"""Support for Z-Wave lights.""" import logging from threading import Timer from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_RGBW_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, COLOR_MODE_BRIGHTNESS, COLOR_MODE_COLOR_TEMP, COLOR_MODE_RGB, COLOR_MODE_RGBW, DOMAIN, SUPPORT_TRANSITION, LightEntity, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from . import CONF_REFRESH_DELAY, CONF_REFRESH_VALUE, ZWaveDeviceEntity, const _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE = 0x01 COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE = 0x02 COLOR_CHANNEL_RED = 0x04 COLOR_CHANNEL_GREEN = 0x08 COLOR_CHANNEL_BLUE = 0x10 # Some bulbs have an independent warm and cool white light LEDs. These need # to be treated differently, aka the zw098 workaround. Ensure these are added # to DEVICE_MAPPINGS below. # (Manufacturer ID, Product ID) from # https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/master/config/manufacturer_specific.xml AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x86, 0x62) AEOTEC_ZWA001_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x371, 0x1) AEOTEC_ZWA002_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x371, 0x2) HANK_HKZW_RGB01_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x208, 0x4) ZIPATO_RGB_BULB_2_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x131, 0x3) WORKAROUND_ZW098 = "zw098" DEVICE_MAPPINGS = { AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098, AEOTEC_ZWA001_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098, AEOTEC_ZWA002_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098, HANK_HKZW_RGB01_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098, ZIPATO_RGB_BULB_2_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098, } # Generate midpoint color temperatures for bulbs that have limited # support for white light colors TEMP_COLOR_MAX = 500 # mireds (inverted) TEMP_COLOR_MIN = 154 TEMP_MID_HASS = (TEMP_COLOR_MAX - TEMP_COLOR_MIN) / 2 + TEMP_COLOR_MIN TEMP_WARM_HASS = (TEMP_COLOR_MAX - TEMP_COLOR_MIN) / 3 * 2 + TEMP_COLOR_MIN TEMP_COLD_HASS = (TEMP_COLOR_MAX - TEMP_COLOR_MIN) / 3 + TEMP_COLOR_MIN async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Z-Wave Light from Config Entry.""" @callback def async_add_light(light): """Add Z-Wave Light.""" async_add_entities([light]) async_dispatcher_connect(hass, "zwave_new_light", async_add_light) def get_device(node, values, node_config, **kwargs): """Create Z-Wave entity device.""" refresh = node_config.get(CONF_REFRESH_VALUE) delay = node_config.get(CONF_REFRESH_DELAY) _LOGGER.debug( "node=%d value=%d node_config=%s CONF_REFRESH_VALUE=%s" " CONF_REFRESH_DELAY=%s", node.node_id, values.primary.value_id, node_config, refresh, delay, ) if node.has_command_class(const.COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_COLOR): return ZwaveColorLight(values, refresh, delay) return ZwaveDimmer(values, refresh, delay) def brightness_state(value): """Return the brightness and state.""" if value.data > 0: return round((value.data / 99) * 255), STATE_ON return 0, STATE_OFF def byte_to_zwave_brightness(value): """Convert brightness in 0-255 scale to 0-99 scale. `value` -- (int) Brightness byte value from 0-255. """ if value > 0: return max(1, round((value / 255) * 99)) return 0 class ZwaveDimmer(ZWaveDeviceEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of a Z-Wave dimmer.""" def __init__(self, values, refresh, delay): """Initialize the light.""" ZWaveDeviceEntity.__init__(self, values, DOMAIN) self._brightness = None self._state = None self._color_mode = None self._supported_color_modes = set() self._supported_features = None self._delay = delay self._refresh_value = refresh self._zw098 = None # Enable appropriate workaround flags for our device # Make sure that we have values for the key before converting to int if self.node.manufacturer_id.strip() and self.node.product_id.strip(): specific_sensor_key = ( int(self.node.manufacturer_id, 16), int(self.node.product_id, 16), ) if ( specific_sensor_key in DEVICE_MAPPINGS and DEVICE_MAPPINGS[specific_sensor_key] == WORKAROUND_ZW098 ): _LOGGER.debug("AEOTEC ZW098 workaround enabled") self._zw098 = 1 # Used for value change event handling self._refreshing = False self._timer = None _LOGGER.debug( "self._refreshing=%s self.delay=%s", self._refresh_value, self._delay ) self.value_added() self.update_properties() def update_properties(self): """Update internal properties based on zwave values.""" # Brightness self._brightness, self._state = brightness_state(self.values.primary) def value_added(self): """Call when a new value is added to this entity.""" self._supported_color_modes = {COLOR_MODE_BRIGHTNESS} self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_BRIGHTNESS if self.values.dimming_duration is not None: self._supported_features = SUPPORT_TRANSITION def value_changed(self): """Call when a value for this entity's node has changed.""" if self._refresh_value: if self._refreshing: self._refreshing = False else: def _refresh_value(): """Use timer callback for delayed value refresh.""" self._refreshing = True self.values.primary.refresh() if self._timer is not None and self._timer.is_alive(): self._timer.cancel() self._timer = Timer(self._delay, _refresh_value) self._timer.start() return super().value_changed() @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" return self._brightness @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" return self._state == STATE_ON @property def color_mode(self): """Return the current color mode.""" return self._color_mode @property def supported_color_modes(self): """Flag supported color modes.""" return self._supported_color_modes @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" return