Support for Alexa skill service end point.

For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
import copy
import enum
import logging
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.const import HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
from homeassistant.helpers import template, script, config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

FLASH_BRIEFINGS_API_ENDPOINT = '/api/alexa/flash_briefings/{briefing_id}'

CONF_ACTION = 'action'
CONF_CARD = 'card'
CONF_INTENTS = 'intents'
CONF_SPEECH = 'speech'

CONF_TYPE = 'type'
CONF_TITLE = 'title'
CONF_CONTENT = 'content'
CONF_TEXT = 'text'

CONF_FLASH_BRIEFINGS = 'flash_briefings'
CONF_UID = 'uid'
CONF_DATE = 'date'
CONF_TITLE = 'title'
CONF_AUDIO = 'audio'
CONF_TEXT = 'text'
CONF_DISPLAY_URL = 'display_url'

ATTR_UID = 'uid'
ATTR_UPDATE_DATE = 'updateDate'
ATTR_TITLE_TEXT = 'titleText'
ATTR_STREAM_URL = 'streamUrl'
ATTR_MAIN_TEXT = 'mainText'

DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0Z'

DOMAIN = 'alexa'

class SpeechType(enum.Enum):
    """The Alexa speech types."""

    plaintext = "PlainText"
    ssml = "SSML"

class CardType(enum.Enum):
    """The Alexa card types."""

    simple = "Simple"
    link_account = "LinkAccount"

CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
    DOMAIN: {
        CONF_INTENTS: {
            cv.string: {
                vol.Optional(CONF_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA,
                vol.Optional(CONF_CARD): {
                    vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): cv.enum(CardType),
                    vol.Required(CONF_TITLE): cv.template,
                    vol.Required(CONF_CONTENT): cv.template,
                vol.Optional(CONF_SPEECH): {
                    vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): cv.enum(SpeechType),
                    vol.Required(CONF_TEXT): cv.template,
            cv.string: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [{
                vol.Required(CONF_UID, default=str(uuid.uuid4())): cv.string,
                vol.Optional(CONF_DATE, default=datetime.utcnow()): cv.string,
                vol.Required(CONF_TITLE): cv.template,
                vol.Optional(CONF_AUDIO): cv.template,
                vol.Required(CONF_TEXT, default=""): cv.template,
                vol.Optional(CONF_DISPLAY_URL): cv.template,
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

def setup(hass, config):
    """Activate Alexa component."""
    intents = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_INTENTS, {})
    flash_briefings = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_FLASH_BRIEFINGS, {})

    hass.http.register_view(AlexaIntentsView(hass, intents))
    hass.http.register_view(AlexaFlashBriefingView(hass, flash_briefings))

    return True

class AlexaIntentsView(HomeAssistantView):
    """Handle Alexa requests."""

    name = 'api:alexa'

    def __init__(self, hass, intents):
        """Initialize Alexa view."""

        intents = copy.deepcopy(intents)
        template.attach(hass, intents)

        for name, intent in intents.items():
            if CONF_ACTION in intent:
                intent[CONF_ACTION] = script.Script(
                    hass, intent[CONF_ACTION], "Alexa intent {}".format(name))

        self.intents = intents

    def post(self, request):
        """Handle Alexa."""
        data = yield from request.json()

        _LOGGER.debug('Received Alexa request: %s', data)

        req = data.get('request')

        if req is None:
            _LOGGER.error('Received invalid data from Alexa: %s', data)
            return self.json_message('Expected request value not received',

        req_type = req['type']

        if req_type == 'SessionEndedRequest':
            return None

        intent = req.get('intent')
        response = AlexaResponse(self.hass, intent)

        if req_type == 'LaunchRequest':
                "Hello, and welcome to the future. How may I help?")
            return self.json(response)

        if req_type != 'IntentRequest':
            _LOGGER.warning('Received unsupported request: %s', req_type)
            return self.json_message(
                'Received unsupported request: {}'.format(req_type),

        intent_name = intent['name']
        config = self.intents.get(intent_name)

        if config is None:
            _LOGGER.warning('Received unknown intent %s', intent_name)
                "This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant.")
            return self.json(response)

        speech = config.get(CONF_SPEECH)
        card = config.get(CONF_CARD)
        action = config.get(CONF_ACTION)

        if action is not None:
            yield from action.async_run(response.variables)

        # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
        if speech is not None:
            response.add_speech(speech[CONF_TYPE], speech[CONF_TEXT])

        if card is not None:
            response.add_card(card[CONF_TYPE], card[CONF_TITLE],

        return self.json(response)

class AlexaResponse(object):
    """Help generating the response for Alexa."""

    def __init__(self, hass, intent=None):
        """Initialize the response."""
        self.hass = hass
        self.speech = None
        self.card = None
        self.reprompt = None
        self.session_attributes = {}
        self.should_end_session = True
        if intent is not None and 'slots' in intent:
            self.variables = {key: value['value'] for key, value
                              in intent['slots'].items() if 'value' in value}
            self.variables = {}

    def add_card(self, card_type, title, content):
        """Add a card to the response."""
        assert self.card is None

        card = {
            "type": card_type.value

        if card_type == CardType.link_account:
            self.card = card

        card["title"] = title.async_render(self.variables)
        card["content"] = content.async_render(self.variables)
        self.card = card

    def add_speech(self, speech_type, text):
        """Add speech to the response."""
        assert self.speech is None

        key = 'ssml' if speech_type == SpeechType.ssml else 'text'

        if isinstance(text, template.Template):
            text = text.async_render(self.variables)

        self.speech = {
            'type': speech_type.value,
            key: text

    def add_reprompt(self, speech_type, text):
        """Add reprompt if user does not answer."""
        assert self.reprompt is None

        key = 'ssml' if speech_type == SpeechType.ssml else 'text'

        self.reprompt = {
            'type': speech_type.value,
            key: text.async_render(self.variables)

    def as_dict(self):
        """Return response in an Alexa valid dict."""
        response = {
            'shouldEndSession': self.should_end_session

        if self.card is not None:
            response['card'] = self.card

        if self.speech is not None:
            response['outputSpeech'] = self.speech

        if self.reprompt is not None:
            response['reprompt'] = {
                'outputSpeech': self.reprompt

        return {
            'version': '1.0',
            'sessionAttributes': self.session_attributes,
            'response': response,

class AlexaFlashBriefingView(HomeAssistantView):
    """Handle Alexa Flash Briefing skill requests."""

    name = 'api:alexa:flash_briefings'

    def __init__(self, hass, flash_briefings):
        """Initialize Alexa view."""
        self.flash_briefings = copy.deepcopy(flash_briefings)
        template.attach(hass, self.flash_briefings)

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    def get(self, request, briefing_id):
        """Handle Alexa Flash Briefing request."""
        _LOGGER.debug('Received Alexa flash briefing request for: %s',

        if self.flash_briefings.get(briefing_id) is None:
            err = 'No configured Alexa flash briefing was found for: %s'
            _LOGGER.error(err, briefing_id)
            return b'', 404

        briefing = []

        for item in self.flash_briefings.get(briefing_id, []):
            output = {}
            if item.get(CONF_TITLE) is not None:
                if isinstance(item.get(CONF_TITLE), template.Template):
                    output[ATTR_TITLE_TEXT] = item[CONF_TITLE].async_render()
                    output[ATTR_TITLE_TEXT] = item.get(CONF_TITLE)

            if item.get(CONF_TEXT) is not None:
                if isinstance(item.get(CONF_TEXT), template.Template):
                    output[ATTR_MAIN_TEXT] = item[CONF_TEXT].async_render()
                    output[ATTR_MAIN_TEXT] = item.get(CONF_TEXT)

            if item.get(CONF_UID) is not None:
                output[ATTR_UID] = item.get(CONF_UID)

            if item.get(CONF_AUDIO) is not None:
                if isinstance(item.get(CONF_AUDIO), template.Template):
                    output[ATTR_STREAM_URL] = item[CONF_AUDIO].async_render()
                    output[ATTR_STREAM_URL] = item.get(CONF_AUDIO)

            if item.get(CONF_DISPLAY_URL) is not None:
                if isinstance(item.get(CONF_DISPLAY_URL),
                    output[ATTR_REDIRECTION_URL] = \
                    output[ATTR_REDIRECTION_URL] = item.get(CONF_DISPLAY_URL)

            if isinstance(item[CONF_DATE], str):
                item[CONF_DATE] = dt_util.parse_datetime(item[CONF_DATE])

            output[ATTR_UPDATE_DATE] = item[CONF_DATE].strftime(DATE_FORMAT)


        return self.json(briefing)