""" Handle the frontend for Home Assistant. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/frontend/ """ import asyncio import hashlib import json import logging import os from urllib.parse import urlparse from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol import jinja2 import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.http.auth import is_trusted_ip from homeassistant.config import find_config_file, load_yaml_config_file from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, EVENT_THEMES_UPDATED from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass REQUIREMENTS = ['home-assistant-frontend==20180130.0', 'user-agents==1.1.0'] DOMAIN = 'frontend' DEPENDENCIES = ['api', 'websocket_api', 'http', 'system_log'] URL_PANEL_COMPONENT_FP = '/frontend/panels/{}-{}.html' CONF_THEMES = 'themes' CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL = 'extra_html_url' CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5 = 'extra_html_url_es5' CONF_FRONTEND_REPO = 'development_repo' CONF_JS_VERSION = 'javascript_version' JS_DEFAULT_OPTION = 'auto' JS_OPTIONS = ['es5', 'latest', 'auto'] DEFAULT_THEME_COLOR = '#03A9F4' MANIFEST_JSON = { 'background_color': '#FFFFFF', 'description': 'Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3.', 'dir': 'ltr', 'display': 'standalone', 'icons': [], 'lang': 'en-US', 'name': 'Home Assistant', 'short_name': 'Assistant', 'start_url': '/states', 'theme_color': DEFAULT_THEME_COLOR } for size in (192, 384, 512, 1024): MANIFEST_JSON['icons'].append({ 'src': '/static/icons/favicon-{}x{}.png'.format(size, size), 'sizes': '{}x{}'.format(size, size), 'type': 'image/png' }) DATA_FINALIZE_PANEL = 'frontend_finalize_panel' DATA_PANELS = 'frontend_panels' DATA_JS_VERSION = 'frontend_js_version' DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL = 'frontend_extra_html_url' DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5 = 'frontend_extra_html_url_es5' DATA_THEMES = 'frontend_themes' DATA_DEFAULT_THEME = 'frontend_default_theme' DEFAULT_THEME = 'default' PRIMARY_COLOR = 'primary-color' _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_FRONTEND_REPO): cv.isdir, vol.Optional(CONF_THEMES): vol.Schema({ cv.string: {cv.string: cv.string} }), vol.Optional(CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_JS_VERSION, default=JS_DEFAULT_OPTION): vol.In(JS_OPTIONS) }), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) SERVICE_SET_THEME = 'set_theme' SERVICE_RELOAD_THEMES = 'reload_themes' SERVICE_SET_THEME_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, }) class AbstractPanel: """Abstract class for panels.""" # Name of the webcomponent component_name = None # Icon to show in the sidebar (optional) sidebar_icon = None # Title to show in the sidebar (optional) sidebar_title = None # Url to the webcomponent (depending on JS version) webcomponent_url_es5 = None webcomponent_url_latest = None # Url to show the panel in the frontend frontend_url_path = None # Config to pass to the webcomponent config = None @asyncio.coroutine def async_register(self, hass): """Register panel with HASS.""" panels = hass.data.get(DATA_PANELS) if panels is None: panels = hass.data[DATA_PANELS] = {} if self.frontend_url_path in panels: _LOGGER.warning("Overwriting component %s", self.frontend_url_path) if DATA_FINALIZE_PANEL in hass.data: yield from hass.data[DATA_FINALIZE_PANEL](self) panels[self.frontend_url_path] = self @callback def async_register_index_routes(self, router, index_view): """Register routes for panel to be served by index view.""" router.add_route( 'get', '/{}'.format(self.frontend_url_path), index_view.get) router.add_route( 'get', '/{}/{{extra:.