"""Support for recording details.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable from concurrent.futures import CancelledError import contextlib from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import queue import sqlite3 import threading import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, cast import psutil_home_assistant as ha_psutil from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event as sqlalchemy_event, exc, select from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine from sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces import DBAPIConnection from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from homeassistant.components import persistent_notification from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_CLOSE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_FINAL_WRITE, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, MATCH_ALL, ) from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_time_change, async_track_time_interval, async_track_utc_time_change, ) from homeassistant.helpers.start import async_at_started from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED, UndefinedType import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.enum import try_parse_enum from . import migration, statistics from .const import ( CONTEXT_ID_AS_BINARY_SCHEMA_VERSION, DB_WORKER_PREFIX, DOMAIN, ESTIMATED_QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE, EVENT_TYPE_IDS_SCHEMA_VERSION, KEEPALIVE_TIME, LEGACY_STATES_EVENT_ID_INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION, MARIADB_PYMYSQL_URL_PREFIX, MARIADB_URL_PREFIX, MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG_MIN_VALUE, MYSQLDB_PYMYSQL_URL_PREFIX, MYSQLDB_URL_PREFIX, QUEUE_PERCENTAGE_ALLOWED_AVAILABLE_MEMORY, SQLITE_MAX_BIND_VARS, SQLITE_URL_PREFIX, STATES_META_SCHEMA_VERSION, STATISTICS_ROWS_SCHEMA_VERSION, SupportedDialect, ) from .db_schema import ( LEGACY_STATES_ENTITY_ID_LAST_UPDATED_INDEX, LEGACY_STATES_EVENT_ID_INDEX, SCHEMA_VERSION, TABLE_STATES, Base, EventData, Events, EventTypes, StateAttributes, States, StatesMeta, Statistics, StatisticsShortTerm, ) from .executor import DBInterruptibleThreadPoolExecutor from .models import DatabaseEngine, StatisticData, StatisticMetaData, UnsupportedDialect from .pool import POOL_SIZE, MutexPool, RecorderPool from .queries import ( has_entity_ids_to_migrate, has_event_type_to_migrate, has_events_context_ids_to_migrate, has_states_context_ids_to_migrate, ) from .table_managers.event_data import EventDataManager from .table_managers.event_types import EventTypeManager from .table_managers.recorder_runs import RecorderRunsManager from .table_managers.state_attributes import StateAttributesManager from .table_managers.states import StatesManager from .table_managers.states_meta import StatesMetaManager from .table_managers.statistics_meta import StatisticsMetaManager from .tasks import ( AdjustLRUSizeTask, AdjustStatisticsTask, ChangeStatisticsUnitTask, ClearStatisticsTask, CommitTask, CompileMissingStatisticsTask, DatabaseLockTask, EntityIDMigrationTask, EntityIDPostMigrationTask, EventIdMigrationTask, EventsContextIDMigrationTask, EventTypeIDMigrationTask, ImportStatisticsTask, KeepAliveTask, PerodicCleanupTask, PurgeTask, RecorderTask, StatesContextIDMigrationTask, StatisticsTask, StopTask, SynchronizeTask, UpdateStatesMetadataTask, UpdateStatisticsMetadataTask, WaitTask, ) from .util import ( async_create_backup_failure_issue, build_mysqldb_conv, dburl_to_path, end_incomplete_runs, execute_stmt_lambda_element, get_index_by_name, is_second_sunday, move_away_broken_database, session_scope, setup_connection_for_dialect, validate_or_move_away_sqlite_database, write_lock_db_sqlite, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T") DEFAULT_URL = "sqlite:///{hass_config_path}" # Controls how often we clean up # States and Events objects EXPIRE_AFTER_COMMITS = 120 SHUTDOWN_TASK = object() COMMIT_TASK = CommitTask() KEEP_ALIVE_TASK = KeepAliveTask() WAIT_TASK = WaitTask() ADJUST_LRU_SIZE_TASK = AdjustLRUSizeTask() DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 30 DB_LOCK_QUEUE_CHECK_TIMEOUT = 10 # check every 10 seconds INVALIDATED_ERR = "Database connection invalidated" CONNECTIVITY_ERR = "Error in database connectivity during commit" # Pool size must accommodate Recorder thread + All db executors MAX_DB_EXECUTOR_WORKERS = POOL_SIZE - 1 class Recorder(threading.Thread): """A threaded recorder class.""" stop_requested: bool def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, auto_purge: bool, auto_repack: bool, keep_days: int, commit_interval: int, uri: str, db_max_retries: int, db_retry_wait: int, entity_filter: Callable[[str], bool], exclude_event_types: set[str], ) -> None: """Initialize the recorder.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="Recorder") self.hass = hass self.thread_id: int | None = None self.auto_purge = auto_purge self.auto_repack = auto_repack self.keep_days = keep_days self.is_running: bool = False self._hass_started: asyncio.Future[object] = hass.loop.create_future() self.commit_interval = commit_interval self._queue: queue.SimpleQueue[RecorderTask | Event] = queue.SimpleQueue() self.db_url = uri self.db_max_retries = db_max_retries self.db_retry_wait = db_retry_wait self.database_engine: DatabaseEngine | None = None # Database connection is ready, but non-live migration may be in progress db_connected: asyncio.Future[bool] = hass.data[DOMAIN].db_connected self.async_db_connected: asyncio.Future[bool] = db_connected # Database is ready to use but live migration may be in progress self.async_db_ready: asyncio.Future[bool] = hass.loop.create_future() # Database is ready to use and all migration steps completed (used by tests) self.async_recorder_ready = asyncio.Event() self._queue_watch = threading.Event() self.engine: Engine | None = None self.max_backlog: int = MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG_MIN_VALUE self._psutil: ha_psutil.PsutilWrapper | None = None # The entity_filter is exposed on the recorder instance so that # it can be used to see if an entity is being recorded and is called # by is_entity_recorder and the sensor recorder. self.entity_filter = entity_filter self.exclude_event_types = exclude_event_types self.schema_version = 0 self._commits_without_expire = 0 self._event_session_has_pending_writes = False self.recorder_runs_manager = RecorderRunsManager() self.states_manager = StatesManager() self.event_data_manager = EventDataManager(self) self.event_type_manager = EventTypeManager(self) self.states_meta_manager = StatesMetaManager(self) self.state_attributes_manager = StateAttributesManager(self) self.statistics_meta_manager = StatisticsMetaManager(self) self.event_session: Session | None = None self._get_session: Callable[[], Session] | None = None self._completed_first_database_setup: bool | None = None self.async_migration_event = asyncio.Event() self.migration_in_progress = False self.migration_is_live = False self.use_legacy_events_index = False self._database_lock_task: DatabaseLockTask | None = None self._db_executor: DBInterruptibleThreadPoolExecutor | None = None self._event_listener: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._queue_watcher: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._keep_alive_listener: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._commit_listener: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._periodic_listener: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._nightly_listener: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._dialect_name: SupportedDialect | None = None self.enabled = True # For safety we default to the lowest value for max_bind_vars # of all the DB types (SQLITE_MAX_BIND_VARS). # # We update the value once we connect to the DB # and determine what is actually supported. self.max_bind_vars = SQLITE_MAX_BIND_VARS @property def backlog(self) -> int: """Return the number of items in the recorder backlog.""" return self._queue.qsize() @property def dialect_name(self) -> SupportedDialect | None: """Return the dialect the recorder uses.""" return self._dialect_name @property def _using_file_sqlite(self) -> bool: """Short version to check if we are using sqlite3 as a file.""" return self.db_url != SQLITE_URL_PREFIX and self.db_url.startswith( SQLITE_URL_PREFIX ) @property def recording(self) -> bool: """Return if the recorder is recording.""" return self._event_listener is not None def get_session(self) -> Session: """Get a new sqlalchemy session.""" if self._get_session is None: raise RuntimeError("The database connection has not been established") return self._get_session() def queue_task(self, task: RecorderTask | Event) -> None: """Add a task to the recorder queue.""" self._queue.put(task) def set_enable(self, enable: bool) -> None: """Enable or disable recording events and states.""" self.enabled = enable @callback def async_start_executor(self) -> None: """Start the executor.""" self._db_executor = DBInterruptibleThreadPoolExecutor( thread_name_prefix=DB_WORKER_PREFIX, max_workers=MAX_DB_EXECUTOR_WORKERS, shutdown_hook=self._shutdown_pool, ) def _shutdown_pool(self) -> None: """Close the dbpool connections in the current thread.""" if self.engine and hasattr(self.engine.pool, "shutdown"): self.engine.pool.shutdown() @callback def async_initialize(self) -> None: """Initialize the recorder.""" entity_filter = self.entity_filter exclude_event_types = self.exclude_event_types queue_put = self._queue.put_nowait @callback def _event_listener(event: Event) -> None: """Listen for new events and put them in the process queue.""" if event.event_type in exclude_event_types: return if (entity_id := event.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID)) is None: queue_put(event) return if isinstance(entity_id, str): if entity_filter(entity_id): queue_put(event) return if isinstance(entity_id, list): for eid in entity_id: if entity_filter(eid): queue_put(event) return return # Unknown what it is. queue_put(event) self._event_listener = self.hass.bus.async_listen( MATCH_ALL, _event_listener, run_immediately=True, ) self._queue_watcher = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._async_check_queue, timedelta(minutes=10), name="Recorder queue watcher", ) @callback def _async_keep_alive(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Queue a keep alive.""" if self._event_listener: self.queue_task(KEEP_ALIVE_TASK) @callback def _async_commit(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Queue a commit.""" if ( self._event_listener and not self._database_lock_task and self._event_session_has_pending_writes ): self.queue_task(COMMIT_TASK) @callback def async_add_executor_job( self, target: Callable[..., T], *args: Any ) -> asyncio.Future[T]: """Add an executor job from within the event loop.""" return self.hass.loop.run_in_executor(self._db_executor, target, *args) def _stop_executor(self) -> None: """Stop the executor.""" if self._db_executor is None: return self._db_executor.shutdown() self._db_executor = None @callback def _async_check_queue(self, *_: Any) -> None: """Periodic check of the queue size to ensure we do not exhaust memory. The queue grows during migration or if something really goes wrong. """ size = self.backlog _LOGGER.debug("Recorder queue size is: %s", size) if not self._reached_max_backlog_percentage(100): return _LOGGER.error( ( "The recorder backlog queue reached the maximum size of %s events; " "usually, the system is CPU bound, I/O bound, or the database " "is corrupt due to a disk problem; The recorder will stop " "recording events