{ "config": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "url": "URL of the Music Assistant server" } }, "manual": { "title": "Manually add Music Assistant server", "description": "Enter the URL to your already running Music Assistant server. If you do not have the Music Assistant server running, you should install it first.", "data": { "url": "URL of the Music Assistant server" } }, "discovery_confirm": { "description": "Do you want to add the Music Assistant server `{url}` to Home Assistant?", "title": "Discovered Music Assistant server" } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_server_version": "The Music Assistant server is not the correct version", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "already_in_progress": "Configuration flow is already in progress", "reconfiguration_successful": "Successfully reconfigured the Music Assistant integration.", "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect", "reconfigure_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reconfigure_successful%]" } }, "issues": { "invalid_server_version": { "title": "The Music Assistant server is not the correct version", "description": "Check if there are updates available for the Music Assistant server and/or integration." } }, "services": { "play_media": { "name": "Play media", "description": "Plays media on a Music Assistant player with more fine-grained control options.", "fields": { "media_id": { "name": "Media ID(s)", "description": "URI or name of the item you want to play. Specify a list if you want to play/enqueue multiple items." }, "media_type": { "name": "Media type", "description": "The type of the content to play. Such as artist, album, track or playlist. Will be auto-determined if omitted." }, "enqueue": { "name": "Enqueue", "description": "If the content should be played now or added to the queue." }, "artist": { "name": "Artist name", "description": "When specifying a track or album by name in the Media ID field, you can optionally restrict results by this artist name." }, "album": { "name": "Album name", "description": "When specifying a track by name in the Media ID field, you can optionally restrict results by this album name." }, "radio_mode": { "name": "Enable radio mode", "description": "Enable radio mode to auto-generate a playlist based on the selection." } } }, "play_announcement": { "name": "Play announcement", "description": "Plays an announcement on a Music Assistant player with more fine-grained control options.", "fields": { "url": { "name": "URL", "description": "URL to the notification sound." }, "use_pre_announce": { "name": "Use pre-announce", "description": "Use pre-announcement sound for the announcement. Omit to use the player default." }, "announce_volume": { "name": "Announce volume", "description": "Use a forced volume level for the announcement. Omit to use player default." } } }, "transfer_queue": { "name": "Transfer queue", "description": "Transfers a player's queue to another player.", "fields": { "source_player": { "name": "Source media player", "description": "The source media player which has the queue you want to transfer. When omitted, the first playing player will be used." }, "auto_play": { "name": "Auto play", "description": "Start playing the queue on the target player. Omit to use the default behavior." } } }, "get_queue": { "name": "Get playerQueue details (advanced)", "description": "Retrieves the details of the currently active queue of a Music Assistant player." }, "search": { "name": "Search Music Assistant", "description": "Performs a global search on the Music Assistant library and all providers.", "fields": { "config_entry_id": { "name": "Music Assistant instance", "description": "Select the Music Assistant instance to perform the search on." }, "name": { "name": "Search name", "description": "The name/title to search for." }, "media_type": { "name": "Media type(s)", "description": "The type of the content to search. Such as artist, album, track, radio, or playlist. All types if omitted." }, "artist": { "name": "Artist name", "description": "When specifying a track or album name in the name field, you can optionally restrict results by this artist name." }, "album": { "name": "Album name", "description": "When specifying a track name in the name field, you can optionally restrict results by this album name." }, "limit": { "name": "Limit", "description": "Maximum number of items to return (per media type)." }, "library_only": { "name": "Only library items", "description": "Only include results that are in the library." } } }, "get_library": { "name": "Get Library items", "description": "Get items from a Music Assistant library.", "fields": { "config_entry_id": { "name": "[%key:component::music_assistant::services::search::fields::config_entry_id::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::music_assistant::services::search::fields::config_entry_id::description%]" }, "media_type": { "name": "Media type", "description": "The media type for which to request details for." }, "favorite": { "name": "Favorites only", "description": "Filter items so only favorites items are returned." }, "search": { "name": "Search", "description": "Optional search string to search through this library." }, "limit": { "name": "Limit", "description": "Maximum number of items to return." }, "offset": { "name": "Offset", "description": "Offset to start the list from." }, "order_by": { "name": "Order By", "description": "Sort the list by this field." }, "album_type": { "name": "Album type filter (albums library only)", "description": "Filter albums by type." }, "album_artists_only": { "name": "Enable album artists filter (only for artist library)", "description": "Only return Album Artists when listing the Artists library items." } } } }, "selector": { "enqueue": { "options": { "play": "Play", "next": "Play next", "add": "Add to queue", "replace": "Play now and clear queue", "replace_next": "Play next and clear queue" } }, "media_type": { "options": { "artist": "Artist", "album": "Album", "track": "Track", "playlist": "Playlist", "radio": "Radio" } }, "order_by": { "options": { "name": "Name", "name_desc": "Name (desc)", "sort_name": "Sort name", "sort_name_desc": "Sort name (desc)", "timestamp_added": "Added", "timestamp_added_desc": "Added (desc)", "last_played": "Last played", "last_played_desc": "Last played (desc)", "play_count": "Play count", "play_count_desc": "Play count (desc)", "year": "Year", "year_desc": "Year (desc)", "position": "Position", "position_desc": "Position (desc)", "artist_name": "Artist name", "artist_name_desc": "Artist name (desc)", "random": "Random", "random_play_count": "Random + least played" } }, "album_type": { "options": { "album": "Album", "single": "Single", "ep": "EP", "compilation": "Compilation", "unknown": "Unknown" } } } }