INCREMENT @soco_error() def set_volume_level(self, volume: float) -> None: """Set volume level, range 0..1.""" self.soco.volume = int(volume * 100) @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def set_shuffle(self, shuffle: bool) -> None: """Enable/Disable shuffle mode.""" sonos_shuffle = shuffle sonos_repeat = PLAY_MODES[self.media.play_mode][1] self.coordinator.soco.play_mode = PLAY_MODE_BY_MEANING[ (sonos_shuffle, sonos_repeat) ] @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def set_repeat(self, repeat: RepeatMode) -> None: """Set repeat mode.""" sonos_shuffle = PLAY_MODES[self.media.play_mode][0] sonos_repeat = REPEAT_TO_SONOS[repeat] self.coordinator.soco.play_mode = PLAY_MODE_BY_MEANING[ (sonos_shuffle, sonos_repeat) ] @soco_error() def mute_volume(self, mute: bool) -> None: """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" self.soco.mute = mute @soco_error() def select_source(self, source: str) -> None: """Select input source.""" soco = self.coordinator.soco if source == SOURCE_LINEIN: soco.switch_to_line_in() return if source == SOURCE_TV: soco.switch_to_tv() return self._play_favorite_by_name(source) def _play_favorite_by_name(self, name: str) -> None: """Play a favorite by name.""" fav = [fav for fav in self.speaker.favorites if fav.title == name] if len(fav) != 1: raise ServiceValidationError( translation_domain=SONOS_DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_favorite", translation_placeholders={ "name": name, }, ) src = fav.pop() self._play_favorite(src) def _play_favorite(self, favorite: DidlFavorite) -> None: """Play a favorite.""" uri = favorite.reference.get_uri() soco = self.coordinator.soco if soco.music_source_from_uri(uri) in [ MUSIC_SRC_RADIO, MUSIC_SRC_LINE_IN, ]: soco.play_uri(uri, title=favorite.title, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) else: soco.clear_queue() soco.add_to_queue(favorite.reference, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) soco.play_from_queue(0) @property def source_list(self) -> list[str]: """List of available input sources.""" model = self.coordinator.model_name.split()[-1].upper() if model in MODELS_LINEIN_ONLY: return [SOURCE_LINEIN] if model in MODELS_TV_ONLY: return [SOURCE_TV] if model in MODELS_LINEIN_AND_TV: return [SOURCE_LINEIN, SOURCE_TV] return [] @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_play(self) -> None: """Send play command.""" self.coordinator.soco.play() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_stop(self) -> None: """Send stop command.""" self.coordinator.soco.stop() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_pause(self) -> None: """Send pause command.""" self.coordinator.soco.pause() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_next_track(self) -> None: """Send next track command.""" self.coordinator.soco.next() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_previous_track(self) -> None: """Send next track command.""" self.coordinator.soco.previous() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) def media_seek(self, position: float) -> None: """Send seek command.""" self.coordinator.soco.seek(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(position)))) @soco_error() def clear_playlist(self) -> None: """Clear players playlist.""" self.coordinator.soco.clear_queue() async def async_play_media( self, media_type: MediaType | str, media_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Send the play_media command to the media player. If media_id is a Plex payload, attempt Plex->Sonos playback. If media_id is an Apple Music, Deezer, Sonos, or Tidal share link, attempt playback using the respective service. If media_type is "playlist", media_id should be a Sonos Playlist name. Otherwise, media_id should be a URI. """ is_radio = False if media_source.is_media_source_id(media_id): is_radio = media_id.startswith("media-source://radio_browser/") media_type = MediaType.MUSIC media = await media_source.async_resolve_media( self.hass, media_id, self.entity_id ) media_id = async_process_play_media_url(self.hass, media.url) if kwargs.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ANNOUNCE): volume = kwargs.get("extra", {}).get("volume") _LOGGER.debug("Playing %s using websocket audioclip", media_id) try: assert self.speaker.websocket response, _ = await self.speaker.websocket.play_clip( async_process_play_media_url(self.hass, media_id), volume=volume, ) except SonosWebsocketError as exc: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error when calling Sonos websocket: {exc}" ) from exc if response.get("success"): return if response.get("type") in ANNOUNCE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORS: # If the speaker does not support announce do not raise and # fall through to_play_media to play the clip directly. _LOGGER.debug( "Speaker %s does not support announce, media_id %s response %s", self.speaker.zone_name, media_id, response, ) else: raise HomeAssistantError( translation_domain=SONOS_DOMAIN, translation_key="announce_media_error", translation_placeholders={ "media_id": media_id, "response": response, }, ) if spotify.is_spotify_media_type(media_type): media_type = spotify.resolve_spotify_media_type(media_type) media_id = spotify.spotify_uri_from_media_browser_url(media_id) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(self._play_media, media_type, media_id, is_radio, **kwargs) ) @soco_error() def _play_media( self, media_type: MediaType | str, media_id: str, is_radio: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Wrap sync calls to async_play_media.""" _LOGGER.debug("_play_media media_type %s media_id %s", media_type, media_id) enqueue = kwargs.