"""Test tts.""" from __future__ import annotations import io from unittest.mock import patch import wave import pytest from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion from wyoming.audio import AudioChunk, AudioStop from homeassistant.components import tts, wyoming from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import DATA_INSTANCES from . import MockAsyncTcpClient async def test_support(hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts) -> None: """Test supported properties.""" state = hass.states.get("tts.test_tts") assert state is not None entity = hass.data[DATA_INSTANCES]["tts"].get_entity("tts.test_tts") assert entity is not None assert entity.supported_languages == ["en-US"] assert entity.supported_options == [ tts.ATTR_AUDIO_OUTPUT, tts.ATTR_VOICE, wyoming.ATTR_SPEAKER, ] voices = entity.async_get_supported_voices("en-US") assert len(voices) == 1 assert voices[0].name == "Test Voice" assert voices[0].voice_id == "Test Voice" assert not entity.async_get_supported_voices("de-DE") async def test_get_tts_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion ) -> None: """Test get audio.""" audio = bytes(100) audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] # Verify audio audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] with patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", MockAsyncTcpClient(audio_events), ) as mock_client: extension, data = await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id( hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", "en-US", options={tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT: "wav"}, ), ) assert extension == "wav" assert data is not None with io.BytesIO(data) as wav_io, wave.open(wav_io, "rb") as wav_file: assert wav_file.getframerate() == 16000 assert wav_file.getsampwidth() == 2 assert wav_file.getnchannels() == 1 assert wav_file.readframes(wav_file.getnframes()) == audio assert mock_client.written == snapshot async def test_get_tts_audio_different_formats( hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion ) -> None: """Test changing preferred audio format.""" audio = bytes(16000 * 2 * 1) # one second audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] # Request a different sample rate, etc. with patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", MockAsyncTcpClient(audio_events), ) as mock_client: extension, data = await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id( hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", "en-US", options={ tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT: "wav", tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE: 48000, tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS: 2, }, ), ) assert extension == "wav" assert data is not None with io.BytesIO(data) as wav_io, wave.open(wav_io, "rb") as wav_file: assert wav_file.getframerate() == 48000 assert wav_file.getsampwidth() == 2 assert wav_file.getnchannels() == 2 assert wav_file.getnframes() == wav_file.getframerate() # one second assert mock_client.written == snapshot # MP3 is the default audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] with patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", MockAsyncTcpClient(audio_events), ) as mock_client: extension, data = await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id( hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", "en-US", ), ) assert extension == "mp3" assert b"ID3" in data assert mock_client.written == snapshot async def test_get_tts_audio_connection_lost( hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts ) -> None: """Test streaming audio and losing connection.""" with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", MockAsyncTcpClient([None]), ), pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError), ): await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id(hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", "en-US"), ) async def test_get_tts_audio_audio_oserror( hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts ) -> None: """Test get audio and error raising.""" audio = bytes(100) audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] mock_client = MockAsyncTcpClient(audio_events) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", mock_client, ), patch.object(mock_client, "read_event", side_effect=OSError("Boom!")), pytest.raises( HomeAssistantError, ), ): await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id( hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", hass.config.language ), ) async def test_voice_speaker( hass: HomeAssistant, init_wyoming_tts, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion ) -> None: """Test using a different voice and speaker.""" audio = bytes(100) audio_events = [ AudioChunk(audio=audio, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1).event(), AudioStop().event(), ] with patch( "homeassistant.components.wyoming.tts.AsyncTcpClient", MockAsyncTcpClient(audio_events), ) as mock_client: await tts.async_get_media_source_audio( hass, tts.generate_media_source_id( hass, "Hello world", "tts.test_tts", "en-US", options={tts.ATTR_VOICE: "voice1", wyoming.ATTR_SPEAKER: "speaker1"}, ), ) assert mock_client.written == snapshot