+}}'.format(self.frontend_url_path), index_view.get) def to_response(self, hass, request): """Panel as dictionary.""" result = { 'component_name': self.component_name, 'icon': self.sidebar_icon, 'title': self.sidebar_title, 'url_path': self.frontend_url_path, 'config': self.config, } if _is_latest(hass.data[DATA_JS_VERSION], request): result['url'] = self.webcomponent_url_latest else: result['url'] = self.webcomponent_url_es5 return result class BuiltInPanel(AbstractPanel): """Panel that is part of hass_frontend.""" def __init__(self, component_name, sidebar_title, sidebar_icon, frontend_url_path, config): """Initialize a built-in panel.""" self.component_name = component_name self.sidebar_title = sidebar_title self.sidebar_icon = sidebar_icon self.frontend_url_path = frontend_url_path or component_name self.config = config @asyncio.coroutine def async_finalize(self, hass, frontend_repository_path): """Finalize this panel for usage. If frontend_repository_path is set, will be prepended to path of built-in components. """ if frontend_repository_path is None: import hass_frontend import hass_frontend_es5 self.webcomponent_url_latest = \ '/frontend_latest/panels/ha-panel-{}-{}.html'.format( self.component_name, hass_frontend.FINGERPRINTS[self.component_name]) self.webcomponent_url_es5 = \ '/frontend_es5/panels/ha-panel-{}-{}.html'.format( self.component_name, hass_frontend_es5.FINGERPRINTS[self.component_name]) else: # Dev mode self.webcomponent_url_es5 = self.webcomponent_url_latest = \ '/home-assistant-polymer/panels/{}/ha-panel-{}.html'.format( self.component_name, self.component_name) class ExternalPanel(AbstractPanel): """Panel that is added by a custom component.""" REGISTERED_COMPONENTS = set() def __init__(self, component_name, path, md5, sidebar_title, sidebar_icon, frontend_url_path, config): """Initialize an external panel.""" self.component_name = component_name self.path = path self.md5 = md5 self.sidebar_title = sidebar_title self.sidebar_icon = sidebar_icon self.frontend_url_path = frontend_url_path or component_name self.config = config @asyncio.coroutine def async_finalize(self, hass, frontend_repository_path): """Finalize this panel for usage. frontend_repository_path is set, will be prepended to path of built-in components. """ try: if self.md5 is None: self.md5 = yield from hass.async_add_job( _fingerprint, self.path) except OSError: _LOGGER.error('Cannot find or access %s at %s', self.component_name, self.path) hass.data[DATA_PANELS].pop(self.frontend_url_path) return self.webcomponent_url_es5 = self.webcomponent_url_latest = \ URL_PANEL_COMPONENT_FP.format(self.component_name, self.md5) if self.component_name not in self.REGISTERED_COMPONENTS: hass.http.register_static_path( self.webcomponent_url_latest, self.path, # if path is None, we're in prod mode, so cache static assets frontend_repository_path is None) self.REGISTERED_COMPONENTS.add(self.component_name) @bind_hass @asyncio.coroutine def async_register_built_in_panel(hass, component_name, sidebar_title=None, sidebar_icon=None, frontend_url_path=None, config=None): """Register a built-in panel.""" panel = BuiltInPanel(component_name, sidebar_title, sidebar_icon, frontend_url_path, config) yield from panel.async_register(hass) @bind_hass @asyncio.coroutine def async_register_panel(hass, component_name, path, md5=None, sidebar_title=None, sidebar_icon=None, frontend_url_path=None, config=None): """Register a panel for the frontend. component_name: name of the web component path: path to the HTML of the web component (required unless url is provided) md5: the md5 hash of the web component (for versioning in URL, optional) sidebar_title: title to show in the sidebar (optional) sidebar_icon: icon to show next to title in sidebar (optional) url_path: name to use in the URL (defaults to component_name) config: config to be passed into the web component """ panel = ExternalPanel(component_name, path, md5, sidebar_title, sidebar_icon, frontend_url_path, config) yield from panel.async_register(hass) @bind_hass @callback def add_extra_html_url(hass, url, es5=False): """Register extra html url to load.""" key = DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5 if es5 else DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL url_set = hass.data.get(key) if url_set is None: url_set = hass.data[key] = set() url_set.add(url) def add_manifest_json_key(key, val): """Add a keyval to the manifest.json.""" MANIFEST_JSON[key] = val @asyncio.coroutine def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the serving of the frontend.""" hass.http.register_view(ManifestJSONView) conf = config.get(DOMAIN, {}) repo_path = conf.get(CONF_FRONTEND_REPO) is_dev = repo_path is not None hass.data[DATA_JS_VERSION] = js_version = conf.get(CONF_JS_VERSION) if is_dev: for subpath in ["src", "build-translations", "build-temp", "build", "hass_frontend", "bower_components", "panels", "hassio"]: