"""Test the Z-Wave JS services.""" from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch import pytest import voluptuous as vol from zwave_js_server.exceptions import SetValueFailed from homeassistant.components.zwave_js.const import ( ATTR_BROADCAST, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE, ATTR_OPTIONS, ATTR_PROPERTY, ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY, ATTR_REFRESH_ALL_VALUES, ATTR_VALUE, ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT, DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, SERVICE_PING, SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import ( async_entries_for_config_entry, async_get as async_get_dev_reg, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_get as async_get_ent_reg from .common import ( AEON_SMART_SWITCH_LIGHT_ENTITY, AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, BULB_6_MULTI_COLOR_LIGHT_ENTITY, CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, CLIMATE_EUROTRONICS_SPIRIT_Z_ENTITY, CLIMATE_RADIO_THERMOSTAT_ENTITY, ) from tests.common import MockConfigEntry async def test_set_config_parameter(hass, client, multisensor_6, integration): """Test the set_config_parameter service.""" dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) ent_reg = async_get_ent_reg(hass) entity_entry = ent_reg.async_get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) # Test setting config parameter by property and property_key await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: 1, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test setting config parameter value in hex await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: 1, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: "0x1", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test setting parameter by property name await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: "Group 2: Send battery reports", ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test setting parameter by property name and state label await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: entity_entry.device_id, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: "Temperature Threshold (Unit)", ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: "Fahrenheit", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 41, "propertyName": "Temperature Threshold (Unit)", "propertyKey": 15, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 3, "min": 1, "max": 2, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": False, "states": {"1": "Celsius", "2": "Fahrenheit"}, "label": "Temperature Threshold (Unit)", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test setting parameter by property and bitmask await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: "0x01", ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test that we can't include a bitmask value if parameter is a string with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: entity_entry.device_id, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: "Temperature Threshold (Unit)", ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: 1, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: "Fahrenheit", }, blocking=True, ) non_zwave_js_config_entry = MockConfigEntry(entry_id="fake_entry_id") non_zwave_js_config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) non_zwave_js_device = dev_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=non_zwave_js_config_entry.entry_id, identifiers={("test", "test")}, ) zwave_js_device_with_invalid_node_id = dev_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=integration.entry_id, identifiers={(DOMAIN, "500-500")} ) non_zwave_js_entity = ent_reg.async_get_or_create( "test", "sensor", "test_sensor", suggested_object_id="test_sensor", config_entry=non_zwave_js_config_entry, ) # Test that a Z-Wave JS device with an invalid node ID, non Z-Wave JS entity, # non Z-Wave JS device, invalid device_id, and invalid node_id gets filtered out. await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, non_zwave_js_entity.entity_id, "sensor.fake", ], ATTR_DEVICE_ID: [ zwave_js_device_with_invalid_node_id.id, non_zwave_js_device.id, "fake_device_id", ], ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: "0x01", ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test that when a device is awake, we call async_send_command instead of # async_send_command_no_wait multisensor_6.handle_wake_up(None) await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER_BITMASK: 1, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Configuration", "commandClass": 112, "endpoint": 0, "property": 102, "propertyName": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "propertyKey": 1, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "valueSize": 4, "min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 1, "format": 0, "allowManualEntry": True, "label": "Group 2: Send battery reports", "description": "Include battery information in periodic reports to Group 2", "isFromConfig": True, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 1 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() async def test_bulk_set_config_parameters(hass, client, multisensor_6, integration): """Test the bulk_set_partial_config_parameters service.""" dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) device = async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, integration.entry_id)[0] # Test setting config parameter by property and property_key await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: device.id, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: 241, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 