to avoid running out of memory" ), self.backlog, ) self._async_stop_queue_watcher_and_event_listener() def _available_memory(self) -> int: """Return the available memory in bytes.""" if not self._psutil: self._psutil = ha_psutil.PsutilWrapper() return cast(int, self._psutil.psutil.virtual_memory().available) def _reached_max_backlog_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> bool: """Check if the system has reached the max queue backlog and return the maximum if it has.""" percentage_modifier = percentage / 100 current_backlog = self.backlog # First check the minimum value since its cheap if current_backlog < (MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG_MIN_VALUE * percentage_modifier): return False # If they have more RAM available, keep filling the backlog # since we do not want to stop recording events or give the # user a bad backup when they have plenty of RAM available. max_queue_backlog = int( QUEUE_PERCENTAGE_ALLOWED_AVAILABLE_MEMORY * (self._available_memory() / ESTIMATED_QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE) ) self.max_backlog = max(max_queue_backlog, MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG_MIN_VALUE) return current_backlog >= (max_queue_backlog * percentage_modifier) @callback def _async_stop_queue_watcher_and_event_listener(self) -> None: """Stop watching the queue and listening for events.""" if self._queue_watcher: self._queue_watcher() self._queue_watcher = None if self._event_listener: self._event_listener() self._event_listener = None @callback def _async_stop_listeners(self) -> None: """Stop listeners.""" self._async_stop_queue_watcher_and_event_listener() if self._keep_alive_listener: self._keep_alive_listener() self._keep_alive_listener = None if self._commit_listener: self._commit_listener() self._commit_listener = None if self._nightly_listener: self._nightly_listener() self._nightly_listener = None if self._periodic_listener: self._periodic_listener() self._periodic_listener = None async def _async_close(self, event: Event) -> None: """Empty the queue if its still present at close.""" # If the queue is full of events to be processed because # the database is so broken that every event results in a retry # we will never be able to get though the events to shutdown in time. # # We drain all the events in the queue and then insert # an empty one to ensure the next thing the recorder sees # is a request to shutdown. while True: try: self._queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break self.queue_task(StopTask()) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.join) async def _async_shutdown(self, event: Event) -> None: """Shut down the Recorder at final write.""" if not self._hass_started.done(): self._hass_started.set_result(SHUTDOWN_TASK) self.queue_task(StopTask()) self._async_stop_listeners() await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.join) @callback def _async_hass_started(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Notify that hass has started.""" self._hass_started.set_result(None) @callback def async_register(self) -> None: """Post connection initialize.""" bus = self.hass.bus bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_CLOSE, self._async_close) bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_FINAL_WRITE, self._async_shutdown) async_at_started(self.hass, self._async_hass_started) @callback def _async_startup_failed(self) -> None: """Report startup failure.""" # If a live migration failed, we were able to connect (async_db_connected # marked True), the database was marked ready (async_db_ready marked # True), the data in the queue cannot be written to the database because # the schema not in the correct format so we must stop listeners and report # failure. if not self.async_db_connected.done(): self.async_db_connected.set_result(False) if not self.async_db_ready.done(): self.async_db_ready.set_result(False) persistent_notification.async_create( self.hass, "The recorder could not start, check [the logs](/config/logs)", "Recorder", ) self._async_stop_listeners() @callback def async_connection_success(self) -> None: """Connect to the database succeeded, schema version and migration need known. The database may not yet be ready for use in case of a non-live migration. """ self.async_db_connected.set_result(True) @callback def async_set_db_ready(self) -> None: """Database live and ready for use. Called after non-live migration steps are finished. """ if self.async_db_ready.done(): return self.async_db_ready.set_result(True) self.async_start_executor() @callback def _async_set_recorder_ready_migration_done(self) -> None: """Finish start and mark recorder ready. Called after all migration steps are finished. """ self._async_setup_periodic_tasks() self.async_recorder_ready.set() @callback def async_nightly_tasks(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Trigger the purge.""" if self.auto_purge: # Purge will schedule the periodic cleanups # after it completes to ensure it does not happen # until after the database is vacuumed repack = self.auto_repack and is_second_sunday(now) purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=self.keep_days) self.queue_task(PurgeTask(purge_before, repack=repack, apply_filter=False)) else: self.queue_task(PerodicCleanupTask()) @callback def _async_five_minute_tasks(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Run tasks every five minutes.""" self.queue_task(ADJUST_LRU_SIZE_TASK) self.async_periodic_statistics() def _adjust_lru_size(self) -> None: """Trigger the LRU adjustment. If the number of entities has increased, increase the size of the LRU cache to avoid thrashing. """ if new_size := self.hass.states.async_entity_ids_count() * 2: self.state_attributes_manager.adjust_lru_size(new_size) self.states_meta_manager.adjust_lru_size(new_size) self.statistics_meta_manager.adjust_lru_size(new_size) @callback