"""Support for lights through the SmartThings cloud API.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Sequence from typing import Any from pysmartthings import Capability from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, brightness_supported, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import DATA_BROKERS, DOMAIN from .entity import SmartThingsEntity async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Add lights for a config entry.""" broker = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_BROKERS][config_entry.entry_id] async_add_entities( [ SmartThingsLight(device) for device in broker.devices.values() if broker.any_assigned(device.device_id, "light") ], True, ) def get_capabilities(capabilities: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str] | None: """Return all capabilities supported if minimum required are present.""" supported = [ Capability.switch, Capability.switch_level, Capability.color_control, Capability.color_temperature, ] # Must be able to be turned on/off. if Capability.switch not in capabilities: return None # Must have one of these light_capabilities = [ Capability.color_control, Capability.color_temperature, Capability.switch_level, ] if any(capability in capabilities for capability in light_capabilities): return supported return None def convert_scale(value, value_scale, target_scale, round_digits=4): """Convert a value to a different scale.""" return round(value * target_scale / value_scale, round_digits) class SmartThingsLight(SmartThingsEntity, LightEntity): """Define a SmartThings Light.""" _attr_supported_color_modes: set[ColorMode] # SmartThings does not expose this attribute, instead it's # implemented within each device-type handler. This value is the # lowest kelvin found supported across 20+ handlers. _attr_min_color_temp_kelvin = 2000 # 500 mireds # SmartThings does not expose this attribute, instead it's # implemented within each device-type handler. This value is the # highest kelvin found supported across 20+ handlers. _attr_max_color_temp_kelvin = 9000 # 111 mireds def __init__(self, device): """Initialize a SmartThingsLight.""" super().__init__(device) self._attr_supported_color_modes = self._determine_color_modes() self._attr_supported_features = self._determine_features() def _determine_color_modes(self): """Get features supported by the device.""" color_modes = set() # Color Temperature if Capability.color_temperature in self._device.capabilities: color_modes.add(ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP) # Color if Capability.color_control in self._device.capabilities: color_modes.add(ColorMode.HS) # Brightness if not color_modes and Capability.switch_level in self._device.capabilities: color_modes.add(ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS) if not color_modes: color_modes.add(ColorMode.ONOFF) return color_modes def _determine_features(self) -> LightEntityFeature: """Get features supported by the device.""" features = LightEntityFeature(0) # Transition if Capability.switch_level in self._device.capabilities: features |= LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION return features async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light on.""" tasks = [] # Color temperature if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN in kwargs: tasks.append(self.async_set_color_temp(kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN])) # Color if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: tasks.append(self.async_set_color(kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR])) if tasks: # Set temp/color first await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Switch/brightness/transition if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: await self.async_set_level( kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS], kwargs.get(ATTR_TRANSITION, 0) ) else: await self._device.switch_on(set_status=True) # State is set optimistically in the commands above, therefore update # the entity state ahead of receiving the confirming push updates self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light off.""" # Switch/transition if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: await self.async_set_level(0, int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION])) else: await self._device.switch_off(set_status=True) # State is set optimistically in the commands above, therefore update # the entity state ahead of receiving the confirming push updates self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update entity attributes when the device status has changed.""" # Brightness and transition if brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes): self._attr_brightness = int( convert_scale(self._device.status.level, 100, 255, 0) ) # Color Temperature if ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP in self._attr_supported_color_modes: self._attr_color_temp_kelvin = self._device.status.color_temperature # Color if ColorMode.HS in self._attr_supported_color_modes: self._attr_hs_color = ( convert_scale(self._device.status.hue, 100, 360), self._device.status.saturation, ) async def async_set_color(self, hs_color): """Set the color of the device.""" hue = convert_scale(float(hs_color[0]), 360, 100) hue = max(min(hue, 100.0), 0.0) saturation = max(min(float(hs_color[1]), 100.0), 0.0) await self._device.set_color(hue, saturation, set_status=True) async def async_set_color_temp(self, value: int): """Set the color temperature of the device.""" kelvin = max(min(value, 30000), 1) await self._device.set_color_temperature(kelvin, set_status=True) async def async_set_level(self, brightness: int, transition: int): """Set the brightness of the light over transition.""" level = int(convert_scale(brightness, 255, 100, 0)) # Due to rounding, set level to 1 (one) so we don't inadvertently # turn off the light when a low brightness is set. level = 1 if level == 0 and brightness > 0 else level level = max(min(level, 100), 0) duration = int(transition) await self._device.set_level(level, duration, set_status=True) @property def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode: """Return the color mode of the light.""" if len(self._attr_supported_color_modes) == 1: # The light supports only a single color mode return list(self._attr_supported_color_modes)[0] # The light supports hs + color temp, determine which one it is if self._attr_hs_color and self._attr_hs_color[1]: return ColorMode.HS return ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if light is on.""" return self._device.status.switch