112, "property": 102, } assert args["value"] == 241 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: { 1: 1, 16: 1, 32: 1, 64: 1, 128: 1, }, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 112, "property": 102, } assert args["value"] == 241 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test using hex values for config parameter values await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: { 1: "0x1", 16: "0x1", 32: "0x1", 64: "0x1", 128: "0x1", }, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 112, "property": 102, } assert args["value"] == 241 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: { "0x1": 1, "0x10": 1, "0x20": 1, "0x40": 1, "0x80": 1, }, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 112, "property": 102, } assert args["value"] == 241 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test that when a device is awake, we call async_send_command instead of # async_send_command_no_wait multisensor_6.handle_wake_up(None) await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_BULK_SET_PARTIAL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMETER: 102, ATTR_CONFIG_VALUE: { 1: 1, 16: 1, 32: 1, 64: 1, 128: 1, }, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 52 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 112, "property": 102, } assert args["value"] == 241 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() async def test_poll_value( hass, client, climate_radio_thermostat_ct100_plus_different_endpoints, integration ): """Test the poll_value service.""" # Test polling the primary value client.async_send_command.return_value = {"result": 2} await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_RADIO_THERMOSTAT_ENTITY}, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.poll_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 26 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Thermostat Mode", "commandClass": 64, "endpoint": 1, "property": "mode", "propertyName": "mode", "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "min": 0, "max": 255, "label": "Thermostat mode", "states": { "0": "Off", "1": "Heat", "2": "Cool", }, }, "value": 2, "ccVersion": 0, } client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test polling all watched values client.async_send_command.return_value = {"result": 2} await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_RADIO_THERMOSTAT_ENTITY, ATTR_REFRESH_ALL_VALUES: True, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 8 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test polling all watched values using string for boolean client.async_send_command.return_value = {"result": 2} await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_RADIO_THERMOSTAT_ENTITY, ATTR_REFRESH_ALL_VALUES: "true", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 8 # Test polling against an invalid entity raises MultipleInvalid with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH_VALUE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "sensor.fake_entity_id"}, blocking=True, ) async def test_set_value(hass, client, climate_danfoss_lc_13, integration): """Test set_value service.""" dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) device = async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, integration.entry_id)[0] await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 117, ATTR_PROPERTY: "local", ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 5 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Protection", "commandClass": 117, "endpoint": 0, "property": "local", "propertyName": "local", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "label": "Local protection state", "states": {"0": "Unprotected", "2": "NoOperationPossible"}, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test bitmask as value and non bool as bool await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 117, ATTR_PROPERTY: "local", ATTR_VALUE: "0x2", ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT: 1, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 5 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Protection", "commandClass": 117, "endpoint": 0, "property": "local", "propertyName": "local", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "label": "Local protection state", "states": {"0": "Unprotected", "2": "NoOperationPossible"}, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test that when a command fails we raise an exception client.async_send_command.return_value = {"success": False} with pytest.raises(SetValueFailed): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: device.id, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 117, ATTR_PROPERTY: "local", ATTR_VALUE: 2, ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT: True, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == 5 assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClassName": "Protection", "commandClass": 117, "endpoint": 0, "property": "local", "propertyName": "local", "ccVersion": 2, "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "label": "Local protection state", "states": {"0": "Unprotected", "2": "NoOperationPossible"}, }, "value": 0, } assert args["value"] == 2 # Test missing device and entities keys with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 117, ATTR_PROPERTY: "local", ATTR_VALUE: 2, ATTR_WAIT_FOR_RESULT: True, }, blocking=True, ) async def test_set_value_options(hass, client, aeon_smart_switch_6, integration): """Test set_value service with options.""" await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: