# Describes the format for available light services turn_on: name: Turn on description: > Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already. target: entity: domain: light fields: transition: name: Transition description: Duration it takes to get to next state. selector: number: min: 0 max: 300 unit_of_measurement: seconds rgb_color: name: RGB-color description: A list containing three integers between 0 and 255 representing the RGB (red, green, blue) color for the light. advanced: true example: "[255, 100, 100]" selector: object: rgbw_color: name: RGBW-color description: A list containing four integers between 0 and 255 representing the RGBW (red, green, blue, white) color for the light. advanced: true example: "[255, 100, 100, 50]" selector: object: rgbww_color: name: RGBWW-color description: A list containing five integers between 0 and 255 representing the RGBWW (red, green, blue, cold white, warm white) color for the light. advanced: true example: "[255, 100, 100, 50, 70]" selector: object: color_name: name: Color name description: A human readable color name. advanced: true selector: select: options: - "homeassistant" - "aliceblue" - "antiquewhite" - "aqua" - "aquamarine" - "azure" - "beige" - "bisque" - "black" - "blanchedalmond" - "blue" - "blueviolet" - "brown" - "burlywood" - "cadetblue" - "chartreuse" - "chocolate" - "coral" - "cornflowerblue" - "cornsilk" - "crimson" - "cyan" - "darkblue" - "darkcyan" - "darkgoldenrod" - "darkgray" - "darkgreen" - "darkgrey" - "darkkhaki" - "darkmagenta" - "darkolivegreen" - "darkorange" - "darkorchid" - "darkred" - "darksalmon" - "darkseagreen" - "darkslateblue" - "darkslategray" - "darkslategrey" - "darkturquoise" - "darkviolet" - "deeppink" - "deepskyblue" - "dimgray" - "dimgrey" - "dodgerblue" - "firebrick" - "floralwhite" - "forestgreen" - "fuchsia" - "gainsboro" - "ghostwhite" - "gold" - "goldenrod" - "gray" - "green" - "greenyellow" - "grey" - "honeydew" - "hotpink" - "indianred" - "indigo" - "ivory" - "khaki" - "lavender" - "lavenderblush" - "lawngreen" - "lemonchiffon" - "lightblue" - "lightcoral" - "lightcyan" - "lightgoldenrodyellow" - "lightgray" - "lightgreen" - "lightgrey" - "lightpink" - "lightsalmon" - "lightseagreen" - "lightskyblue" - "lightslategray" - "lightslategrey" - "lightsteelblue" - "lightyellow" - "lime" - "limegreen" - "linen" - "magenta" - "maroon" - "mediumaquamarine" - "mediumblue" - "mediumorchid" - "mediumpurple" - "mediumseagreen" - "mediumslateblue" - "mediumspringgreen" - "mediumturquoise" - "mediumvioletred" - "midnightblue" - "mintcream" - "mistyrose" - "moccasin" - "navajowhite" - "navy" - "navyblue" - "oldlace" - "olive" - "olivedrab" - "orange" - "orangered" - "orchid" - "palegoldenrod" - "palegreen" - "paleturquoise" - "palevioletred" - "papayawhip" - "peachpuff" - "peru" - "pink" - "plum" - "powderblue" - "purple" - "red" - "rosybrown" - "royalblue" - "saddlebrown" - "salmon" - "sandybrown" - "seagreen" - "seashell" - "sienna" - "silver" - "skyblue" - "slateblue" - "slategray" - "slategrey" - "snow" - "springgreen" - "steelblue" - "tan" - "teal" - "thistle" - "tomato" - "turquoise" - "violet" - "wheat" - "white" - "whitesmoke" - "yellow" - "yellowgreen" hs_color: name: Hue/Sat color description: Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100. advanced: true example: "[300, 70]" selector: object: xy_color: name: XY-color description: Color for the light in XY-format. advanced: true example: "[0.52, 0.43]" selector: object: color_temp: name: Color temperature (mireds) description: Color temperature for the light in mireds. advanced: true selector: number: min: 153 max: 500 unit_of_measurement: mireds kelvin: name: Color temperature (Kelvin) description: Color temperature for the light in Kelvin. advanced: true selector: number: min: 2000 max: 6500 step: 100 unit_of_measurement: K brightness: name: Brightness value description: Number indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. advanced: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 brightness_pct: name: Brightness description: Number indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. selector: number: min: 0 max: 100 unit_of_measurement: "%" brightness_step: name: Brightness step value description: Change brightness by an amount. advanced: true selector: number: min: -225 max: 255 brightness_step_pct: name: Brightness step description: Change brightness by a percentage. selector: number: min: -100 max: 100 unit_of_measurement: "%" white: name: White description: Set the light to white mode and change its brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. advanced: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 profile: name: Profile description: Name of a light profile to use. advanced: true example: relax selector: text: flash: name: Flash description: If the light should flash. advanced: true selector: select: options: - long - short effect: name: Effect description: Light effect. selector: select: options: - colorloop - random - white turn_off: name: Turn off description: Turns off one or more lights. target: entity: domain: light fields: transition: name: Transition description: Duration it takes to get to next state. selector: number: min: 0 max: 300 unit_of_measurement: seconds flash: name: Flash description: If the light should flash. advanced: true selector: select: options: - long - short toggle: name: Toggle description: > Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state. target: entity: domain: light fields: transition: name: Transition description: Duration it takes to get to next state. selector: number: min: 0 max: 300 unit_of_measurement: seconds rgb_color: name: RGB-color description: Color for the light in RGB-format. advanced: true example: "[255, 100, 100]" selector: object: color_name: name: Color name description: A human readable color name. advanced: true selector: select: options: - "homeassistant" - "aliceblue" - "antiquewhite" - "aqua" - "aquamarine" - "azure" - "beige" - "bisque" - "black" - "blanchedalmond" - "blue" - "blueviolet" - "brown" - "burlywood" - "cadetblue" - "chartreuse" - "chocolate" - "coral" - "cornflowerblue" - "cornsilk" - "crimson" - "cyan" - "darkblue" - "darkcyan" - "darkgoldenrod" - "darkgray" - "darkgreen" - "darkgrey" - "darkkhaki" - "darkmagenta" - "darkolivegreen" - "darkorange" - "darkorchid" - "darkred" - "darksalmon" - "darkseagreen" - "darkslateblue" - "darkslategray" - "darkslategrey" - "darkturquoise" - "darkviolet" - "deeppink" - "deepskyblue" - "dimgray" - "dimgrey" - "dodgerblue" - "firebrick" - "floralwhite" - "forestgreen" - "fuchsia" - "gainsboro" - "ghostwhite" - "gold" - "goldenrod" - "gray" - "green" - "greenyellow" - "grey" - "honeydew" - "hotpink" - "indianred" - "indigo" - "ivory" - "khaki" - "lavender" - "lavenderblush" - "lawngreen" - "lemonchiffon" - "lightblue" - "lightcoral" - "lightcyan" - "lightgoldenrodyellow" - "lightgray" - "lightgreen" - "lightgrey" - "lightpink" - "lightsalmon" - "lightseagreen" - "lightskyblue" - "lightslategray" - "lightslategrey" - "lightsteelblue" - "lightyellow" - "lime" - "limegreen" - "linen" - "magenta" - "maroon" - "mediumaquamarine" - "mediumblue" - "mediumorchid" - "mediumpurple" - "mediumseagreen" - "mediumslateblue" - "mediumspringgreen" - "mediumturquoise" - "mediumvioletred" - "midnightblue" - "mintcream" - "mistyrose" - "moccasin" - "navajowhite" - "navy" - "navyblue" - "oldlace" - "olive" - "olivedrab" - "orange" - "orangered" - "orchid" - "palegoldenrod" - "palegreen" - "paleturquoise" - "palevioletred" - "papayawhip" - "peachpuff" - "peru" - "pink" - "plum" - "powderblue" - "purple" - "red" - "rosybrown" - "royalblue" - "saddlebrown" - "salmon" - "sandybrown" - "seagreen" - "seashell" - "sienna" - "silver" - "skyblue" - "slateblue" - "slategray" - "slategrey" - "snow" - "springgreen" - "steelblue" - "tan" - "teal" - "thistle" - "tomato" - "turquoise" - "violet" - "wheat" - "white" - "whitesmoke" - "yellow" - "yellowgreen" hs_color: name: Hue/Sat color description: Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100. advanced: true example: "[300, 70]" selector: object: xy_color: name: XY-color description: Color for the light in XY-format. advanced: true example: "[0.52, 0.43]" selector: object: color_temp: name: Color temperature (mireds) description: Color temperature for the light in mireds. advanced: true selector: number: min: 153 max: 500 unit_of_measurement: mireds kelvin: name: Color temperature (Kelvin) description: Color temperature for the light in Kelvin. advanced: true selector: number: min: 2000 max: 6500 step: 100 unit_of_measurement: K white_value: name: White level description: Number indicating level of white. advanced: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 brightness: name: Brightness value description: Number indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. advanced: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 brightness_pct: name: Brightness description: Number indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. selector: number: min: 0 max: 100 unit_of_measurement: "%" profile: name: Profile description: Name of a light profile to use. advanced: true example: relax selector: text: flash: name: Flash description: If the light should flash. advanced: true selector: select: options: - long - short effect: name: Effect description: Light effect. selector: text: