"""Manifest validation.""" from __future__ import annotations from urllib.parse import urlparse import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error from homeassistant.loader import validate_custom_integration_version from .model import Integration DOCUMENTATION_URL_SCHEMA = "https" DOCUMENTATION_URL_HOST = "www.home-assistant.io" DOCUMENTATION_URL_PATH_PREFIX = "/integrations/" DOCUMENTATION_URL_EXCEPTIONS = {"https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio"} SUPPORTED_QUALITY_SCALES = ["gold", "internal", "platinum", "silver"] SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES = [ "assumed_state", "calculated", "cloud_polling", "cloud_push", "local_polling", "local_push", ] # List of integrations that are supposed to have no IoT class NO_IOT_CLASS = [ "air_quality", "alarm_control_panel", "api", "auth", "automation", "binary_sensor", "blueprint", "calendar", "camera", "climate", "color_extractor", "config", "configurator", "counter", "cover", "default_config", "device_automation", "device_tracker", "discovery", "downloader", "fan", "ffmpeg", "frontend", "geo_location", "history", "homeassistant", "humidifier", "image_processing", "image", "input_boolean", "input_datetime", "input_number", "input_select", "input_text", "intent_script", "intent", "light", "lock", "logbook", "logger", "lovelace", "mailbox", "map", "media_player", "media_source", "my", "notify", "number", "onboarding", "panel_custom", "panel_iframe", "plant", "profiler", "proxy", "python_script", "remote", "safe_mode", "scene", "script", "search", "sensor", "stt", "switch", "system_health", "system_log", "tag", "timer", "trace", "tts", "vacuum", "water_heater", "weather", "webhook", "websocket_api", "zone", ] def documentation_url(value: str) -> str: """Validate that a documentation url has the correct path and domain.""" if value in DOCUMENTATION_URL_EXCEPTIONS: return value parsed_url = urlparse(value) if parsed_url.scheme != DOCUMENTATION_URL_SCHEMA: raise vol.Invalid("Documentation url is not prefixed with https") if parsed_url.netloc == DOCUMENTATION_URL_HOST and not parsed_url.path.startswith( DOCUMENTATION_URL_PATH_PREFIX ): raise vol.Invalid( "Documentation url does not begin with www.home-assistant.io/integrations" ) return value def verify_lowercase(value: str): """Verify a value is lowercase.""" if value.lower() != value: raise vol.Invalid("Value needs to be lowercase") return value def verify_uppercase(value: str): """Verify a value is uppercase.""" if value.upper() != value: raise vol.Invalid("Value needs to be uppercase") return value def verify_version(value: str): """Verify the version.""" if not validate_custom_integration_version(value): raise vol.Invalid( f"'{value}' is not a valid version. This will cause a future version of Home Assistant to block this integration.", ) return value def verify_wildcard(value: str): """Verify the matcher contains a wildcard.""" if "*" not in value: raise vol.Invalid(f"'{value}' needs to contain a wildcard matcher") return value MANIFEST_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required("domain"): str, vol.Required("name"): str, vol.Optional("config_flow"): bool, vol.Optional("mqtt"): [str], vol.Optional("zeroconf"): [ vol.Any( str, vol.Schema( { vol.Required("type"): str, vol.Optional("macaddress"): vol.All( str, verify_uppercase, verify_wildcard ), vol.Optional("manufacturer"): vol.All(str, verify_lowercase), vol.Optional("name"): vol.All(str, verify_lowercase), } ), ) ], vol.Optional("ssdp"): vol.Schema( vol.All([vol.All(vol.Schema({}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA), vol.Length(min=1))]) ), vol.Optional("homekit"): vol.Schema({vol.Optional("models"): [str]}), vol.Optional("dhcp"): [ vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("macaddress"): vol.All( str, verify_uppercase, verify_wildcard ), vol.Optional("hostname"): vol.All(str, verify_lowercase), } ) ], vol.Required("documentation"): vol.All( vol.Url(), documentation_url # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter ), vol.Optional( "issue_tracker" ): vol.Url(), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter vol.Optional("quality_scale"): vol.In(SUPPORTED_QUALITY_SCALES), vol.Optional("requirements"): [str], vol.Optional("dependencies"): [str], vol.Optional("after_dependencies"): [str], vol.Required("codeowners"): [str], vol.Optional("disabled"): str, vol.Optional("iot_class"): vol.In(SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES), } ) CUSTOM_INTEGRATION_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = MANIFEST_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional("version"): vol.All(str, verify_version), } ) def validate_version(integration: Integration): """ Validate the version of the integration. Will be removed when the version key is no longer optional for custom integrations. """ if not integration.manifest.get("version"): integration.add_error( "manifest", "No 'version' key in the manifest file. This will cause a future version of Home Assistant to block this integration.", ) return def validate_manifest(integration: Integration): """Validate manifest.""" if not integration.manifest: return try: if integration.core: MANIFEST_SCHEMA(integration.manifest) else: CUSTOM_INTEGRATION_MANIFEST_SCHEMA(integration.manifest) except vol.Invalid as err: integration.add_error( "manifest", f"Invalid manifest: {humanize_error(integration.manifest, err)}" ) if integration.manifest["domain"] != integration.path.name: integration.add_error("manifest", "Domain does not match dir name") if ( integration.manifest["domain"] in NO_IOT_CLASS and "iot_class" in integration.manifest ): integration.add_error("manifest", "Domain should not have an IoT Class") if ( integration.manifest["domain"] not in NO_IOT_CLASS and "iot_class" not in integration.manifest ): integration.add_error("manifest", "Domain is missing an IoT Class") if not integration.core: validate_version(integration) def validate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config): """Handle all integrations manifests.""" for integration in integrations.values(): validate_manifest(integration)