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"voice_times": { "name": "Voice times" }, "sensitivity": { "name": "Sensitivity" }, "near_detection": { "name": "Near detection" }, "far_detection": { "name": "Far detection" }, "water_level": { "name": "Water level" }, "powder": { "name": "Powder" }, "cook_temperature": { "name": "Cook temperature" }, "cook_time": { "name": "Cook time" }, "cloud_recipe": { "name": "Cloud recipe" }, "volume": { "name": "Volume" }, "minimum_brightness": { "name": "Minimum brightness" }, "maximum_brightness": { "name": "Maximum brightness" }, "minimum_brightness_2": { "name": "Minimum brightness 2" }, "maximum_brightness_2": { "name": "Maximum brightness 2" }, "minimum_brightness_3": { "name": "Minimum brightness 3" }, "maximum_brightness_3": { "name": "Maximum brightness 3" }, "move_down": { "name": "Move down" }, "move_up": { "name": "Move up" }, "down_delay": { "name": "Down delay" } }, "select": { "volume": { "name": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::number::volume::name%]" }, "cups": { "name": "Cups" 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"[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::halogen%]", "incandescent": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::incandescent%]", "led": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::led%]" } }, "led_type_3": { "name": "Light 3 source type", "state": { "halogen": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::halogen%]", "incandescent": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::incandescent%]", "led": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::led_type::state::led%]" } }, "light_mode": { "name": "Indicator light mode", "state": { "none": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "pos": "Indicate switch location", "relay": "Indicate switch on/off state" } }, "motion_sensitivity": { "name": "Motion detection sensitivity", "state": { "0": "Low sensitivity", "1": "Medium sensitivity", "2": "High sensitivity" } }, "record_mode": { "name": "Record mode", "state": { "1": "Record events only", "2": "Continuous recording" } }, "relay_status": { "name": "Power on behavior", "state": { "last": "Remember last state", "memory": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::select::relay_status::state::last%]", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "power_off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "power_on": "[%key:common::state::on%]" } }, "fingerbot_mode": { "name": "Mode", "state": { "click": "Push", "switch": "Switch" } }, "vacuum_cistern": { "name": "Water tank adjustment", "state": { "low": "Low", "middle": "Middle", "high": "High", "closed": "[%key:common::state::closed%]" } }, "vacuum_collection": { "name": "Dust collection mode", "state": { "small": "Small", "middle": "Middle", "large": "Large" } }, "vacuum_mode": { "name": "Mode", "state": { "standby": "[%key:common::state::standby%]", "random": "Random", "smart": "Smart", "wall_follow": "Follow wall", "mop": "Mop", "spiral": "Spiral", "left_spiral": "Spiral left", "right_spiral": "Spiral right", "bow": "Bow", "left_bow": "Bow left", "right_bow": "Bow 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"level_1": "Level 1", "level_2": "Level 2", "level_3": "Level 3", "level_4": "Level 4", "level_5": "Level 5", "level_6": "Level 6", "level_7": "Level 7", "level_8": "Level 8", "level_9": "Level 9", "level_10": "Level 10" } }, "humidifier_moodlighting": { "name": "Moodlighting", "state": { "1": "Mood 1", "2": "Mood 2", "3": "Mood 3", "4": "Mood 4", "5": "Mood 5" } }, "weather_delay": { "name": "Weather delay", "state": { "cancel": "Cancel", "24h": "24h", "48h": "48h", "72h": "72h", "96h": "96h", "120h": "120h", "144h": "144h", "168h": "168h" } } }, "sensor": { "battery": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::battery::name%]" }, "voc": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::volatile_organic_compounds::name%]" }, "carbon_monoxide": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::carbon_monoxide::name%]" }, "carbon_dioxide": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::carbon_dioxide::name%]" }, "illuminance": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::illuminance::name%]" }, "temperature": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::temperature::name%]" }, "humidity": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::humidity::name%]" }, "pm25": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::pm25::name%]" }, "pm1": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::pm1::name%]" }, "pm10": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::pm10::name%]" }, "current": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::current::name%]" }, "power": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::power::name%]" }, "voltage": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::voltage::name%]" }, "battery_state": { "name": "Battery state" }, "gas": { "name": "Gas" }, "formaldehyde": { "name": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::binary_sensor::formaldehyde::name%]" }, "luminosity": { "name": "Luminosity" }, "smoke_amount": { "name": "Smoke amount" }, "current_temperature": { "name": "Current temperature" }, "status": { "name": "Status" }, "last_amount": { "name": "Last amount" }, "remaining_time": { "name": "Remaining time" }, "methane": { "name": "[%key:component::tuya::entity::binary_sensor::methane::name%]" }, "total_energy": { "name": "Total energy" }, "phase_a_current": { "name": "Phase A