"""Describe hue logbook events.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from homeassistant.components.logbook import LOGBOOK_ENTRY_MESSAGE, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME from homeassistant.const import CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_EVENT, CONF_ID, CONF_TYPE from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from .const import ATTR_HUE_EVENT, CONF_SUBTYPE, DOMAIN TRIGGER_SUBTYPE = { "button_1": "first button", "button_2": "second button", "button_3": "third button", "button_4": "fourth button", "double_buttons_1_3": "first and third buttons", "double_buttons_2_4": "second and fourth buttons", "dim_down": "dim down", "dim_up": "dim up", "turn_off": "turn off", "turn_on": "turn on", "1": "first button", "2": "second button", "3": "third button", "4": "fourth button", "clock_wise": "Rotation clockwise", "counter_clock_wise": "Rotation counter-clockwise", } TRIGGER_TYPE = { "remote_button_long_release": "{subtype} released after long press", "remote_button_short_press": "{subtype} pressed", "remote_button_short_release": "{subtype} released", "remote_double_button_long_press": "both {subtype} released after long press", "remote_double_button_short_press": "both {subtype} released", "initial_press": "{subtype} pressed initially", "repeat": "{subtype} held down", "short_release": "{subtype} released after short press", "long_release": "{subtype} released after long press", "double_short_release": "both {subtype} released", "start": '"{subtype}" pressed initially', } UNKNOWN_TYPE = "unknown type" UNKNOWN_SUB_TYPE = "unknown sub type" @callback def async_describe_events( hass: HomeAssistant, async_describe_event: Callable[[str, str, Callable[[Event], dict[str, str]]], None], ) -> None: """Describe hue logbook events.""" @callback def async_describe_hue_event(event: Event) -> dict[str, str]: """Describe hue logbook event.""" data = event.data name: str | None = None if dev_ent := dr.async_get(hass).async_get(data[CONF_DEVICE_ID]): name = dev_ent.name if name is None: name = data[CONF_ID] if CONF_TYPE in data: # v2 subtype = TRIGGER_SUBTYPE.get(str(data[CONF_SUBTYPE]), UNKNOWN_SUB_TYPE) message = TRIGGER_TYPE.get(data[CONF_TYPE], UNKNOWN_TYPE).format( subtype=subtype ) else: message = f"Event {data[CONF_EVENT]}" # v1 return { LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME: name, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_MESSAGE: message, } async_describe_event(DOMAIN, ATTR_HUE_EVENT, async_describe_hue_event)