"""Notify platform tests for mobile_app.""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from homeassistant.components.mobile_app.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, MockUser from tests.test_util.aiohttp import AiohttpClientMocker from tests.typing import WebSocketGenerator @pytest.fixture async def setup_push_receiver( hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, hass_admin_user: MockUser ) -> None: """Fixture that sets up a mocked push receiver.""" push_url = "https://mobile-push.home-assistant.dev/push" now = datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=24) iso_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") aioclient_mock.post( push_url, json={ "rateLimits": { "attempts": 1, "successful": 1, "errors": 0, "total": 1, "maximum": 150, "remaining": 149, "resetsAt": iso_time, } }, ) entry = MockConfigEntry( data={ "app_data": {"push_token": "PUSH_TOKEN", "push_url": push_url}, "app_id": "io.homeassistant.mobile_app", "app_name": "mobile_app tests", "app_version": "1.0", "device_id": "4d5e6f", "device_name": "Test", "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": "mobile_app", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "5.0.6", "secret": "123abc", "supports_encryption": False, "user_id": hass_admin_user.id, "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", }, domain=DOMAIN, source="registration", title="mobile_app test entry", version=1, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() loaded_late_entry = MockConfigEntry( data={ "app_data": {"push_token": "PUSH_TOKEN2", "push_url": f"{push_url}2"}, "app_id": "io.homeassistant.mobile_app", "app_name": "mobile_app tests", "app_version": "1.0", "device_id": "4d5e6f2", "device_name": "Loaded Late", "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": "mobile_app", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "5.0.6", "secret": "123abc2", "supports_encryption": False, "user_id": "1a2b3c2", "webhook_id": "webhook_id_2", }, domain=DOMAIN, source="registration", title="mobile_app 2 test entry", version=1, ) loaded_late_entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert await hass.config_entries.async_setup(loaded_late_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_loaded_late") assert await hass.config_entries.async_remove(loaded_late_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_test") assert not hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_loaded_late") loaded_late_entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert await hass.config_entries.async_setup(loaded_late_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_test") assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_loaded_late") @pytest.fixture async def setup_websocket_channel_only_push( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_admin_user: MockUser ) -> None: """Set up local push.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( data={ "app_data": {"push_websocket_channel": True}, "app_id": "io.homeassistant.mobile_app", "app_name": "mobile_app tests", "app_version": "1.0", "device_id": "websocket-push-device-id", "device_name": "Websocket Push Name", "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": "mobile_app", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "5.0.6", "secret": "123abc2", "supports_encryption": False, "user_id": hass_admin_user.id, "webhook_id": "websocket-push-webhook-id", }, domain=DOMAIN, source="registration", title="websocket push test entry", version=1, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_websocket_push_name") async def test_notify_works( hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, setup_push_receiver ) -> None: """Test notify works.""" assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "mobile_app_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world"}, blocking=True ) assert len(aioclient_mock.mock_calls) == 1 call = aioclient_mock.mock_calls call_json = call[0][2] assert call_json["push_token"] == "PUSH_TOKEN" assert call_json["message"] == "Hello world" assert call_json["registration_info"]["app_id"] == "io.homeassistant.mobile_app" assert call_json["registration_info"]["app_version"] == "1.0" assert call_json["registration_info"]["webhook_id"] == "mock-webhook_id" async def test_notify_ws_works( hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, setup_push_receiver, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> None: """Test notify works.""" client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( { "id": 5, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] # Subscribe twice, it should forward all messages to 2nd subscription await client.send_json( { "id": 6, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world"}, blocking=True ) assert len(aioclient_mock.mock_calls) == 0 msg_result = await client.receive_json() assert msg_result["event"] == {"message": "Hello world"} assert msg_result["id"] == 6 # This is the new subscription # Unsubscribe, now it should go over http await client.send_json( { "id": 7, "type": "unsubscribe_events", "subscription": 6, } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world 2"}, blocking=True ) assert len(aioclient_mock.mock_calls) == 1 # Test non-existing webhook ID await client.send_json( { "id": 8, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "non-existing", } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert not sub_result["success"] assert sub_result["error"] == { "code": "not_found", "message": "Webhook ID not found", } # Test webhook ID linked to other user await client.send_json( { "id": 9, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "webhook_id_2", } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert not sub_result["success"] assert sub_result["error"] == { "code": "unauthorized", "message": "User not linked to this webhook ID", } async def test_notify_ws_confirming_works( hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, setup_push_receiver, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> None: """Test notify confirming works.""" client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( { "id": 5, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", "support_confirm": True, } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] # Sent a message that will be delivered locally await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world"}, blocking=True ) msg_result = await client.receive_json() confirm_id = msg_result["event"].pop("hass_confirm_id") assert confirm_id is not None assert msg_result["event"] == {"message": "Hello world"} # Try to confirm with incorrect confirm ID await client.send_json( { "id": 6, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_confirm", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", "confirm_id": "incorrect-confirm-id", } ) result = await client.receive_json() assert not result["success"] assert result["error"] == { "code": "not_found", "message": "Push notification channel not found", } # Confirm with correct confirm ID await client.send_json( { "id": 7, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_confirm", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", "confirm_id": confirm_id, } ) result = await client.receive_json() assert result["success"] # Drop local push channel and try to confirm another message await client.send_json( { "id": 8, "type": "unsubscribe_events", "subscription": 5, } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] await client.send_json( { "id": 9, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_confirm", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", "confirm_id": confirm_id, } ) result = await client.receive_json() assert not result["success"] assert result["error"] == { "code": "not_found", "message": "Push notification channel not found", } async def test_notify_ws_not_confirming( hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, setup_push_receiver, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> None: """Test we go via cloud when failed to confirm.""" client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( { "id": 5, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "mock-webhook_id", "support_confirm": True, } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world 1"}, blocking=True ) with patch( "homeassistant.components.mobile_app.push_notification.PUSH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT", 0 ): await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world 2"}, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await hass.async_block_till_done() # When we fail, all unconfirmed ones and failed one are sent via cloud assert len(aioclient_mock.mock_calls) == 2 # All future ones also go via cloud await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_test", {"message": "Hello world 3"}, blocking=True ) assert len(aioclient_mock.mock_calls) == 3 async def test_local_push_only( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, setup_websocket_channel_only_push, ) -> None: """Test a local only push registration.""" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError) as e_info: await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_websocket_push_name", {"message": "Not connected"}, blocking=True, ) assert str(e_info.value) == "Device not connected to local push notifications" client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( { "id": 5, "type": "mobile_app/push_notification_channel", "webhook_id": "websocket-push-webhook-id", } ) sub_result = await client.receive_json() assert sub_result["success"] await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "mobile_app_websocket_push_name", {"message": "Hello world 1"}, blocking=True, ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg == {"id": 5, "type": "event", "event": {"message": "Hello world 1"}}