{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_service%]" }, "error": { "not_dir": "Configured path is not a directory", "not_readable_dir": "Configured path is not readable", "not_allowed_dir": "Configured path is not in allowlist" }, "step": { "user": { "data": { "folder": "Path to the watched folder", "patterns": "Pattern(s) to monitor" }, "data_description": { "folder": "Path needs to be from root, as example `/config`", "patterns": "Example: `*.yaml` to only see yaml files" } } } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "patterns": "[%key:component::folder_watcher::config::step::user::data::patterns%]" }, "data_description": { "patterns": "[%key:component::folder_watcher::config::step::user::data_description::patterns%]" } } } }, "issues": { "import_failed_not_allowed_path": { "title": "The Folder Watcher YAML configuration could not be imported", "description": "Configuring Folder Watcher using YAML is being removed but your configuration could not be imported as the folder {path} is not in the configured allowlist.\n\nPlease add it to `{config_variable}` in config.yaml and restart Home Assistant to import it and fix this issue." }, "setup_not_allowed_path": { "title": "The Folder Watcher configuration for {path} could not start", "description": "The path {path} is not accessible or not allowed to be accessed.\n\nPlease check the path is accessible and add it to `{config_variable}` in config.yaml and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue." } }, "entity": { "sensor": { "folder_watcher": { "state_attributes": { "event_type": { "name": "Event type" }, "path": { "name": "Path" }, "file": { "name": "File" }, "folder": { "name": "Folder" }, "dest_path": { "name": "Destination path" }, "dest_file": { "name": "Destination file" }, "dest_folder": { "name": "Destination folder" } } } } } }