hass.http.register_static_path( "/home-assistant-polymer/{}".format(subpath), os.path.join(repo_path, subpath), False) hass.http.register_static_path( "/static/translations", os.path.join(repo_path, "build-translations/output"), False) sw_path_es5 = os.path.join(repo_path, "build-es5/service_worker.js") sw_path_latest = os.path.join(repo_path, "build/service_worker.js") static_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'hass_frontend') frontend_es5_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'build-es5') frontend_latest_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'build') else: import hass_frontend import hass_frontend_es5 sw_path_es5 = os.path.join(hass_frontend_es5.where(), "service_worker.js") sw_path_latest = os.path.join(hass_frontend.where(), "service_worker.js") # /static points to dir with files that are JS-type agnostic. # ES5 files are served from /frontend_es5. # ES6 files are served from /frontend_latest. static_path = hass_frontend.where() frontend_es5_path = hass_frontend_es5.where() frontend_latest_path = static_path hass.http.register_static_path( "/service_worker_es5.js", sw_path_es5, False) hass.http.register_static_path( "/service_worker.js", sw_path_latest, False) hass.http.register_static_path( "/robots.txt", os.path.join(static_path, "robots.txt"), not is_dev) hass.http.register_static_path("/static", static_path, not is_dev) hass.http.register_static_path( "/frontend_latest", frontend_latest_path, not is_dev) hass.http.register_static_path( "/frontend_es5", frontend_es5_path, not is_dev) local = hass.config.path('www') if os.path.isdir(local): hass.http.register_static_path("/local", local, not is_dev) index_view = IndexView(repo_path, js_version) hass.http.register_view(index_view) @asyncio.coroutine def finalize_panel(panel): """Finalize setup of a panel.""" yield from panel.async_finalize(hass, repo_path) panel.async_register_index_routes(hass.http.app.router, index_view) yield from asyncio.wait([ async_register_built_in_panel(hass, panel) for panel in ('dev-event', 'dev-info', 'dev-service', 'dev-state', 'dev-template', 'dev-mqtt', 'kiosk')], loop=hass.loop) hass.data[DATA_FINALIZE_PANEL] = finalize_panel # Finalize registration of panels that registered before frontend was setup # This includes the built-in panels from line above. yield from asyncio.wait( [finalize_panel(panel) for panel in hass.data[DATA_PANELS].values()], loop=hass.loop) if DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL] = set() if DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5 not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5] = set() for url in conf.get(CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL, []): add_extra_html_url(hass, url, False) for url in conf.get(CONF_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5, []): add_extra_html_url(hass, url, True) async_setup_themes(hass, conf.get(CONF_THEMES)) return True def async_setup_themes(hass, themes): """Set up themes data and services.""" hass.http.register_view(ThemesView) hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME] = DEFAULT_THEME if themes is None: hass.data[DATA_THEMES] = {} return hass.data[DATA_THEMES] = themes @callback def update_theme_and_fire_event(): """Update theme_color in manifest.""" name = hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME] themes = hass.data[DATA_THEMES] if name != DEFAULT_THEME and PRIMARY_COLOR in themes[name]: MANIFEST_JSON['theme_color'] = themes[name][PRIMARY_COLOR] else: MANIFEST_JSON['theme_color'] = DEFAULT_THEME_COLOR hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_THEMES_UPDATED, { 'themes': themes, 'default_theme': name, }) @callback def set_theme(call): """Set backend-preferred theme.""" data = call.data name = data[CONF_NAME] if name == DEFAULT_THEME or name in hass.data[DATA_THEMES]: _LOGGER.info("Theme %s set as default", name) hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME] = name update_theme_and_fire_event() else: _LOGGER.warning("Theme %s is not defined.", name) @callback def reload_themes(_): """Reload themes.""" path = find_config_file(hass.config.config_dir) new_themes = load_yaml_config_file(path)[DOMAIN].get(CONF_THEMES, {}) hass.data[DATA_THEMES] = new_themes if hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME] not