{ "title": "Humidifier", "device_automation": { "trigger_type": { "target_humidity_changed": "{entity_name} target humidity changed", "changed_states": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::changed_states%]", "turned_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_on%]", "turned_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_off%]" }, "condition_type": { "is_mode": "{entity_name} is set to a specific mode", "is_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::condition_type::is_on%]", "is_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::condition_type::is_off%]" }, "action_type": { "set_humidity": "Set humidity for {entity_name}", "set_mode": "Change mode on {entity_name}", "toggle": "[%key:common::device_automation::action_type::toggle%]", "turn_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::action_type::turn_on%]", "turn_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::action_type::turn_off%]" }, "extra_fields": { "above": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::above%]", "below": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::below%]", "for": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::for%]", "mode": "Mode", "humidity": "Humidity" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::humidifier::title%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]" }, "state_attributes": { "action": { "name": "Action", "state": { "humidifying": "Humidifying", "drying": "Drying", "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]" } }, "available_modes": { "name": "Available modes" }, "current_humidity": { "name": "Current humidity" }, "humidity": { "name": "Target humidity" }, "max_humidity": { "name": "Max target humidity" }, "min_humidity": { "name": "Min target humidity" }, "mode": { "name": "Mode", "state": { "normal": "Normal", "eco": "Eco", "away": "Away", "boost": "Boost", "comfort": "Comfort", "home": "[%key:common::state::home%]", "sleep": "Sleep", "auto": "Auto", "baby": "Baby" } } } }, "dehumidifier": { "name": "Dehumidifier" }, "humidifier": { "name": "[%key:component::humidifier::title%]" } }, "services": { "set_mode": { "name": "Set mode", "description": "Sets the humidifier operation mode.", "fields": { "mode": { "name": "Mode", "description": "Operation mode. For example, _normal_, _eco_, or _away_. For a list of possible values, refer to the integration documentation." } } }, "set_humidity": { "name": "Set humidity", "description": "Sets the target humidity.", "fields": { "humidity": { "name": "Humidity", "description": "Target humidity." } } }, "turn_on": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_on%]", "description": "Turns the humidifier on." }, "turn_off": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_off%]", "description": "Turns the humidifier off." }, "toggle": { "name": "[%key:common::action::toggle%]", "description": "Toggles the humidifier on/off." } }, "exceptions": { "humidity_out_of_range": { "message": "Provided humidity {humidity} is not valid. Accepted range is {min_humidity} to {max_humidity}." } } }