"""Discord platform for notify component.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import os.path import nextcord import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.notify import ( ATTR_DATA, ATTR_TARGET, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_TOKEN import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_EMBED = "embed" ATTR_EMBED_AUTHOR = "author" ATTR_EMBED_COLOR = "color" ATTR_EMBED_DESCRIPTION = "description" ATTR_EMBED_FIELDS = "fields" ATTR_EMBED_FOOTER = "footer" ATTR_EMBED_TITLE = "title" ATTR_EMBED_THUMBNAIL = "thumbnail" ATTR_EMBED_URL = "url" ATTR_IMAGES = "images" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string}) def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Get the Discord notification service.""" token = config[CONF_TOKEN] return DiscordNotificationService(hass, token) class DiscordNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for Discord.""" def __init__(self, hass, token): """Initialize the service.""" self.token = token self.hass = hass def file_exists(self, filename): """Check if a file exists on disk and is in authorized path.""" if not self.hass.config.is_allowed_path(filename): _LOGGER.warning("Path not allowed: %s", filename) return False if not os.path.isfile(filename): _LOGGER.warning("Not a file: %s", filename) return False return True async def async_send_message(self, message, **kwargs): """Login to Discord, send message to channel(s) and log out.""" nextcord.VoiceClient.warn_nacl = False discord_bot = nextcord.Client() images = None embedding = None if ATTR_TARGET not in kwargs: _LOGGER.error("No target specified") return None data = kwargs.get(ATTR_DATA) or {} embeds: list[nextcord.Embed] = [] if ATTR_EMBED in data: embedding = data[ATTR_EMBED] title = embedding.get(ATTR_EMBED_TITLE) or nextcord.Embed.Empty description = embedding.get(ATTR_EMBED_DESCRIPTION) or nextcord.Embed.Empty color = embedding.get(ATTR_EMBED_COLOR) or nextcord.Embed.Empty url = embedding.get(ATTR_EMBED_URL) or nextcord.Embed.Empty fields = embedding.get(ATTR_EMBED_FIELDS) or [] if embedding: embed = nextcord.Embed( title=title, description=description, color=color, url=url ) for field in fields: embed.add_field(**field) if ATTR_EMBED_FOOTER in embedding: embed.set_footer(**embedding[ATTR_EMBED_FOOTER]) if ATTR_EMBED_AUTHOR in embedding: embed.set_author(**embedding[ATTR_EMBED_AUTHOR]) if ATTR_EMBED_THUMBNAIL in embedding: embed.set_thumbnail(**embedding[ATTR_EMBED_THUMBNAIL]) embeds.append(embed) if ATTR_IMAGES in data: images = [] for image in data.get(ATTR_IMAGES, []): image_exists = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self.file_exists, image ) if image_exists: images.append(image) await discord_bot.login(self.token) try: for channelid in kwargs[ATTR_TARGET]: channelid = int(channelid) try: channel = await discord_bot.fetch_channel(channelid) except nextcord.NotFound: try: channel = await discord_bot.fetch_user(channelid) except nextcord.NotFound: _LOGGER.warning("Channel not found for ID: %s", channelid) continue # Must create new instances of File for each channel. files = [nextcord.File(image) for image in images] if images else [] await channel.send(message, files=files, embeds=embeds) except (nextcord.HTTPException, nextcord.NotFound) as error: _LOGGER.warning("Communication error: %s", error) await discord_bot.close()