AEON_SMART_SWITCH_LIGHT_ENTITY, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 37, ATTR_PROPERTY: "targetValue", ATTR_VALUE: 2, ATTR_OPTIONS: {"transitionDuration": 1}, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" assert args["nodeId"] == aeon_smart_switch_6.node_id assert args["valueId"] == { "endpoint": 0, "commandClass": 37, "commandClassName": "Binary Switch", "property": "targetValue", "propertyName": "targetValue", "ccVersion": 1, "metadata": { "type": "boolean", "readable": True, "writeable": True, "label": "Target value", "valueChangeOptions": ["transitionDuration"], }, } assert args["value"] == 2 assert args["options"] == {"transitionDuration": 1} client.async_send_command.reset_mock() async def test_multicast_set_value( hass, client, climate_danfoss_lc_13, climate_eurotronic_spirit_z, integration, ): """Test multicast_set_value service.""" # Test successful multicast call await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, CLIMATE_EUROTRONICS_SPIRIT_Z_ENTITY, ], ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "multicast_group.set_value" assert args["nodeIDs"] == [ climate_eurotronic_spirit_z.node_id, climate_danfoss_lc_13.node_id, ] assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 67, "property": "setpoint", "propertyKey": 1, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test successful multicast call with hex value await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, CLIMATE_EUROTRONICS_SPIRIT_Z_ENTITY, ], ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: "0x2", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "multicast_group.set_value" assert args["nodeIDs"] == [ climate_eurotronic_spirit_z.node_id, climate_danfoss_lc_13.node_id, ] assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 67, "property": "setpoint", "propertyKey": 1, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test successful broadcast call await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_BROADCAST: True, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "broadcast_node.set_value" assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 67, "property": "setpoint", "propertyKey": 1, } assert args["value"] == 2 client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test sending one node without broadcast uses the node.set_value command instead await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command_no_wait.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.set_value" client.async_send_command_no_wait.reset_mock() # Test no device, entity, or broadcast flag raises error with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) # Test that when a command fails we raise an exception client.async_send_command.return_value = {"success": False} with pytest.raises(SetValueFailed): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, CLIMATE_EUROTRONICS_SPIRIT_Z_ENTITY, ], ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) # Create a fake node with a different home ID from a real node and patch it into # return of helper function to check the validation for two nodes having different # home IDs diff_network_node = MagicMock() diff_network_node.client.driver.controller.home_id.return_value = "diff_home_id" with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid), patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.services.async_get_node_from_device_id", return_value=diff_network_node, ): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, ], ATTR_DEVICE_ID: "fake_device_id", ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) # Test that when there are multiple zwave_js config entries, service will fail # without devices or entities new_entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN) new_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_BROADCAST: True, ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 67, ATTR_PROPERTY: "setpoint", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 1, ATTR_VALUE: 2, }, blocking=True, ) async def test_multicast_set_value_options( hass, client, bulb_6_multi_color, light_color_null_values, integration, ): """Test multicast_set_value service with options.""" await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_MULTICAST_SET_VALUE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ BULB_6_MULTI_COLOR_LIGHT_ENTITY, "light.repeater", ], ATTR_COMMAND_CLASS: 51, ATTR_PROPERTY: "targetColor", ATTR_PROPERTY_KEY: 2, ATTR_VALUE: 2, ATTR_OPTIONS: {"transitionDuration": 1}, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "multicast_group.set_value" assert args["nodeIDs"] == [ bulb_6_multi_color.node_id, light_color_null_values.node_id, ] assert args["valueId"] == { "commandClass": 51, "property": "targetColor", "propertyKey": 2, } assert args["value"] == 2 assert args["options"] == {"transitionDuration": 1} client.async_send_command.reset_mock() async def test_ping( hass, client, climate_danfoss_lc_13, climate_radio_thermostat_ct100_plus_different_endpoints, integration, ): """Test ping service.""" client.async_send_command.return_value = {"responded": True} # Test successful ping call await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_PING, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: [ CLIMATE_DANFOSS_LC13_ENTITY, CLIMATE_RADIO_THERMOSTAT_ENTITY, ], }, blocking=True, ) assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 2 args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0] assert args["command"] == "node.ping" assert args["nodeId"] == climate_danfoss_lc_13.node_id client.async_send_command.reset_mock() # Test no device or entity raises error with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_PING, {}, blocking=True, )