def async_periodic_statistics(self) -> None: """Trigger the statistics run. Short term statistics run every 5 minutes """ start = statistics.get_start_time() self.queue_task(StatisticsTask(start, True)) @callback def async_adjust_statistics( self, statistic_id: str, start_time: datetime, sum_adjustment: float, adjustment_unit: str, ) -> None: """Adjust statistics.""" self.queue_task( AdjustStatisticsTask( statistic_id, start_time, sum_adjustment, adjustment_unit ) ) @callback def async_clear_statistics(self, statistic_ids: list[str]) -> None: """Clear statistics for a list of statistic_ids.""" self.queue_task(ClearStatisticsTask(statistic_ids)) @callback def async_update_statistics_metadata( self, statistic_id: str, *, new_statistic_id: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, new_unit_of_measurement: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """Update statistics metadata for a statistic_id.""" self.queue_task( UpdateStatisticsMetadataTask( statistic_id, new_statistic_id, new_unit_of_measurement ) ) @callback def async_update_states_metadata( self, entity_id: str, new_entity_id: str, ) -> None: """Update states metadata for an entity_id.""" self.queue_task(UpdateStatesMetadataTask(entity_id, new_entity_id)) @callback def async_change_statistics_unit( self, statistic_id: str, *, new_unit_of_measurement: str, old_unit_of_measurement: str, ) -> None: """Change statistics unit for a statistic_id.""" self.queue_task( ChangeStatisticsUnitTask( statistic_id, new_unit_of_measurement, old_unit_of_measurement ) ) @callback def async_import_statistics( self, metadata: StatisticMetaData, stats: Iterable[StatisticData], table: type[Statistics | StatisticsShortTerm], ) -> None: """Schedule import of statistics.""" self.queue_task(ImportStatisticsTask(metadata, stats, table)) @callback def _async_setup_periodic_tasks(self) -> None: """Prepare periodic tasks.""" if self.hass.is_stopping or not self._get_session: # Home Assistant is shutting down return # If the db is using a socket connection, we need to keep alive # to prevent errors from unexpected disconnects if self.dialect_name != SupportedDialect.SQLITE: self._keep_alive_listener = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._async_keep_alive, timedelta(seconds=KEEPALIVE_TIME), name="Recorder keep alive", ) # If the commit interval is not 0, we need to commit periodically if self.commit_interval: self._commit_listener = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._async_commit, timedelta(seconds=self.commit_interval), name="Recorder commit", ) # Run nightly tasks at 4:12am self._nightly_listener = async_track_time_change( self.hass, self.async_nightly_tasks, hour=4, minute=12, second=0 ) # Compile short term statistics every 5 minutes self._periodic_listener = async_track_utc_time_change( self.hass, self._async_five_minute_tasks, minute=range(0, 60, 5), second=10 ) async def _async_wait_for_started(self) -> object | None: """Wait for the hass started future.""" return await self._hass_started def _wait_startup_or_shutdown(self) -> object | None: """Wait for startup or shutdown before starting.""" try: return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self._async_wait_for_started(), self.hass.loop ).result() except CancelledError as ex: _LOGGER.warning( "Recorder startup was externally canceled before it could complete: %s", ex, ) return SHUTDOWN_TASK def run(self) -> None: """Run the recorder thread.""" self.is_running = True try: self._run() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught _LOGGER.exception( "Recorder._run threw unexpected exception, recorder shutting down" ) finally: # Ensure shutdown happens cleanly if # anything goes wrong in the run loop self.is_running = False self._shutdown() def _add_to_session(self, session: Session, obj: object) -> None: """Add an object to the session.""" self._event_session_has_pending_writes = True session.add(obj) def _run(self) -> None: """Start processing events to save.""" self.thread_id = threading.get_ident() setup_result = self._setup_recorder() if not setup_result: # Give up if we could not connect return schema_status = migration.validate_db_schema(self.hass, self, self.get_session) if schema_status is None: # Give up if we could not validate the schema return self.schema_version = schema_status.current_version if schema_status.valid: self._setup_run() else: self.migration_in_progress = True self.migration_is_live = migration.live_migration(schema_status) self.hass.add_job(self.async_connection_success) database_was_ready = self.migration_is_live or schema_status.valid if database_was_ready: # If the migrate is live or the schema is valid, we need to # wait for startup to complete. If its not live, we need to continue # on. self._activate_and_set_db_ready() # We wait to start a live migration until startup has finished # since it can be cpu intensive and we do not want it to compete # with startup which is also cpu intensive if self._wait_startup_or_shutdown() is SHUTDOWN_TASK: # Shutdown happened before Home Assistant finished starting self.migration_in_progress = False # Make sure we cleanly close the run if # we restart before startup finishes return if not schema_status.valid: if self._migrate_schema_and_setup_run(schema_status): self.schema_version = SCHEMA_VERSION if not self._event_listener: # If the schema migration takes so long that the end # queue watcher safety kicks in because _reached_max_backlog # was True, we need to reinitialize the listener. self.hass.add_job(self.async_initialize) else: persistent_notification.create( self.hass, "The database migration failed, check [the logs](/config/logs).", "Database Migration Failed", "recorder_database_migration", ) return if not database_was_ready: self._activate_and_set_db_ready() # Catch up with missed statistics self._schedule_compile_missing_statistics() _LOGGER.debug("Recorder processing the queue") self._adjust_lru_size() self.hass.add_job(self._async_set_recorder_ready_migration_done) self._run_event_loop() def _activate_and_set_db_ready(self) -> None: """Activate the table managers or schedule migrations and mark the db as ready.""" with session_scope(session=self.get_session(), read_only=True) as session: # Prime the statistics meta manager as soon as possible # since we want the frontend queries to avoid a thundering # herd of queries to find the statistics meta data if # there are a lot of statistics graphs on the frontend. if self.schema_version >= STATISTICS_ROWS_SCHEMA_VERSION: self.statistics_meta_manager.load(session) if ( self.schema_version < CONTEXT_ID_AS_BINARY_SCHEMA_VERSION or execute_stmt_lambda_element( session, has_states_context_ids_to_migrate() ) ): self.queue_task(StatesContextIDMigrationTask()) if ( self.schema_version < CONTEXT_ID_AS_BINARY_SCHEMA_VERSION or execute_stmt_lambda_element( session, has_events_context_ids_to_migrate() ) ): self.queue_task(EventsContextIDMigrationTask()) if ( self.schema_version < EVENT_TYPE_IDS_SCHEMA_VERSION or execute_stmt_lambda_element(session, has_event_type_to_migrate()) ): self.queue_task(EventTypeIDMigrationTask()) else: _LOGGER.debug("Activating event_types manager as all data is migrated") self.event_type_manager.active = True if ( self.schema_version < STATES_META_SCHEMA_VERSION or execute_stmt_lambda_element(session, has_entity_ids_to_migrate()) ): self.queue_task(EntityIDMigrationTask()) else: _LOGGER.debug("Activating states_meta manager as all data is migrated") self.states_meta_manager.active = True with contextlib.suppress(SQLAlchemyError): # If ix_states_entity_id_last_updated_ts still exists # on the states table it means the entity id migration # finished by the EntityIDPostMigrationTask did not # because they restarted in the middle of it. We need # to pick back up where we left off. if get_index_by_name( session, TABLE_STATES, LEGACY_STATES_ENTITY_ID_LAST_UPDATED_INDEX, ): self.queue_task(EntityIDPostMigrationTask()) if self.schema_version > LEGACY_STATES_EVENT_ID_INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION: with contextlib.suppress(SQLAlchemyError): # If the index of event_ids on the states table is still present # we need to queue a task to remove it. if get_index_by_name( session, TABLE_STATES, LEGACY_STATES_EVENT_ID_INDEX ): self.queue_task(EventIdMigrationTask()) self.use_legacy_events_index = True # We must only set the db ready after we have set the table managers # to active if there is no data to migrate. # # This ensures that the history queries will use the new tables # and not the old ones as soon as the API is available. self.hass.add_job(self.async_set_db_ready) def _run_event_loop(self) -> None: """Run the event loop for the recorder.""" # Use a session for the event read loop # with a commit every time the event time # has changed. This reduces the disk io. queue_ = self._queue startup_task_or_events: list[RecorderTask | Event] = [] while not queue_.empty() and (task_or_event := queue_.get_nowait()): startup_task_or_events.append(task_or_event) self._pre_process_startup_events(startup_task_or_events) for task in startup_task_or_events: self._guarded_process_one_task_or_event_or_recover(task) # Clear startup tasks since this thread runs forever # and we don't want to hold them in memory del startup_task_or_events self.stop_requested = False while not self.stop_requested: self._guarded_process_one_task_or_event_or_recover(queue_.get()) def _pre_process_startup_events( self, startup_task_or_events: list[RecorderTask | Event] ) -> None: """Pre process startup events.""" # Prime all the state_attributes and event_data caches # before we start processing events state_change_events: list[Event] = [] non_state_change_events: list[Event] = [] for task_or_event in startup_task_or_events: # Event is never subclassed so we can # use a fast type check if type(task_or_event) is Event: # noqa: E721 event_ = task_or_event if event_.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: state_change_events.append(event_) else: non_state_change_events.append(event_) assert self.event_session is not None session = self.event_session self.event_data_manager.load(non_state_change_events, session) self.event_type_manager.load(non_state_change_events, session) self.states_meta_manager.load(state_change_events, session) self.state_attributes_manager.load(state_change_events, session) def _guarded_process_one_task_or_event_or_recover( self, task: RecorderTask | Event ) -> None: """Process a task, guarding against exceptions to ensure the loop does not collapse.""" _LOGGER.debug("Processing task: %s", task) try: self._process_one_task_or_event_or_recover(task) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error while processing event %s: %s", task, err) def _process_one_task_or_event_or_recover(self, task: RecorderTask | Event) -> None: """Process a task or event, reconnect, or recover a malformed database.""" try: # Almost everything coming in via the queue # is an Event so we can process it directly # and since its never subclassed, we can # use a fast type check if type(task) is Event: # noqa: E721 self._process_one_event(task) return # If its not an event, commit everything # that is pending before running the task if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(task, RecorderTask) if not task.commit_before: self._commit_event_session_or_retry() return task.run(self) except exc.DatabaseError as err: if self._handle_database_error(err): return _LOGGER.exception( "Unhandled database error while processing task %s: %s", task, err ) except SQLAlchemyError