"""Extend the basic Accessory and Bridge functions.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import Any, cast from uuid import UUID from pyhap.accessory import Accessory, Bridge from pyhap.accessory_driver import AccessoryDriver from pyhap.characteristic import Characteristic from pyhap.const import CATEGORY_OTHER from pyhap.iid_manager import IIDManager from pyhap.service import Service from pyhap.util import callback as pyhap_callback from homeassistant.components.cover import CoverDeviceClass, CoverEntityFeature from homeassistant.components.media_player import MediaPlayerDeviceClass from homeassistant.components.remote import RemoteEntityFeature from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorDeviceClass from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchDeviceClass from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING, ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_HW_VERSION, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_SERVICE, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ATTR_SW_VERSION, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_NAME, CONF_TYPE, LIGHT_LUX, PERCENTAGE, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, UnitOfTemperature, __version__, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, Context, Event, EventStateChangedData, HassJobType, HomeAssistant, State, callback as ha_callback, split_entity_id, ) from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_state_change_event from homeassistant.util.decorator import Registry from .const import ( ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME, ATTR_INTEGRATION, ATTR_VALUE, BRIDGE_MODEL, BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER, CHAR_BATTERY_LEVEL, CHAR_CHARGING_STATE, CHAR_HARDWARE_REVISION, CHAR_STATUS_LOW_BATTERY, CONF_FEATURE_LIST, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR, CONF_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, EMPTY_MAC, EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, HK_CHARGING, HK_NOT_CHARGABLE, HK_NOT_CHARGING, MANUFACTURER, MAX_MANUFACTURER_LENGTH, MAX_MODEL_LENGTH, MAX_SERIAL_LENGTH, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH, SERV_ACCESSORY_INFO, SERV_BATTERY_SERVICE, SIGNAL_RELOAD_ENTITIES, TYPE_FAUCET, TYPE_OUTLET, TYPE_SHOWER, TYPE_SPRINKLER, TYPE_SWITCH, TYPE_VALVE, ) from .iidmanager import AccessoryIIDStorage from .util import ( accessory_friendly_name, async_dismiss_setup_message, async_show_setup_message, cleanup_name_for_homekit, convert_to_float, format_version, validate_media_player_features, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SWITCH_TYPES = { TYPE_FAUCET: "ValveSwitch", TYPE_OUTLET: "Outlet", TYPE_SHOWER: "ValveSwitch", TYPE_SPRINKLER: "ValveSwitch", TYPE_SWITCH: "Switch", TYPE_VALVE: "ValveSwitch", } TYPES: Registry[str, type[HomeAccessory]] = Registry() RELOAD_ON_CHANGE_ATTRS = ( ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, ) def get_accessory( # noqa: C901 hass: HomeAssistant, driver: HomeDriver, state: State, aid: int | None, config: dict ) -> HomeAccessory | None: """Take state and return an accessory object if supported.""" if not aid: _LOGGER.warning( ( 'The entity "%s" is not supported, since it ' "generates an invalid aid, please change it" ), state.entity_id, ) return None a_type = None name = config.get(CONF_NAME, state.name) features = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if state.domain == "alarm_control_panel": a_type = "SecuritySystem" elif state.domain in ("binary_sensor", "device_tracker", "person"): a_type = "BinarySensor" elif state.domain == "climate": a_type = "Thermostat" elif state.domain == "cover": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if device_class in ( CoverDeviceClass.GARAGE, CoverDeviceClass.GATE, ) and features & (CoverEntityFeature.OPEN | CoverEntityFeature.CLOSE): a_type = "GarageDoorOpener" elif ( device_class == CoverDeviceClass.WINDOW and features & CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION ): a_type = "Window" elif ( device_class == CoverDeviceClass.DOOR and features & CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION ): a_type = "Door" elif features & CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION: a_type = "WindowCovering" elif features & (CoverEntityFeature.OPEN | CoverEntityFeature.CLOSE): a_type = "WindowCoveringBasic" elif features & CoverEntityFeature.SET_TILT_POSITION: # WindowCovering and WindowCoveringBasic both support tilt # only WindowCovering can handle the covers that are missing # CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION, CoverEntityFeature.OPEN, # and CoverEntityFeature.CLOSE a_type = "WindowCovering" elif state.domain == "fan": a_type = "Fan" elif state.domain == "humidifier": a_type = "HumidifierDehumidifier" elif state.domain == "light": a_type = "Light" elif state.domain == "lock": a_type = "Lock" elif state.domain == "media_player": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) feature_list = config.get(CONF_FEATURE_LIST, []) if device_class == MediaPlayerDeviceClass.RECEIVER: a_type = "ReceiverMediaPlayer" elif device_class == MediaPlayerDeviceClass.TV: a_type = "TelevisionMediaPlayer" elif validate_media_player_features(state, feature_list): a_type = "MediaPlayer" elif state.domain == "sensor": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) unit = state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) if device_class == SensorDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE or unit in ( UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS, UnitOfTemperature.FAHRENHEIT, ): a_type = "TemperatureSensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.HUMIDITY and unit == PERCENTAGE: a_type = "HumiditySensor" elif ( device_class == SensorDeviceClass.PM10 or SensorDeviceClass.PM10 in state.entity_id ): a_type = "PM10Sensor" elif ( device_class == SensorDeviceClass.PM25 or SensorDeviceClass.PM25 in state.entity_id ): a_type = "PM25Sensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.NITROGEN_DIOXIDE: a_type = "NitrogenDioxideSensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUNDS: a_type = "VolatileOrganicCompoundsSensor" elif ( device_class == SensorDeviceClass.GAS or SensorDeviceClass.GAS in state.entity_id ): a_type = "AirQualitySensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.CO: a_type = "CarbonMonoxideSensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.CO2 or "co2" in state.entity_id: a_type = "CarbonDioxideSensor" elif device_class == SensorDeviceClass.ILLUMINANCE or unit == LIGHT_LUX: a_type = "LightSensor" elif state.domain == "switch": if switch_type := config.get(CONF_TYPE): a_type = SWITCH_TYPES[switch_type] elif state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == SwitchDeviceClass.OUTLET: a_type = "Outlet" else: a_type = "Switch" elif state.domain == "valve": a_type = "Valve" elif state.domain == "vacuum": a_type = "Vacuum" elif state.domain == "remote" and features & RemoteEntityFeature.ACTIVITY: a_type = "ActivityRemote" elif state.domain in ( "automation", "button", "input_boolean", "input_button", "remote", "scene", "script", ): a_type = "Switch" elif state.domain in ("input_select", "select"): a_type = "SelectSwitch" elif state.domain == "water_heater": a_type = "WaterHeater" elif state.domain == "camera": a_type = "Camera" if a_type is None: return None _LOGGER.debug('Add "%s" as "%s"', state.entity_id, a_type) return TYPES[a_type](hass, driver, name, state.entity_id, aid, config) class HomeAccessory(Accessory): # type: ignore[misc] """Adapter class for Accessory.""" driver: HomeDriver def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, driver: HomeDriver, name: str, entity_id: str, aid: int, config: dict[str, Any], *args: Any, category: int = CATEGORY_OTHER, device_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize a Accessory object.""" super().__init__( driver=driver, display_name=cleanup_name_for_homekit(name), aid=aid, iid_manager=HomeIIDManager(driver.iid_storage), *args, # noqa: B026 **kwargs, ) self._reload_on_change_attrs = list(RELOAD_ON_CHANGE_ATTRS) self.config = config or {} if device_id: self.device_id: str | None = device_id serial_number = device_id domain = None else: self.device_id = None serial_number = entity_id domain = split_entity_id(entity_id)[0].replace("_", " ") if self.config.get(ATTR_MANUFACTURER) is not None: manufacturer = str(self.config[ATTR_MANUFACTURER]) elif self.config.get(ATTR_INTEGRATION) is not None: manufacturer = self.config[ATTR_INTEGRATION].replace("_", " ").title() elif domain: manufacturer = f"{MANUFACTURER} {domain}".title() else: manufacturer = MANUFACTURER if self.config.get(ATTR_MODEL) is not None: model = str(self.config[ATTR_MODEL]) elif domain: model = domain.title() else: model = MANUFACTURER sw_version = None if self.config.get(ATTR_SW_VERSION) is not None: sw_version = format_version(self.config[ATTR_SW_VERSION]) if sw_version is None: sw_version = format_version(__version__) assert sw_version is not None hw_version = None if self.config.get(ATTR_HW_VERSION) is not None: hw_version = format_version(self.config[ATTR_HW_VERSION]) self.set_info_service( manufacturer=manufacturer[:MAX_MANUFACTURER_LENGTH], model=model[:MAX_MODEL_LENGTH], serial_number=serial_number[:MAX_SERIAL_LENGTH], firmware_revision=sw_version[:MAX_VERSION_LENGTH], ) if hw_version: serv_info = self.get_service(SERV_ACCESSORY_INFO) char = self.driver.loader.get_char(CHAR_HARDWARE_REVISION) serv_info.add_characteristic(char) serv_info.configure_char( CHAR_HARDWARE_REVISION, value=hw_version[:MAX_VERSION_LENGTH] ) char.broker = self self.iid_manager.assign(char) self.category = category self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self._subscriptions: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] if device_id: return self._char_battery = None self._char_charging = None self._char_low_battery = None self.linked_battery_sensor = self.config.get(CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR) self.linked_battery_charging_sensor = self.config.get( CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR ) self.low_battery_threshold = self.config.get( CONF_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD ) """Add battery service if available""" state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) self._update_available_from_state(state) assert state is not None entity_attributes = state.attributes battery_found = entity_attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if self.linked_battery_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_sensor) if state is not None: battery_found = state.state else: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Battery sensor state missing: %s", self.entity_id, self.linked_battery_sensor, ) self.linked_battery_sensor = None if not battery_found: return _LOGGER.debug("%s: Found battery