in new_themes: hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME] = DEFAULT_THEME update_theme_and_fire_event() hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_THEME, set_theme, schema=SERVICE_SET_THEME_SCHEMA) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD_THEMES, reload_themes) class IndexView(HomeAssistantView): """Serve the frontend.""" url = '/' name = 'frontend:index' requires_auth = False extra_urls = ['/states', '/states/{extra}'] def __init__(self, repo_path, js_option): """Initialize the frontend view.""" self.repo_path = repo_path self.js_option = js_option self._template_cache = {} def get_template(self, latest): """Get template.""" if self.repo_path is not None: root = self.repo_path elif latest: import hass_frontend root = hass_frontend.where() else: import hass_frontend_es5 root = hass_frontend_es5.where() tpl = self._template_cache.get(root) if tpl is None: with open(os.path.join(root, 'index.html')) as file: tpl = jinja2.Template(file.read()) # Cache template if not running from repository if self.repo_path is None: self._template_cache[root] = tpl return tpl @asyncio.coroutine def get(self, request, extra=None): """Serve the index view.""" hass = request.app['hass'] latest = self.repo_path is not None or \ _is_latest(self.js_option, request) if request.path == '/': panel = 'states' else: panel = request.path.split('/')[1] if panel == 'states': panel_url = '' elif latest: panel_url = hass.data[DATA_PANELS][panel].webcomponent_url_latest else: panel_url = hass.data[DATA_PANELS][panel].webcomponent_url_es5 no_auth = '1' if hass.config.api.api_password and not is_trusted_ip(request): # do not try to auto connect on load no_auth = '0' template = yield from hass.async_add_job(self.get_template, latest) extra_key = DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL if latest else DATA_EXTRA_HTML_URL_ES5 resp = template.render( no_auth=no_auth, panel_url=panel_url, panels=hass.data[DATA_PANELS], theme_color=MANIFEST_JSON['theme_color'], extra_urls=hass.data[extra_key], ) return web.Response(text=resp, content_type='text/html') class ManifestJSONView(HomeAssistantView): """View to return a manifest.json.""" requires_auth = False url = '/manifest.json' name = 'manifestjson' @asyncio.coroutine def get(self, request): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Return the manifest.json.""" msg = json.dumps(MANIFEST_JSON, sort_keys=True) return web.Response(text=msg, content_type="application/manifest+json") class ThemesView(HomeAssistantView): """View to return defined themes.""" requires_auth = False url = '/api/themes' name = 'api:themes' @callback def get(self, request): """Return themes.""" hass = request.app['hass'] return self.json({ 'themes': hass.data[DATA_THEMES], 'default_theme': hass.data[DATA_DEFAULT_THEME], }) def _fingerprint(path): """Fingerprint a file.""" with open(path) as fil: return hashlib.md5(fil.read().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def _is_latest(js_option, request): """ Return whether we should serve latest untranspiled code. Set according to user's preference and URL override. """ if request is None: return js_option == 'latest' # latest in query if 'latest' in request.query or ( request.headers.get('Referer') and 'latest' in urlparse(request.headers['Referer']).query): return True # es5 in query if 'es5' in request.query or ( request.headers.get('Referer') and 'es5' in urlparse(request.headers['Referer']).query): return False # non-auto option in config if js_option != 'auto': return js_option == 'latest' useragent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') if not useragent: return False from user_agents import parse useragent = parse(useragent) # on iOS every browser is a Safari which we support from version 11. if useragent.os.family == 'iOS': # Was >= 10, temp setting it to 12 to work around issue #11387 return useragent.os.version[0] >= 12 family_min_version = { 'Chrome': 50, # Probably can reduce this 'Firefox': 43, # Array.prototype.includes added in 43 'Opera': 40, # Probably can reduce this 'Edge': 14, # Array.prototype.includes added in 14 'Safari': 10, # many features not supported by 9 } version = family_min_version.get(useragent.browser.family) return version and useragent.browser.version[0] >= version