"""Support for Lutron Caseta lights.""" from datetime import timedelta from typing import Any from pylutron_caseta.color_value import ( ColorMode as LutronColorMode, FullColorValue, WarmCoolColorValue, ) from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_WHITE, DOMAIN as LIGHT_DOMAIN, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import ( DEVICE_TYPE_COLOR_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_WHITE_TUNE, ) from .entity import LutronCasetaUpdatableEntity from .models import LutronCasetaData SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODE_DICT = { DEVICE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_TUNE: { ColorMode.HS, ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP, ColorMode.WHITE, }, DEVICE_TYPE_WHITE_TUNE: {ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP}, DEVICE_TYPE_COLOR_TUNE: { ColorMode.HS, ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP, ColorMode.WHITE, }, } WARM_DEVICE_TYPES = { DEVICE_TYPE_WHITE_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_COLOR_TUNE, } def to_lutron_level(level): """Convert the given Home Assistant light level (0-255) to Lutron (0-100).""" return int(round((level * 100) / 255)) def to_hass_level(level): """Convert the given Lutron (0-100) light level to Home Assistant (0-255).""" return int((level * 255) // 100) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the Lutron Caseta light platform. Adds dimmers from the Caseta bridge associated with the config_entry as light entities. """ data = config_entry.runtime_data bridge = data.bridge light_devices = bridge.get_devices_by_domain(LIGHT_DOMAIN) async_add_entities( LutronCasetaLight(light_device, data) for light_device in light_devices ) class LutronCasetaLight(LutronCasetaUpdatableEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of a Lutron Light, including dimmable, white tune, and spectrum tune.""" _attr_supported_features = LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION def __init__(self, light: dict[str, Any], data: LutronCasetaData) -> None: """Initialize the light and set the supported color modes. :param light: The lutron light device to initialize. :param data: The integration data """ super().__init__(light, data) self._attr_min_color_temp_kelvin = self._get_min_color_temp_kelvin(light) self._attr_max_color_temp_kelvin = self._get_max_color_temp_kelvin(light) light_type = light["type"] self._attr_supported_color_modes = SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODE_DICT.get( light_type, {ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS} ) self.supports_warm_cool = light_type in WARM_DEVICE_TYPES self.supports_warm_dim = light_type in ( DEVICE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_COLOR_TUNE, ) self.supports_spectrum_tune = light_type in ( DEVICE_TYPE_SPECTRUM_TUNE, DEVICE_TYPE_COLOR_TUNE, ) def _get_min_color_temp_kelvin(self, light: dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Return minimum supported color temperature. :param light: The light to get the minimum color temperature for. """ white_tune_range = light.get("white_tuning_range") # Default to 1.4k if not found if white_tune_range is None or "Min" not in white_tune_range: return 1400 return white_tune_range.get("Min") def _get_max_color_temp_kelvin(self, light: dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Return maximum supported color temperature. :param light: The light to get the maximum color temperature for. """ white_tune_range = light.get("white_tuning_range") # Default to 10k if not found if white_tune_range is None or "Max" not in white_tune_range: return 10000 return white_tune_range.get("Max") @property def brightness(self) -> int: """Return the brightness of the light.""" return to_hass_level(self._device["current_state"]) async def _async_set_brightness( self, brightness: int | None, color_value: LutronColorMode | None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: args = {} if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: args["fade_time"] = timedelta(seconds=kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION]) if brightness is not None: brightness = to_lutron_level(brightness) await self._smartbridge.set_value( self.device_id, value=brightness, color_value=color_value, **args ) async def _async_set_warm_dim(self, brightness: int | None, **kwargs: Any): """Set the light to warm dim mode.""" set_warm_dim_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {} if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: set_warm_dim_kwargs["fade_time"] = timedelta( seconds=kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] ) if brightness is not None: brightness = to_lutron_level(brightness) await self._smartbridge.set_warm_dim( self.device_id, brightness, **set_warm_dim_kwargs ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light on.""" # first check for "white mode" (WarmDim) if (white_color := kwargs.get(ATTR_WHITE)) is not None: await self._async_set_warm_dim(white_color) return brightness = kwargs.pop(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, None) color: LutronColorMode | None = None hs_color: tuple[float, float] | None = kwargs.pop(ATTR_HS_COLOR, None) kelvin_color: int | None = kwargs.pop(ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN, None) if hs_color is not None: color = FullColorValue(hs_color[0], hs_color[1]) elif kelvin_color is not None: color = WarmCoolColorValue(kelvin_color) # if user is pressing on button nothing is set, so set brightness to 255 if color is None and brightness is None: brightness = 255 await self._async_set_brightness(brightness, color, **kwargs) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light off.""" await self._async_set_brightness(0, None, **kwargs) @property def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode: """Return the current color mode of the light.""" currently_warm_dim = self._device.get("warm_dim", False) if self.supports_warm_dim and currently_warm_dim: return ColorMode.WHITE current_color = self._device.get("color") if self.supports_warm_cool and isinstance(current_color, WarmCoolColorValue): return ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP if self.supports_spectrum_tune and isinstance(current_color, FullColorValue): return ColorMode.HS return ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return self._device["current_state"] > 0 @property def hs_color(self) -> tuple[float, float] | None: """Return the current color of the light.""" current_color: FullColorValue | WarmCoolColorValue | None = self._device.get( "color" ) # if bulb is set to full spectrum, return the hue and saturation if isinstance(current_color, FullColorValue): return (current_color.hue, current_color.saturation) return None @property def color_temp_kelvin(self) -> int | None: """Return the CT color value in kelvin.""" current_color: FullColorValue | WarmCoolColorValue | None = self._device.get( "color" ) # if bulb is set to warm cool mode, return the kelvin value if isinstance(current_color, WarmCoolColorValue): return current_color.kelvin return None