{ "config": { "flow_title": "Nextcloud", "step": { "user": { "description": "Enter your Nextcloud information.", "data": { "url": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::url%]", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "verify_ssl": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::verify_ssl%]" } }, "reauth_confirm": { "description": "Update your login information for {url}.", "data": { "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "connection_error_during_import": "Connection error occured during yaml configuration import", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]" }, "error": { "connection_error": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]" } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "nextcloud_jit_enabled": { "name": "JIT enabled" }, "nextcloud_jit_on": { "name": "JIT active" }, "nextcloud_system_debug": { "name": "Debug enabled" }, "nextcloud_system_enable_avatars": { "name": "Avatars enabled" }, "nextcloud_system_enable_previews": { "name": "Previews enabled" }, "nextcloud_system_filelocking_enabled": { "name": "Filelocking enabled" } }, "sensor": { "nextcloud_activeusers_last1hour": { "name": "Amount of active users last hour" }, "nextcloud_activeusers_last24hours": { "name": "Amount of active users last day" }, "nextcloud_activeusers_last5minutes": { "name": "Amount of active users last 5 minutes" }, "nextcloud_cache_expunges": { "name": "Cache expunges" }, "nextcloud_cache_mem_size": { "name": "Cache memory size" }, "nextcloud_cache_memory_type": { "name": "Cache memory" }, "nextcloud_cache_num_entries": { "name": "Cache number of entires" }, "nextcloud_cache_num_hits": { "name": "Cache number of hits" }, "nextcloud_cache_num_inserts": { "name": "Cache number of inserts" }, "nextcloud_cache_num_misses": { "name": "Cache number of misses" }, "nextcloud_cache_num_slots": { "name": "Cache number of slots" }, "nextcloud_cache_start_time": { "name": "Cache start time" }, "nextcloud_cache_ttl": { "name": "Cache ttl" }, "nextcloud_database_size": { "name": "Database size" }, "nextcloud_database_type": { "name": "Database type" }, "nextcloud_database_version": { "name": "Database version" }, "nextcloud_interned_strings_usage_buffer_size": { "name": "Interned buffer size" }, "nextcloud_interned_strings_usage_free_memory": { "name": "Interned free memory" }, "nextcloud_interned_strings_usage_number_of_strings": { "name": "Interned number of strings" }, "nextcloud_interned_strings_usage_used_memory": { "name": "Interned used memory" }, "nextcloud_jit_buffer_free": { "name": "JIT buffer free" }, "nextcloud_jit_buffer_size": { "name": "JIT buffer size" }, "nextcloud_jit_kind": { "name": "JIT kind" }, "nextcloud_jit_opt_flags": { "name": "JIT opt flags" }, "nextcloud_jit_opt_level": { "name": "JIT opt level" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_blacklist_miss_ratio": { "name": "Opcache blacklist miss ratio" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_blacklist_misses": { "name": "Opcache blacklist misses" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_hash_restarts": { "name": "Opcache hash restarts" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_hits": { "name": "Opcache hits" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_last_restart_time": { "name": "Opcache last restart time" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_manual_restarts": { "name": "Opcache manual restarts" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_max_cached_keys": { "name": "Opcache max cached keys" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_misses": { "name": "Opcache misses" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_num_cached_keys": { "name": "Opcache cached keys" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_num_cached_scripts": { "name": "Opcache cached scripts" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_oom_restarts": { "name": "Opcache out of memory restarts" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_opcache_hit_rate": { "name": "Opcache hit rate" }, "nextcloud_opcache_statistics_start_time": { "name": "Opcache start time" }, "nextcloud_server_php_max_execution_time": { "name": "PHP max execution time" }, "nextcloud_server_php_memory_limit": { "name": "PHP memory limit" }, "nextcloud_server_php_opcache_memory_usage_current_wasted_percentage": { "name": "Opcache current wasted percentage" }, "nextcloud_server_php_opcache_memory_usage_free_memory": { "name": "Opcache free memory" }, "nextcloud_server_php_opcache_memory_usage_used_memory": { "name": "Opcache used memory" }, "nextcloud_server_php_opcache_memory_usage_wasted_memory": { "name": "Opcache wasted memory" }, "nextcloud_server_php_upload_max_filesize": { "name": "PHP upload maximum filesize" }, "nextcloud_server_php_version": { "name": "PHP version" }, "nextcloud_server_webserver": { "name": "Webserver" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_fed_shares_received": { "name": "Amount of shares received" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_fed_shares_sent": { "name": "Amount of shares sent" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares": { "name": "Amount of shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_groups": { "name": "Amount of group shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_link": { "name": "Amount of link shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_link_no_password": { "name": "Amount of passwordless link shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_mail": { "name": "Amount of mail shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_room": { "name": "Amount of room shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_num_shares_user": { "name": "Amount of user shares" }, "nextcloud_shares_permissions_3_1": { "name": "Permissions 3.1" }, "nextcloud_sma_avail_mem": { "name": "SMA available memory" }, "nextcloud_sma_num_seg": { "name": "SMA number of segments" }, "nextcloud_sma_seg_size": { "name": "SMA segment size" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_files": { "name": "Amount of files" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_storages": { "name": "Amount of storages" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_storages_home": { "name": "Amount of storages at home" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_storages_local": { "name": "Amount of local storages" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_storages_other": { "name": "Amount of other storages" }, "nextcloud_storage_num_users": { "name": "Amount of user" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_app_updates_calendar": { "name": "Calendar updates" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_app_updates_contacts": { "name": "Contact updates" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_app_updates_tasks": { "name": "Task updates" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_app_updates_twofactor_totp": { "name": "Two factor authentication updates" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_num_installed": { "name": "Apps installed" }, "nextcloud_system_apps_num_updates_available": { "name": "Updates available" }, "nextcloud_system_cpuload_1": { "name": "CPU Load last 1 minute" }, "nextcloud_system_cpuload_15": { "name": "CPU Load last 15 minutes" }, "nextcloud_system_cpuload_5": { "name": "CPU Load last 5 minutes" }, "nextcloud_system_freespace": { "name": "Free space" }, "nextcloud_system_mem_free": { "name": "Free memory" }, "nextcloud_system_mem_total": { "name": "Total memory" }, "nextcloud_system_memcache_distributed": { "name": "System memcache distributed" }, "nextcloud_system_memcache_local": { "name": "System memcache local" }, "nextcloud_system_memcache_locking": { "name": "System memcache locking" }, "nextcloud_system_swap_free": { "name": "Free swap memory" }, "nextcloud_system_swap_total": { "name": "Total swap memory" }, "nextcloud_system_theme": { "name": "System theme" }, "nextcloud_system_version": { "name": "System version" } } } }