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE, MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE) if media_type == "favorite_item_id": favorite = self.speaker.favorites.lookup_by_item_id(media_id) if favorite is None: raise ValueError(f"Missing favorite for media_id: {media_id}") self._play_favorite(favorite) return soco = self.coordinator.soco if media_id and media_id.startswith(PLEX_URI_SCHEME): plex_plugin = self.speaker.plex_plugin result = process_plex_payload( self.hass, media_type, media_id, supports_playqueues=False ) if result.shuffle: self.set_shuffle(True) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.ADD: plex_plugin.add_to_queue(result.media, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) elif enqueue in ( MediaPlayerEnqueue.NEXT, MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY, ): pos = (self.media.queue_position or 0) + 1 new_pos = plex_plugin.add_to_queue( result.media, position=pos, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY: soco.play_from_queue(new_pos - 1) elif enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE: soco.clear_queue() plex_plugin.add_to_queue(result.media, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) soco.play_from_queue(0) return share_link = self.coordinator.share_link if share_link.is_share_link(media_id): if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.ADD: share_link.add_share_link_to_queue( media_id, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) elif enqueue in ( MediaPlayerEnqueue.NEXT, MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY, ): pos = (self.media.queue_position or 0) + 1 new_pos = share_link.add_share_link_to_queue( media_id, position=pos, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY: soco.play_from_queue(new_pos - 1) elif enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE: soco.clear_queue() share_link.add_share_link_to_queue( media_id, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) soco.play_from_queue(0) elif media_type in {MediaType.MUSIC, MediaType.TRACK}: # If media ID is a relative URL, we serve it from HA. media_id = async_process_play_media_url(self.hass, media_id) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.ADD: soco.add_uri_to_queue(media_id, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) elif enqueue in ( MediaPlayerEnqueue.NEXT, MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY, ): pos = (self.media.queue_position or 0) + 1 new_pos = soco.add_uri_to_queue( media_id, position=pos, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY: soco.play_from_queue(new_pos - 1) elif enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE: soco.play_uri(media_id, force_radio=is_radio) elif media_type == MediaType.PLAYLIST: if media_id.startswith("S:"): playlist = media_browser.get_media( self.media.library, media_id, media_type ) else: playlists = soco.get_sonos_playlists(complete_result=True) playlist = next((p for p in playlists if p.title == media_id), None) if not playlist: raise ServiceValidationError( translation_domain=SONOS_DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_sonos_playlist", translation_placeholders={ "name": media_id, }, ) soco.clear_queue() soco.add_to_queue(playlist, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) soco.play_from_queue(0) elif media_type in PLAYABLE_MEDIA_TYPES: item = media_browser.get_media(self.media.library, media_id, media_type) if not item: raise ServiceValidationError( translation_domain=SONOS_DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_media", translation_placeholders={ "media_id": media_id, }, ) self._play_media_queue(soco, item, enqueue) else: raise ServiceValidationError( translation_domain=SONOS_DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_content_type", translation_placeholders={ "media_type": media_type, }, ) def _play_media_queue( self, soco: SoCo, item: MusicServiceItem, enqueue: MediaPlayerEnqueue ): """Manage adding, replacing, playing items onto the sonos queue.""" _LOGGER.debug( "_play_media_queue item_id [%s] title [%s] enqueue [%s]", item.item_id, item.title, enqueue, ) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE: soco.clear_queue() if enqueue in (MediaPlayerEnqueue.ADD, MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE): soco.add_to_queue(item, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.REPLACE: soco.play_from_queue(0) else: pos = (self.media.queue_position