self._supported_features def _set_duration(self, **kwargs): """Set the transition time for the brightness value. Zwave Dimming Duration values: 0x00 = instant 0x01-0x7F = 1 second to 127 seconds 0x80-0xFE = 1 minute to 127 minutes 0xFF = factory default """ if self.values.dimming_duration is None: if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug("Dimming not supported by %s", self.entity_id) return if ATTR_TRANSITION not in kwargs: self.values.dimming_duration.data = 0xFF return transition = kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] if transition <= 127: self.values.dimming_duration.data = int(transition) elif transition > 7620: self.values.dimming_duration.data = 0xFE _LOGGER.warning("Transition clipped to 127 minutes for %s", self.entity_id) else: minutes = int(transition / 60) _LOGGER.debug( "Transition rounded to %d minutes for %s", minutes, self.entity_id ) self.values.dimming_duration.data = minutes + 0x7F def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" self._set_duration(**kwargs) # Zwave multilevel switches use a range of [0, 99] to control # brightness. Level 255 means to set it to previous value. if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: self._brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] brightness = byte_to_zwave_brightness(self._brightness) else: brightness = 255 if self.node.set_dimmer(self.values.primary.value_id, brightness): self._state = STATE_ON def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" self._set_duration(**kwargs) if self.node.set_dimmer(self.values.primary.value_id, 0): self._state = STATE_OFF class ZwaveColorLight(ZwaveDimmer): """Representation of a Z-Wave color changing light.""" def __init__(self, values, refresh, delay): """Initialize the light.""" self._color_channels = None self._rgb = None self._ct = None self._white = None super().__init__(values, refresh, delay) def value_added(self): """Call when a new value is added to this entity.""" if self.values.dimming_duration is not None: self._supported_features = SUPPORT_TRANSITION self._supported_color_modes = {COLOR_MODE_RGB} self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_RGB if self._zw098: self._supported_color_modes.add(COLOR_MODE_COLOR_TEMP) elif self._color_channels is not None and self._color_channels & ( COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE | COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE ): self._supported_color_modes = {COLOR_MODE_RGBW} self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_RGBW def update_properties(self): """Update internal properties based on zwave values.""" super().update_properties() if self.values.color is None: return if self.values.color_channels is None: return # Color Channels self._color_channels = self.values.color_channels.data # Color Data String data = self.values.color.data # RGB is always present in the openzwave color data string. self._rgb = (int(data[1:3], 16), int(data[3:5], 16), int(data[5:7], 16)) # Parse remaining color channels. Openzwave appends white channels # that are present. index = 7 # Warm white if self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE: warm_white = int(data[index : index + 2], 16) index += 2 else: warm_white = 0 # Cold white if self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE: cold_white = int(data[index : index + 2], 16) index += 2 else: cold_white = 0 # Color temperature. With the AEOTEC ZW098 bulb, only two color # temperatures are supported. The warm and cold channel values # indicate brightness for warm/cold color temperature. if self._zw098: if warm_white > 0: self._ct = TEMP_WARM_HASS self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_COLOR_TEMP elif cold_white > 0: self._ct = TEMP_COLD_HASS self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_COLOR_TEMP else: self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_RGB elif self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE: self._white = warm_white elif self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE: self._white = cold_white # If no rgb channels supported, report None. if not ( self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_RED or self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_GREEN or self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_BLUE ): self._rgb = None @property def rgb_color(self): """Return the rgb color.""" return self._rgb @property def rgbw_color(self): """Return the rgbw color.""" if self._rgb is None: return None return (*self._rgb, self._white) @property def color_temp(self): """Return the color temperature.""" return self._ct def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" rgbw = None if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: # Color temperature. With the AEOTEC ZW098 bulb, only two color # temperatures are supported. The warm and cold channel values # indicate brightness for warm/cold color temperature. if self._zw098: self._color_mode = COLOR_MODE_COLOR_TEMP if kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] > TEMP_MID_HASS: self._ct = TEMP_WARM_HASS rgbw = "#000000ff00" else: self._ct = TEMP_COLD_HASS rgbw = "#00000000ff" elif ATTR_RGB_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb = kwargs[ATTR_RGB_COLOR] self._white = 0 elif ATTR_RGBW_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb = kwargs[ATTR_RGBW_COLOR][0:3] self._white = kwargs[ATTR_RGBW_COLOR][3] if ATTR_RGB_COLOR in kwargs or ATTR_RGBW_COLOR in kwargs: rgbw = "#" for colorval in self._rgb: rgbw += format(colorval, "02x") if self._white is not None: rgbw += format(self._white, "02x") + "00" else: rgbw += "0000" if rgbw and self.values.color: self.values.color.data = rgbw super().turn_on(**kwargs)