# Automatically generated by gen_requirements_all.py, do not edit aiodhcpwatcher==1.0.2 aiodiscover==2.1.0 aiodns==3.2.0 aiohttp-fast-zlib==0.1.1 aiohttp==3.10.5 aiohttp_cors==0.7.0 aiozoneinfo==0.2.1 astral==2.2 async-interrupt==1.2.0 async-upnp-client==0.40.0 atomicwrites-homeassistant==1.4.1 attrs==23.2.0 awesomeversion==24.6.0 bcrypt==4.1.3 bleak-retry-connector==3.5.0 bleak==0.22.2 bluetooth-adapters==0.19.4 bluetooth-auto-recovery==1.4.2 bluetooth-data-tools==1.19.4 cached_ipaddress==0.3.0 certifi>=2021.5.30 ciso8601==2.3.1 cryptography==43.0.0 dbus-fast==2.23.0 fnv-hash-fast==1.0.2 ha-av==10.1.1 ha-ffmpeg==3.2.0 habluetooth==3.3.2 hass-nabucasa==0.81.1 hassil==1.7.4 home-assistant-bluetooth==1.12.2 home-assistant-frontend==20240809.0 home-assistant-intents==2024.8.7 httpx==0.27.0 ifaddr==0.2.0 Jinja2==3.1.4 lru-dict==1.3.0 mutagen==1.47.0 orjson==3.10.7 packaging>=23.1 paho-mqtt==1.6.1 Pillow==10.4.0 pip>=21.3.1 psutil-home-assistant==0.0.1 PyJWT==2.9.0 pymicro-vad==1.0.1 PyNaCl==1.5.0 pyOpenSSL==24.2.1 pyserial==3.5 python-slugify==8.0.4 PyTurboJPEG==1.7.1 pyudev==0.24.1 PyYAML==6.0.2 requests==2.32.3 SQLAlchemy==2.0.31 typing-extensions>=4.12.2,<5.0 ulid-transform==0.13.1 urllib3>=1.26.5,<2 voluptuous-openapi==0.0.5 voluptuous-serialize==2.6.0 voluptuous==0.15.2 yarl==1.9.4 zeroconf==0.132.2 # Constrain pycryptodome to avoid vulnerability # see https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/16238 pycryptodome>=3.6.6 # Constrain httplib2 to protect against GHSA-93xj-8mrv-444m # https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-93xj-8mrv-444m httplib2>=0.19.0 # gRPC is an implicit dependency that we want to make explicit so we manage # upgrades intentionally. It is a large package to build from source and we # want to ensure we have wheels built. grpcio==1.59.0 grpcio-status==1.59.0 grpcio-reflection==1.59.0 # This is a old unmaintained library and is replaced with pycryptodome pycrypto==1000000000.0.0 # This is a old unmaintained library and is replaced with faust-cchardet cchardet==1000000000.0.0 # To remove reliance on typing btlewrap>=0.0.10 # This overrides a built-in Python package enum34==1000000000.0.0 typing==1000000000.0.0 uuid==1000000000.0.0 # httpx requires httpcore, and httpcore requires anyio and h11, but the version constraints on # these requirements are quite loose. As the entire stack has some outstanding issues, and # even newer versions seem to introduce new issues, it's useful for us to pin all these # requirements so we can directly link HA versions to these library versions. anyio==4.4.0 h11==0.14.0 httpcore==1.0.5 # Ensure we have a hyperframe version that works in Python 3.10 # 5.2.0 fixed a collections abc deprecation hyperframe>=5.2.0 # Ensure we run compatible with musllinux build env numpy==1.26.0 # Prevent dependency conflicts between sisyphus-control and aioambient # until upper bounds for sisyphus-control have been updated # https://github.com/jkeljo/sisyphus-control/issues/6 python-engineio>=3.13.1,<4.0 python-socketio>=4.6.0,<5.0 # Constrain multidict to avoid typing issues # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/67046 multidict>=6.0.2 # Version 2.0 added typing, prevent accidental fallbacks backoff>=2.0 # Required to avoid breaking (#101042). # v2 has breaking changes (#99218). pydantic==1.10.17 # Required for Python 3.12.4 compatibility (#119223). mashumaro>=3.13.1 # Breaks asyncio # https://github.com/pubnub/python/issues/130 pubnub!=6.4.0 # Package's __init__.pyi stub has invalid syntax and breaks mypy # https://github.com/dahlia/iso4217/issues/16 iso4217!=1.10.20220401 # pyOpenSSL 24.0.0 or later required to avoid import errors when # cryptography 42.0.0 is installed with botocore pyOpenSSL>=24.0.0 # protobuf must be in package constraints for the wheel # builder to build binary wheels protobuf==4.25.4 # faust-cchardet: Ensure we have a version we can build wheels # 2.1.18 is the first version that works with our wheel builder faust-cchardet>=2.1.18 # websockets 11.0 is missing files in the source distribution # which break wheel builds so we need at least 11.0.1 # https://github.com/aaugustin/websockets/issues/1329 websockets>=11.0.1 # pysnmplib is no longer maintained and does not work with newer # python pysnmplib==1000000000.0.0 # The get-mac package has been replaced with getmac. Installing get-mac alongside getmac # breaks getmac due to them both sharing the same python package name inside 'getmac'. get-mac==1000000000.0.0 # We want to skip the binary wheels for the 'charset-normalizer' packages. # They are build with mypyc, but causes issues with our wheel builder. # In order to do so, we need to constrain the version. charset-normalizer==3.2.0 # dacite: Ensure we have a version that is able to handle type unions for # Roborock, NAM, Brother, and GIOS. dacite>=1.7.0 # Musle wheels for pandas 2.2.0 cannot be build for any architecture. pandas==2.1.4 # chacha20poly1305-reuseable==0.12.x is incompatible with cryptography==43.0.x chacha20poly1305-reuseable>=0.13.0 # pycountry<23.12.11 imports setuptools at run time # https://github.com/pycountry/pycountry/blob/ea69bab36f00df58624a0e490fdad4ccdc14268b/HISTORY.txt#L39 pycountry>=23.12.11 # scapy<2.5.0 will not work with python3.12 scapy>=2.5.0 # tuf isn't updated to deal with breaking changes in securesystemslib==1.0. # Only tuf>=4 includes a constraint to <1.0. # https://github.com/theupdateframework/python-tuf/releases/tag/v4.0.0 tuf>=4.0.0 # https://github.com/jd/tenacity/issues/471 tenacity!=8.4.0