"""Constants for the iBeacon Tracker integration.""" from datetime import timedelta from homeassistant.const import Platform DOMAIN = "ibeacon" PLATFORMS = [Platform.DEVICE_TRACKER, Platform.SENSOR] SIGNAL_IBEACON_DEVICE_NEW = "ibeacon_tracker_new_device" SIGNAL_IBEACON_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE = "ibeacon_tracker_unavailable_device" SIGNAL_IBEACON_DEVICE_SEEN = "ibeacon_seen_device" ATTR_UUID = "uuid" ATTR_MAJOR = "major" ATTR_MINOR = "minor" ATTR_SOURCE = "source" UNAVAILABLE_TIMEOUT = 180 # Number of seconds we wait for a beacon to be seen before marking it unavailable # How often to update RSSI if it has changed # and look for unavailable groups that use a random MAC address UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=60) # If a device broadcasts this many unique ids from the same address # we will add it to the ignore list since its garbage data. MAX_IDS = 10 # If a device broadcasts this many major minors for the same uuid # we will add it to the ignore list since its garbage data. MAX_IDS_PER_UUID = 50 CONF_IGNORE_ADDRESSES = "ignore_addresses" CONF_IGNORE_UUIDS = "ignore_uuids"