level", self.entity_id) if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_charging_sensor) if state is None: self.linked_battery_charging_sensor = None _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Battery charging binary_sensor state missing: %s", self.entity_id, self.linked_battery_charging_sensor, ) else: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Found battery charging", self.entity_id) serv_battery = self.add_preload_service(SERV_BATTERY_SERVICE) self._char_battery = serv_battery.configure_char(CHAR_BATTERY_LEVEL, value=0) self._char_charging = serv_battery.configure_char( CHAR_CHARGING_STATE, value=HK_NOT_CHARGABLE ) self._char_low_battery = serv_battery.configure_char( CHAR_STATUS_LOW_BATTERY, value=0 ) def _update_available_from_state(self, new_state: State | None) -> None: """Update the available property based on the state.""" self._available = new_state is not None and new_state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return if accessory is available.""" return self._available @ha_callback @pyhap_callback # type: ignore[misc] def run(self) -> None: """Handle accessory driver started event.""" if state := self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id): self.async_update_state_callback(state) self._update_available_from_state(state) self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.entity_id], self.async_update_event_state_callback, job_type=HassJobType.Callback, ) ) battery_charging_state = None battery_state = None if self.linked_battery_sensor and ( linked_battery_sensor_state := self.hass.states.get( self.linked_battery_sensor ) ): battery_state = linked_battery_sensor_state.state battery_charging_state = linked_battery_sensor_state.attributes.get( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING ) self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.linked_battery_sensor], self.async_update_linked_battery_callback, job_type=HassJobType.Callback, ) ) elif state is not None: battery_state = state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_charging_sensor) battery_charging_state = state and state.state == STATE_ON self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.linked_battery_charging_sensor], self.async_update_linked_battery_charging_callback, job_type=HassJobType.Callback, ) ) elif battery_charging_state is None and state is not None: battery_charging_state = state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) if battery_state is not None or battery_charging_state is not None: self.async_update_battery(battery_state, battery_charging_state) @ha_callback def async_update_event_state_callback( self, event: Event[EventStateChangedData] ) -> None: """Handle state change event listener callback.""" new_state = event.data["new_state"] old_state = event.data["old_state"] self._update_available_from_state(new_state) if ( new_state and old_state and STATE_UNAVAILABLE not in (old_state.state, new_state.state) ): old_attributes = old_state.attributes new_attributes = new_state.attributes for attr in self._reload_on_change_attrs: if old_attributes.get(attr) != new_attributes.get(attr): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Reloading HomeKit accessory since %s has changed from %s -> %s", self.entity_id, attr, old_attributes.get(attr), new_attributes.get(attr), ) self.async_reload() return self.async_update_state_callback(new_state) @ha_callback def async_update_state_callback(self, new_state: State | None) -> None: """Handle state change listener callback.""" _LOGGER.debug("New_state: %s", new_state) # HomeKit handles unavailable state via the available property # so we should not propagate it here if new_state is None or new_state.state in (STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN): return battery_state = None battery_charging_state = None if ( not self.linked_battery_sensor and ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL in new_state.attributes ): battery_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if ( not self.linked_battery_charging_sensor and ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING in new_state.attributes ): battery_charging_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) if battery_state is not None or battery_charging_state is not None: self.async_update_battery(battery_state, battery_charging_state) self.async_update_state(new_state) @ha_callback def async_update_linked_battery_callback( self, event: Event[EventStateChangedData] ) -> None: """Handle linked battery sensor state change listener callback.""" if (new_state := event.data["new_state"]) is None: return if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: battery_charging_state = None else: battery_charging_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) self.async_update_battery(new_state.state, battery_charging_state) @ha_callback def async_update_linked_battery_charging_callback( self, event: Event[EventStateChangedData] ) -> None: """Handle linked battery charging sensor state change listener callback.""" if (new_state := event.data["new_state"]) is None: return self.async_update_battery(None, new_state.state == STATE_ON) @ha_callback def async_update_battery(self, battery_level: Any, battery_charging: Any) -> None: """Update battery service if available. Only call this function if self._support_battery_level is True. """ if not self._char_battery or not self._char_low_battery: # Battery appeared after homekit was started return battery_level = convert_to_float(battery_level) if battery_level is not None: if self._char_battery.value != battery_level: self._char_battery.set_value(battery_level) is_low_battery = 1 if battery_level < self.low_battery_threshold else 0 if self._char_low_battery.value != is_low_battery: self._char_low_battery.set_value(is_low_battery) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Updated battery level to %d", self.entity_id, battery_level ) # Charging state can appear after homekit was started if battery_charging is None or not self._char_charging: return hk_charging = HK_CHARGING if battery_charging else HK_NOT_CHARGING if self._char_charging.value != hk_charging: self._char_charging.set_value(hk_charging) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Updated battery charging to %d", self.entity_id, hk_charging ) @ha_callback def async_update_state(self, new_state: State) -> None: """Handle state change to update HomeKit value. Overridden by accessory types. """ raise NotImplementedError @ha_callback def async_call_service( self, domain: str, service: str, service_data: dict[str, Any] | None, value: Any | None = None, ) -> None: """Fire event and call service for changes from HomeKit.""" event_data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME: self.display_name, ATTR_SERVICE: service, ATTR_VALUE: value, } context = Context() self.hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, event_data, context=context) self.hass.async_create_task( self.hass.services.async_call( domain, service, service_data, context=context ), eager_start=True, ) @ha_callback def async_reload(self) -> None: """Reload and recreate an accessory and update the c# value in the mDNS record.""" async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_RELOAD_ENTITIES.format(self.driver.entry_id), (self.entity_id,), ) @ha_callback def async_stop(self) -> None: """Cancel any subscriptions when the bridge is stopped.""" while self._subscriptions: self._subscriptions.pop(0)() async def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the accessory. This is overrides the parent class to call async_stop since pyhap will call this function to stop the accessory but we want to use our async_stop method since we need it to be a callback to avoid races in reloading accessories. """ self.async_stop() class HomeBridge(Bridge): # type: ignore[misc] """Adapter class for Bridge.""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, driver: HomeDriver, name: str) -> None: """Initialize a Bridge object.""" super().__init__(driver, name, iid_manager=HomeIIDManager(driver.iid_storage)) self.set_info_service( firmware_revision=format_version(__version__), manufacturer=MANUFACTURER, model=BRIDGE_MODEL, serial_number=BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER, ) self.hass = hass def setup_message(self) -> None: """Prevent print of pyhap setup message to terminal.""" async def async_get_snapshot(self, info: dict) -> bytes: """Get snapshot from accessory if supported.""" if (acc := self.accessories.get(info["aid"])) is None: raise ValueError("Requested snapshot for missing accessory") if not hasattr(acc, "async_get_snapshot"): raise ValueError( "Got a request for snapshot, but the Accessory " 'does not define a "async_get_snapshot" method' ) return cast(bytes, await acc.async_get_snapshot(info)) class HomeDriver(AccessoryDriver): # type: ignore[misc] """Adapter class for AccessoryDriver.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry_id: str, bridge_name: str, entry_title: str, iid_storage: AccessoryIIDStorage, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize a AccessoryDriver object.""" # Always set an empty mac of pyhap will incur # the cost of generating a new one for every driver super().__init__(**kwargs, mac=EMPTY_MAC) self.hass = hass self.entry_id = entry_id self._bridge_name = bridge_name self._entry_title = entry_title self.iid_storage = iid_storage @pyhap_callback # type: ignore[misc] def pair( self, client_username_bytes: bytes, client_public: str, client_permissions: int ) -> bool: """Override super function to dismiss setup message if paired.""" success = super().pair(client_username_bytes, client_public, client_permissions) if success: async_dismiss_setup_message(self.hass, self.entry_id) return cast(bool, success) @pyhap_callback # type: ignore[misc] def unpair(self, client_uuid: UUID) -> None: """Override super function to show setup message if unpaired.""" super().unpair(client_uuid) if self.state.paired: return async_show_setup_message( self.hass, self.entry_id, accessory_friendly_name(self._entry_title, self.accessory), self.state.pincode, self.accessory.xhm_uri(), ) class HomeIIDManager(IIDManager): # type: ignore[misc] """IID Manager that remembers IIDs between restarts.""" def __init__(self, iid_storage: AccessoryIIDStorage) -> None: """Initialize a IIDManager object.""" super().__init__() self._iid_storage = iid_storage def get_iid_for_obj(self, obj: Characteristic | Service) -> int: """Get IID for object.""" aid = obj.broker.aid if isinstance(obj, Characteristic): service: Service = obj.service iid = self._iid_storage.get_or_allocate_iid( aid, service.type_id, service.unique_id, obj.type_id, obj.unique_id ) else: iid = self._iid_storage.get_or_allocate_iid( aid, obj.type_id, obj.unique_id, None, None ) if iid in self.objs: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot assign IID {iid} to {obj} as it is already in use by:" f" {self.objs[iid]}" ) return iid