{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Device is already configured", "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect", "duplicate_persistence_file": "Persistence file already in use", "duplicate_topic": "Topic already in use", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "invalid_device": "Invalid device", "invalid_ip": "Invalid IP address", "invalid_persistence_file": "Invalid persistence file", "invalid_port": "Invalid port number", "invalid_publish_topic": "Invalid publish topic", "invalid_serial": "Invalid serial port", "invalid_subscribe_topic": "Invalid subscribe topic", "invalid_version": "Invalid MySensors version", "mqtt_required": "The MQTT integration is not set up", "not_a_number": "Please enter a number", "port_out_of_range": "Port number must be at least 1 and at most 65535", "same_topic": "Subscribe and publish topics are the same", "unknown": "Unexpected error" }, "error": { "already_configured": "Device is already configured", "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect", "duplicate_persistence_file": "Persistence file already in use", "duplicate_topic": "Topic already in use", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "invalid_device": "Invalid device", "invalid_ip": "Invalid IP address", "invalid_persistence_file": "Invalid persistence file", "invalid_port": "Invalid port number", "invalid_publish_topic": "Invalid publish topic", "invalid_serial": "Invalid serial port", "invalid_subscribe_topic": "Invalid subscribe topic", "invalid_version": "Invalid MySensors version", "mqtt_required": "The MQTT integration is not set up", "not_a_number": "Please enter a number", "port_out_of_range": "Port number must be at least 1 and at most 65535", "same_topic": "Subscribe and publish topics are the same", "unknown": "Unexpected error" }, "step": { "gw_mqtt": { "data": { "persistence_file": "persistence file (leave empty to auto-generate)", "retain": "mqtt retain", "topic_in_prefix": "prefix for input topics (topic_in_prefix)", "topic_out_prefix": "prefix for output topics (topic_out_prefix)", "version": "MySensors version" }, "description": "MQTT gateway setup" }, "gw_serial": { "data": { "baud_rate": "baud rate", "device": "Serial port", "persistence_file": "persistence file (leave empty to auto-generate)", "version": "MySensors version" }, "description": "Serial gateway setup" }, "gw_tcp": { "data": { "device": "IP address of the gateway", "persistence_file": "persistence file (leave empty to auto-generate)", "tcp_port": "port", "version": "MySensors version" }, "description": "Ethernet gateway setup" }, "select_gateway_type": { "description": "Select which gateway to configure.", "menu_options": { "gw_mqtt": "Configure an MQTT gateway", "gw_serial": "Configure a serial gateway", "gw_tcp": "Configure a TCP gateway" } }, "user": { "data": { "gateway_type": "Gateway type" }, "description": "Choose connection method to the gateway" } } } }