"""The climate tests for the venstar integration.""" from unittest.mock import patch from homeassistant.components.climate import ClimateEntityFeature from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from .util import async_init_integration, mock_venstar_devices EXPECTED_BASE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = ( ClimateEntityFeature.TARGET_TEMPERATURE | ClimateEntityFeature.FAN_MODE | ClimateEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE ) @mock_venstar_devices async def test_colortouch(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test interfacing with a venstar colortouch with attached humidifier.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.venstar.VENSTAR_SLEEP", new=0): await async_init_integration(hass) state = hass.states.get("climate.colortouch") assert state.state == "heat" expected_attributes = { "hvac_modes": ["heat", "cool", "off", "auto"], "min_temp": 7, "max_temp": 35, "min_humidity": 0, "max_humidity": 60, "fan_modes": ["on", "auto"], "preset_modes": ["none", "away", "temperature"], "current_temperature": 21.0, "temperature": 20.5, "current_humidity": 41, "humidity": 30, "fan_mode": "auto", "hvac_action": "idle", "preset_mode": "temperature", "fan_state": 0, "hvac_mode": 0, "friendly_name": "COLORTOUCH", "supported_features": EXPECTED_BASE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES | ClimateEntityFeature.TARGET_HUMIDITY, } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears assert all(item in state.attributes.items() for item in expected_attributes.items()) @mock_venstar_devices async def test_t2000(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test interfacing with a venstar T2000 presently turned off.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.venstar.VENSTAR_SLEEP", new=0): await async_init_integration(hass) state = hass.states.get("climate.t2000") assert state.state == "off" expected_attributes = { "hvac_modes": ["heat", "cool", "off", "auto"], "min_temp": 7, "max_temp": 35, "fan_modes": ["on", "auto"], "preset_modes": ["none", "away", "temperature"], "current_temperature": 14.0, "temperature": None, "fan_mode": "auto", "hvac_action": "idle", "preset_mode": "temperature", "fan_state": 0, "hvac_mode": 0, "friendly_name": "T2000", "supported_features": EXPECTED_BASE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears assert all(item in state.attributes.items() for item in expected_attributes.items())