{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]" }, "step": { "auth": { "data": { "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]" } }, "choose_auth": { "description": "Setting credentials enables additional functionality.", "menu_options": { "auth": "Set credentials (recommended)", "skip_auth": "Skip authentication" } }, "user": { "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]" }, "data_description": { "host": "The hostname or IP address of your SFR device." }, "description": "Setting the credentials is optional, but enables additional functionality." } } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "dsl_status": { "name": "DSL status" }, "ftth_status": { "name": "FTTH status" }, "wan_status": { "name": "WAN status" } }, "sensor": { "dsl_attenuation_down": { "name": "DSL attenuation down" }, "dsl_attenuation_up": { "name": "DSL attenuation up" }, "dsl_crc": { "name": "DSL CRC" }, "dsl_counter": { "name": "DSL counter" }, "dsl_linemode": { "name": "DSL line mode" }, "dsl_line_status": { "name": "DSL line status", "state": { "no_defect": "No Defect", "of_frame": "Of Frame", "loss_of_signal": "Loss Of Signal", "loss_of_power": "Loss Of Power", "loss_of_signal_quality": "Loss Of Signal Quality", "unknown": "Unknown" } }, "dsl_noise_down": { "name": "DSL noise down" }, "dsl_noise_up": { "name": "DSL noise up" }, "dsl_rate_down": { "name": "DSL rate down" }, "dsl_rate_up": { "name": "DSL rate up" }, "dsl_training": { "name": "DSL training", "state": { "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "g_994_training": "G.994 Training", "g_992_started": "G.992 Started", "g_922_channel_analysis": "G.922 Channel Analysis", "g_992_message_exchange": "G.992 Message Exchange", "g_993_started": "G.993 Started", "g_993_channel_analysis": "G.993 Channel Analysis", "g_993_message_exchange": "G.993 Message Exchange", "showtime": "Showtime", "unknown": "Unknown" } }, "net_infra": { "name": "Network infrastructure", "state": { "adsl": "ADSL", "ftth": "FTTH", "gprs": "GPRS", "unknown": "Unknown" } }, "wan_mode": { "name": "WAN mode", "state": { "adsl_ppp": "ADSL (PPP)", "adsl_routed": "ADSL (Routed)", "ftth_routed": "FTTH (Routed)", "grps_ppp": "GPRS (PPP)", "unknown": "Unknown" } } } } }