as err: _LOGGER.exception("SQLAlchemyError error processing task %s: %s", task, err) # Reset the session if an SQLAlchemyError (including DatabaseError) # happens to rollback and recover self._reopen_event_session() def _setup_recorder(self) -> bool: """Create a connection to the database.""" tries = 1 while tries <= self.db_max_retries: try: self._setup_connection() return migration.initialize_database(self.get_session) except UnsupportedDialect: break except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Error during connection setup: %s (retrying in %s seconds)", err, self.db_retry_wait, ) tries += 1 time.sleep(self.db_retry_wait) return False @callback def _async_migration_started(self) -> None: """Set the migration started event.""" self.async_migration_event.set() def _migrate_schema_and_setup_run( self, schema_status: migration.SchemaValidationStatus ) -> bool: """Migrate schema to the latest version.""" persistent_notification.create( self.hass, ( "System performance will temporarily degrade during the database" " upgrade. Do not power down or restart the system until the upgrade" " completes. Integrations that read the database, such as logbook," " history, and statistics may return inconsistent results until the " " upgrade completes. This notification will be automatically dismissed" " when the upgrade completes." ), "Database upgrade in progress", "recorder_database_migration", ) self.hass.add_job(self._async_migration_started) try: assert self.engine is not None migration.migrate_schema( self, self.hass, self.engine, self.get_session, schema_status ) except exc.DatabaseError as err: if self._handle_database_error(err): return True _LOGGER.exception("Database error during schema migration") return False except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error during schema migration") return False else: self._setup_run() return True finally: self.migration_in_progress = False persistent_notification.dismiss(self.hass, "recorder_database_migration") def _lock_database(self, task: DatabaseLockTask) -> None: @callback def _async_set_database_locked(task: DatabaseLockTask) -> None: task.database_locked.set() local_start_time = dt_util.now() hass = self.hass with write_lock_db_sqlite(self): # Notify that lock is being held, wait until database can be used again. hass.add_job(_async_set_database_locked, task) while not task.database_unlock.wait(timeout=DB_LOCK_QUEUE_CHECK_TIMEOUT): if self._reached_max_backlog_percentage(90): _LOGGER.warning( "Database queue backlog reached more than %s (%s events) of maximum queue " "length while waiting for backup to finish; recorder will now " "resume writing to database. The backup cannot be trusted and " "must be restarted", "90%", self.backlog, ) task.queue_overflow = True hass.add_job( async_create_backup_failure_issue, self.hass, local_start_time ) break _LOGGER.info( "Database queue backlog reached %d entries during backup", self.backlog, ) def _process_one_event(self, event: Event) -> None: if not self.enabled: return if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: self._process_state_changed_event_into_session(event) else: self._process_non_state_changed_event_into_session(event) # Commit if the commit interval is zero if not self.commit_interval: self._commit_event_session_or_retry() def _process_non_state_changed_event_into_session(self, event: Event) -> None: """Process any event into the session except state changed.""" session = self.event_session assert session is not None dbevent = Events.from_event(event) # Map the event_type to the EventTypes table event_type_manager = self.event_type_manager if pending_event_types := event_type_manager.get_pending(event.event_type): dbevent.event_type_rel = pending_event_types elif event_type_id := event_type_manager.get(event.event_type, session, True): dbevent.event_type_id = event_type_id else: event_types = EventTypes(event_type=event.event_type) event_type_manager.add_pending(event_types) self._add_to_session(session, event_types) dbevent.event_type_rel = event_types if not event.data: self._add_to_session(session, dbevent) return event_data_manager = self.event_data_manager if not (shared_data_bytes := event_data_manager.serialize_from_event(event)): return # Map the event data to the EventData table shared_data = shared_data_bytes.decode("utf-8") # Matching attributes found in the pending commit if pending_event_data := event_data_manager.get_pending(shared_data): dbevent.event_data_rel = pending_event_data # Matching attributes id found in the cache elif (data_id := event_data_manager.get_from_cache(shared_data)) or ( (hash_ := EventData.hash_shared_data_bytes(shared_data_bytes)) and (data_id := event_data_manager.get(shared_data, hash_, session)) ): dbevent.data_id = data_id else: # No matching attributes found, save them in the DB dbevent_data = EventData(shared_data=shared_data, hash=hash_) event_data_manager.add_pending(dbevent_data) self._add_to_session(session, dbevent_data) dbevent.event_data_rel = dbevent_data self._add_to_session(session, dbevent) def _process_state_changed_event_into_session(self, event: Event) -> None: """Process a state_changed event into the session.""" state_attributes_manager = self.state_attributes_manager states_meta_manager = self.states_meta_manager entity_removed = not event.data.get("new_state") entity_id = event.data["entity_id"] dbstate = States.from_event(event) states_manager = self.states_manager if old_state := states_manager.pop_pending(entity_id): dbstate.old_state = old_state elif old_state_id := states_manager.pop_committed(entity_id): dbstate.old_state_id = old_state_id if entity_removed: dbstate.state = None else: states_manager.add_pending(entity_id, dbstate) if states_meta_manager.active: dbstate.entity_id = None if entity_id is None or not ( shared_attrs_bytes := state_attributes_manager.serialize_from_event(event) ): return assert self.event_session is not None session = self.event_session # Map the entity_id to the StatesMeta table if pending_states_meta := states_meta_manager.get_pending(entity_id): dbstate.states_meta_rel = pending_states_meta elif metadata_id := states_meta_manager.get(entity_id, session, True): dbstate.metadata_id = metadata_id elif states_meta_manager.active and entity_removed: # If the entity was removed, we don't need to add it to the # StatesMeta table or record it in the pending commit # if it does not have a metadata_id allocated to it as # it either never existed or was just renamed. return else: states_meta = StatesMeta(entity_id=entity_id) states_meta_manager.add_pending(states_meta) self._add_to_session(session, states_meta) dbstate.states_meta_rel = states_meta # Map the event data to the StateAttributes table shared_attrs = shared_attrs_bytes.decode("utf-8") dbstate.attributes = None # Matching attributes found in the pending commit if pending_event_data := state_attributes_manager.get_pending(shared_attrs): dbstate.state_attributes = pending_event_data # Matching attributes id found in the cache elif ( attributes_id := state_attributes_manager.get_from_cache(shared_attrs) ) or ( (hash_ := StateAttributes.hash_shared_attrs_bytes(shared_attrs_bytes)) and ( attributes_id := state_attributes_manager.get( shared_attrs, hash_, session ) ) ): dbstate.attributes_id = attributes_id else: # No matching attributes found, save them in the DB dbstate_attributes = StateAttributes(shared_attrs=shared_attrs, hash=hash_) state_attributes_manager.add_pending(dbstate_attributes) self._add_to_session(session, dbstate_attributes) dbstate.state_attributes = dbstate_attributes self._add_to_session(session, dbstate) def _handle_database_error(self, err: Exception) -> bool: """Handle a database error that may result in moving away the corrupt db.""" if isinstance(err.__cause__, sqlite3.DatabaseError): _LOGGER.exception( "Unrecoverable sqlite3 database corruption detected: %s", err ) self._handle_sqlite_corruption() return True return False def _commit_event_session_or_retry(self) -> None: """Commit the event session if there is work to do.""" if not self._event_session_has_pending_writes: return tries = 1 while tries <= self.db_max_retries: try: self._commit_event_session() return except (exc.InternalError, exc.OperationalError) as err: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Error executing query: %s. (retrying in %s seconds)", INVALIDATED_ERR if err.connection_invalidated else CONNECTIVITY_ERR, err, self.db_retry_wait, ) if tries == self.db_max_retries: raise tries += 1 time.sleep(self.db_retry_wait) def _commit_event_session(self) -> None: assert self.event_session is not None session = self.event_session self._commits_without_expire += 1 session.commit() self._event_session_has_pending_writes = False # We just committed the state attributes to the database # and we now know the attributes_ids. We can save # many selects for matching attributes by loading them # into the LRU or committed now. self.states_manager.post_commit_pending() self.state_attributes_manager.post_commit_pending() self.event_data_manager.post_commit_pending() self.event_type_manager.post_commit_pending() self.states_meta_manager.post_commit_pending() # Expire is an expensive operation (frequently more expensive # than the flush and commit itself) so we only # do it after EXPIRE_AFTER_COMMITS commits if self._commits_without_expire >= EXPIRE_AFTER_COMMITS: self._commits_without_expire = 0 session.expire_all() def _handle_sqlite_corruption(self) -> None: """Handle the sqlite3 database being corrupt.""" try: self._close_event_session() finally: self._close_connection() move_away_broken_database(dburl_to_path(self.db_url)) self.recorder_runs_manager.reset() self._setup_recorder() self._setup_run() def _close_event_session(self) -> None: """Close the event session.""" self.states_manager.reset() self.state_attributes_manager.reset() self.event_data_manager.reset() self.event_type_manager.reset() self.states_meta_manager.reset() self.statistics_meta_manager.reset() if not self.event_session: return try: self.event_session.rollback() self.event_session.close() except SQLAlchemyError as err: _LOGGER.exception( "Error while rolling back and closing the event session: %s", err ) def _reopen_event_session(self) -> None: """Rollback the event session and reopen it after a failure.""" self._close_event_session() self._open_event_session() def _open_event_session(self) -> None: """Open the event session.""" self.event_session = self.get_session() self.event_session.expire_on_commit = False def _post_schema_migration(self, old_version: int, new_version: int) -> None: """Run post schema migration tasks.""" migration.post_schema_migration(self, old_version, new_version) def _migrate_states_context_ids(self) -> bool: """Migrate states context ids if needed.""" return migration.migrate_states_context_ids(self) def _migrate_events_context_ids(self) -> bool: """Migrate events context ids if needed.""" return migration.migrate_events_context_ids(self) def _migrate_event_type_ids(self) -> bool: """Migrate event type ids if needed.""" return migration.migrate_event_type_ids(self) def _migrate_entity_ids(self) -> bool: """Migrate entity_ids if needed.""" return migration.migrate_entity_ids(self) def _post_migrate_entity_ids(self) -> bool: """Post migrate entity_ids if needed.""" return migration.post_migrate_entity_ids(self) def _cleanup_legacy_states_event_ids(self) -> bool: """Cleanup legacy event_ids if needed.""" return migration.cleanup_legacy_states_event_ids(self) def _send_keep_alive(self) -> None: """Send a keep alive to keep the db connection open.""" assert self.event_session