current" }, "phase_a_power": { "name": "Phase A power" }, "phase_a_voltage": { "name": "Phase A voltage" }, "phase_b_current": { "name": "Phase B current" }, "phase_b_power": { "name": "Phase B power" }, "phase_b_voltage": { "name": "Phase B voltage" }, "phase_c_current": { "name": "Phase C current" }, "phase_c_power": { "name": "Phase C power" }, "phase_c_voltage": { "name": "Phase C voltage" }, "cleaning_area": { "name": "Cleaning area" }, "cleaning_time": { "name": "Cleaning time" }, "total_cleaning_area": { "name": "Total cleaning area" }, "total_cleaning_time": { "name": "Total cleaning time" }, "total_cleaning_times": { "name": "Total cleaning times" }, "duster_cloth_life": { "name": "Duster cloth lifetime" }, "side_brush_life": { "name": "Side brush lifetime" }, "filter_life": { "name": "Filter lifetime" }, "rolling_brush_life": { "name": "Rolling brush lifetime" }, "last_operation_duration": { "name": "Last operation duration" }, "water_level": { "name": "Water level" }, "total_watering_time": { "name": "Total watering time" }, "filter_utilization": { "name": "Filter utilization" }, "total_volatile_organic_compound": { "name": "Total volatile organic compound" }, "concentration_carbon_dioxide": { "name": "Concentration of carbon dioxide" }, "total_operating_time": { "name": "Total operating time" }, "total_absorption_particles": { "name": "Total absorption of particles" }, "sous_vide_status": { "name": "Status", "state": { "boiling_temp": "Boiling temperature", "cooling": "Cooling", "heating_temp": "Heating temperature", "heating": "Heating", "reserve_1": "Reserve 1", "reserve_2": "Reserve 2", "reserve_3": "Reserve 3", "standby": "[%key:common::state::standby%]", "warm": "Heat preservation" } }, "air_quality": { "name": "Air quality", "state": { "great": "Great", "mild": "Mild", "good": "Good", "severe": "Severe" } } }, "switch": { "start": { "name": "Start" }, "heat_preservation": { "name": "Heat preservation" }, "disinfection": { "name": "Disinfection" }, "water": { "name": "Water" }, "slow_feed": { "name": "Slow feed" }, "filter_reset": { "name": "Filter reset" }, "water_pump_reset": { "name": "Water pump reset" }, "power": { "name": "Power" }, "reset_of_water_usage_days": { "name": "Reset of water usage days" }, "uv_sterilization": { "name": "UV sterilization" }, "plug": { "name": "Plug" }, "child_lock": { "name": "Child lock" }, "switch": { "name": "Switch" }, "socket": { "name": "Socket" }, "radio": { "name": "Radio" }, "alarm_1": { "name": "Alarm 1" }, "alarm_2": { "name": "Alarm 2" }, "alarm_3": { "name": "Alarm 3" }, "alarm_4": { "name": "Alarm 4" }, "sleep_aid": { "name": "Sleep aid" }, "switch_1": { "name": "Switch 1" }, "switch_2": { "name": "Switch 2" }, "switch_3": { "name": "Switch 3" }, "switch_4": { "name": "Switch 4" }, "switch_5": { "name": "Switch 5" }, "switch_6": { "name": "Switch 6" }, "switch_7": { "name": "Switch 7" }, "switch_8": { "name": "Switch 8" }, "usb_1": { "name": "USB 1" }, "usb_2": { "name": "USB 2" }, "usb_3": { "name": "USB 3" }, "usb_4": { "name": "USB 4" }, "usb_5": { "name": "USB 5" }, "usb_6": { "name": "USB 6" }, "socket_1": { "name": "Socket 1" }, "socket_2": { "name": "Socket 2" }, "socket_3": { "name": "Socket 3" }, "socket_4": { "name": "Socket 4" }, "socket_5": { "name": "Socket 5" }, "socket_6": { "name": "Socket 6" }, "ionizer": { "name": "Ionizer" }, "filter_cartridge_reset": { "name": "Filter cartridge reset" }, "humidification": { "name": "Humidification" }, "do_not_disturb": { "name": "Do not disturb" }, "mute_voice": { "name": "Mute voice" }, "mute": { "name": "Mute" }, "battery_lock": { "name": "Battery lock" }, "cry_detection": { "name": "Cry detection" }, "sound_detection": { "name": "Sound detection" }, "video_recording": { "name": "Video recording" }, "motion_recording": { "name": "Motion recording" }, "privacy_mode": { "name": "Privacy mode" }, "flip": { "name": "Flip" }, "time_watermark": { "name": "Time watermark" }, "wide_dynamic_range": { "name": "Wide dynamic range" }, "motion_tracking": { "name": "Motion tracking" }, "motion_alarm": { "name": "Motion alarm" }, "energy_saving": { "name": "Energy saving" }, "open_window_detection": { "name": "Open window detection" }, "spray": { "name": "Spray" }, "voice": { "name": "Voice" }, "anion": { "name": "Anion" }, "oxygen_bar": { "name": "Oxygen bar" }, "natural_wind": { "name": "Natural wind" }, "sound": { "name": "Sound" }, "reverse": { "name": "Reverse" }, "sleep": { "name": "Sleep" }, "sterilization": { "name": "Sterilization" } } }, "issues": { "service_deprecation_turn_off": { "title": "Tuya vacuum support for vacuum.turn_off is being removed", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "title": "[%key:component::tuya::issues::service_deprecation_turn_off::title%]", "description": "Tuya vacuum support for the vacuum.turn_off service is deprecated and will be removed in Home Assistant 2024.2; Please adjust any automation or script that uses the service to instead call vacuum.stop and select submit below to mark this issue as resolved." } } } }, "service_deprecation_turn_on": { "title": "Tuya vacuum support for vacuum.turn_on is being removed", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "title": "[%key:component::tuya::issues::service_deprecation_turn_on::title%]", "description": "Tuya vacuum support for the vacuum.turn_on service is deprecated and will be removed in Home Assistant 2024.2; Please adjust any automation or script that uses the service to instead call vacuum.start and select submit below to mark this issue as resolved." } } } } } }