or 0) + 1 new_pos = soco.add_to_queue( item, position=pos, timeout=LONG_SERVICE_TIMEOUT ) if enqueue == MediaPlayerEnqueue.PLAY: soco.play_from_queue(new_pos - 1) @soco_error() def set_sleep_timer(self, sleep_time: int) -> None: """Set the timer on the player.""" self.coordinator.soco.set_sleep_timer(sleep_time) @soco_error() def clear_sleep_timer(self) -> None: """Clear the timer on the player.""" self.coordinator.soco.set_sleep_timer(None) @soco_error() def set_alarm( self, alarm_id: int, time: datetime.datetime | None = None, volume: float | None = None, enabled: bool | None = None, include_linked_zones: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """Set the alarm clock on the player.""" alarm: alarms.Alarm | None = None for one_alarm in alarms.get_alarms(self.coordinator.soco): if one_alarm.alarm_id == str(alarm_id): alarm = one_alarm if alarm is None: _LOGGER.warning("Did not find alarm with id %s", alarm_id) return if time is not None: alarm.start_time = time if volume is not None: alarm.volume = int(volume * 100) if enabled is not None: alarm.enabled = enabled if include_linked_zones is not None: alarm.include_linked_zones = include_linked_zones alarm.save() @soco_error() def play_queue(self, queue_position: int = 0) -> None: """Start playing the queue.""" self.soco.play_from_queue(queue_position) @soco_error() def remove_from_queue(self, queue_position: int = 0) -> None: """Remove item from the queue.""" self.coordinator.soco.remove_from_queue(queue_position) @soco_error() def get_queue(self) -> list[dict]: """Get the queue.""" queue: list[DidlMusicTrack] = self.coordinator.soco.get_queue(max_items=0) return [ { ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE: getattr(track, "title", None), ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME: getattr(track, "album", None), ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST: getattr(track, "creator", None), ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID: track.get_uri(), } for track in queue ] @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return entity specific state attributes.""" attributes: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.media.queue_position is not None: attributes[ATTR_QUEUE_POSITION] = self.media.queue_position if self.media.queue_size: attributes["queue_size"] = self.media.queue_size if self.source: attributes[ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE] = self.source return attributes async def async_get_browse_image( self, media_content_type: MediaType | str, media_content_id: str, media_image_id: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[bytes | None, str | None]: """Fetch media browser image to serve via proxy.""" if ( media_content_type in {MediaType.ALBUM, MediaType.ARTIST} and media_content_id ): item = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( media_browser.get_media, self.media.library, media_content_id, MEDIA_TYPES_TO_SONOS[media_content_type], ) if image_url := getattr(item, "album_art_uri", None): return await self._async_fetch_image(image_url) return (None, None) async def async_browse_media( self, media_content_type: MediaType | str | None = None, media_content_id: str | None = None, ) -> BrowseMedia: """Implement the websocket media browsing helper.""" return await media_browser.async_browse_media( self.hass, self.speaker, self.media, self.get_browse_image_url, media_content_id, media_content_type, ) async def async_join_players(self, group_members: list[str]) -> None: """Join `group_members` as a player group with the current player.""" speakers = [] for entity_id in group_members: if speaker := self.hass.data[DATA_SONOS].entity_id_mappings.get(entity_id): speakers.append(speaker) else: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Not a known Sonos entity_id: {entity_id}") await SonosSpeaker.join_multi(self.hass, self.speaker, speakers) async def async_unjoin_player(self) -> None: """Remove this player from any group. Coalesces all calls within UNJOIN_SERVICE_TIMEOUT to allow use of SonosSpeaker.unjoin_multi() which optimizes the order in which speakers are removed from their groups. Removing coordinators last better preserves playqueues on the speakers. """ sonos_data = self.hass.data[DATA_SONOS] household_id = self.speaker.household_id async def async_process_unjoin(now: datetime.datetime) -> None: """Process the unjoin with all remove requests within the coalescing period.""" unjoin_data = sonos_data.unjoin_data.pop(household_id) _LOGGER.debug( "Processing unjoins for %s", [x.zone_name for x in unjoin_data.speakers] ) await SonosSpeaker.unjoin_multi(self.hass, unjoin_data.speakers) unjoin_data.event.set() if unjoin_data := sonos_data.unjoin_data.get(household_id): unjoin_data.speakers.append(self.speaker) else: unjoin_data = sonos_data.unjoin_data[household_id] = UnjoinData( speakers=[self.speaker] ) async_call_later(self.hass, UNJOIN_SERVICE_TIMEOUT, async_process_unjoin) _LOGGER.debug("Requesting unjoin for %s", self.speaker.zone_name) await unjoin_data.event.wait()