"""Constants used in shark iq tests.""" from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_REGION, CONF_USERNAME # Dummy device dict of the form returned by AylaApi.list_devices() SHARK_DEVICE_DICT = { "product_name": "Sharknado", "model": "AY001MRT1", "dsn": "AC000Wxxxxxxxxx", "oem_model": "RV1000A", "sw_version": "devd 1.7 2020-05-13 11:50:36", "template_id": 99999, "mac": "ffffffffffff", "unique_hardware_id": None, "lan_ip": "", "connected_at": "2020-07-31T08:03:05Z", "key": 26517570, "lan_enabled": False, "has_properties": True, "product_class": None, "connection_status": "Online", "lat": "99.9999", "lng": "-99.9999", "locality": "99999", "device_type": "Wifi", } # Dummy response for get_metadata SHARK_METADATA_DICT = [ { "datum": { "created_at": "2019-12-02T02:13:12Z", "from_template": False, "key": "sharkDeviceMobileData", "updated_at": "2019-12-02T02:13:12Z", "value": '{"vacModelNumber":"RV1001AE","vacSerialNumber":"S26xxxxxxxxx"}', "dsn": "AC000Wxxxxxxxxx", } } ] # Dummy shark.properties_full for testing. NB: this only includes those properties in the tests SHARK_PROPERTIES_DICT = { "Battery_Capacity": {"base_type": "integer", "read_only": True, "value": 50}, "Charging_Status": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 0}, "CleanComplete": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 0}, "Cleaning_Statistics": {"base_type": "file", "read_only": True, "value": None}, "DockedStatus": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 0}, "Error_Code": {"base_type": "integer", "read_only": True, "value": 7}, "Evacuating": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 1}, "Find_Device": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": False, "value": 0}, "LowLightMission": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 0}, "Nav_Module_FW_Version": { "base_type": "string", "read_only": True, "value": "V3.4.11-20191015", }, "Operating_Mode": {"base_type": "integer", "read_only": False, "value": 2}, "Power_Mode": {"base_type": "integer", "read_only": False, "value": 1}, "RSSI": {"base_type": "integer", "read_only": True, "value": -46}, "Recharge_Resume": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": False, "value": 1}, "Recharging_To_Resume": {"base_type": "boolean", "read_only": True, "value": 0}, "Robot_Firmware_Version": { "base_type": "string", "read_only": True, "value": "Dummy Firmware 1.0", }, } TEST_USERNAME = "test-username" TEST_PASSWORD = "test-password" TEST_REGION = "elsewhere" UNIQUE_ID = "foo@bar.com" CONFIG = { CONF_USERNAME: TEST_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD: TEST_PASSWORD, CONF_REGION: TEST_REGION, } ENTRY_ID = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"