is not None _LOGGER.debug("Sending keepalive") self.event_session.connection().scalar(select(1)) async def async_block_till_done(self) -> None: """Async version of block_till_done.""" if self._queue.empty() and not self._event_session_has_pending_writes: return event = asyncio.Event() self.queue_task(SynchronizeTask(event)) await event.wait() def block_till_done(self) -> None: """Block till all events processed. This is only called in tests. This only blocks until the queue is empty which does not mean the recorder is done. Call tests.common's wait_recording_done after calling this to ensure the data is in the database. """ self._queue_watch.clear() self.queue_task(WAIT_TASK) self._queue_watch.wait() async def lock_database(self) -> bool: """Lock database so it can be backed up safely.""" if self.dialect_name != SupportedDialect.SQLITE: _LOGGER.debug( "Not a SQLite database or not connected, locking not necessary" ) return True if self._database_lock_task: _LOGGER.warning("Database already locked") return False database_locked = asyncio.Event() task = DatabaseLockTask(database_locked, threading.Event(), False) self.queue_task(task) try: async with asyncio.timeout(DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT): await database_locked.wait() except TimeoutError as err: task.database_unlock.set() raise TimeoutError( f"Could not lock database within {DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT} seconds." ) from err self._database_lock_task = task return True @callback def unlock_database(self) -> bool: """Unlock database. Returns true if database lock has been held throughout the process. """ if self.dialect_name != SupportedDialect.SQLITE: _LOGGER.debug( "Not a SQLite database or not connected, unlocking not necessary" ) return True if not self._database_lock_task: _LOGGER.warning("Database currently not locked") return False self._database_lock_task.database_unlock.set() success = not self._database_lock_task.queue_overflow self._database_lock_task = None return success def _setup_recorder_connection( self, dbapi_connection: DBAPIConnection, connection_record: Any ) -> None: """Dbapi specific connection settings.""" assert self.engine is not None if database_engine := setup_connection_for_dialect( self, self.engine.dialect.name, dbapi_connection, not self._completed_first_database_setup, ): self.database_engine = database_engine self.max_bind_vars = database_engine.max_bind_vars self._completed_first_database_setup = True def _setup_connection(self) -> None: """Ensure database is ready to fly.""" kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {} self._completed_first_database_setup = False if self.db_url == SQLITE_URL_PREFIX or ":memory:" in self.db_url: kwargs["connect_args"] = {"check_same_thread": False} kwargs["poolclass"] = MutexPool MutexPool.pool_lock = threading.RLock() kwargs["pool_reset_on_return"] = None elif self.db_url.startswith(SQLITE_URL_PREFIX): kwargs["poolclass"] = RecorderPool elif self.db_url.startswith( ( MARIADB_URL_PREFIX, MARIADB_PYMYSQL_URL_PREFIX, MYSQLDB_URL_PREFIX, MYSQLDB_PYMYSQL_URL_PREFIX, ) ): kwargs["connect_args"] = {"charset": "utf8mb4"} if self.db_url.startswith((MARIADB_URL_PREFIX, MYSQLDB_URL_PREFIX)): # If they have configured MySQLDB but don't have # the MySQLDB module installed this will throw # an ImportError which we suppress here since # sqlalchemy will give them a better error when # it tried to import it below. with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): kwargs["connect_args"]["conv"] = build_mysqldb_conv() # Disable extended logging for non SQLite databases if not self.db_url.startswith(SQLITE_URL_PREFIX): kwargs["echo"] = False if self._using_file_sqlite: validate_or_move_away_sqlite_database(self.db_url) self.engine = create_engine(self.db_url, **kwargs, future=True) self._dialect_name = try_parse_enum(SupportedDialect, self.engine.dialect.name) sqlalchemy_event.listen(self.engine, "connect", self._setup_recorder_connection) Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self._get_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine, future=True)) _LOGGER.debug("Connected to recorder database") def _close_connection(self) -> None: """Close the connection.""" if self.engine: self.engine.dispose() self.engine = None self._get_session = None def _setup_run(self) -> None: """Log the start of the current run and schedule any needed jobs.""" with session_scope(session=self.get_session()) as session: end_incomplete_runs(session, self.recorder_runs_manager.recording_start) self.recorder_runs_manager.start(session) self._open_event_session() def _schedule_compile_missing_statistics(self) -> None: """Add tasks for missing statistics runs.""" self.queue_task(CompileMissingStatisticsTask()) def _end_session(self) -> None: """End the recorder session.""" if self.event_session is None: return if self.recorder_runs_manager.active: # .end will add to the event session self._event_session_has_pending_writes = True self.recorder_runs_manager.end(self.event_session) try: self._commit_event_session_or_retry() except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error saving the event session during shutdown: %s", err) self.event_session.close() self.recorder_runs_manager.clear() def _shutdown(self) -> None: """Save end time for current run.""" _LOGGER.debug("Shutting down recorder") if not self.schema_version or self.schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION: # If the schema version is not set, we never had a working # connection to the database or the schema never reached a # good state. # # In either case, we want to mark startup as failed. # self.hass.add_job(self._async_startup_failed) else: self.hass.add_job(self._async_stop_listeners) try: self._end_session() finally: self._stop_executor() self._close_connection()