"""Support for WeMo humidifier.""" import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import logging import async_timeout from pywemo import discovery import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.fan import ( SPEED_HIGH, SPEED_LOW, SPEED_MEDIUM, SPEED_OFF, SUPPORT_SET_SPEED, FanEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from . import SUBSCRIPTION_REGISTRY from .const import DOMAIN, SERVICE_RESET_FILTER_LIFE, SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=10) DATA_KEY = "fan.wemo" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CURRENT_HUMIDITY = "current_humidity" ATTR_TARGET_HUMIDITY = "target_humidity" ATTR_FAN_MODE = "fan_mode" ATTR_FILTER_LIFE = "filter_life" ATTR_FILTER_EXPIRED = "filter_expired" ATTR_WATER_LEVEL = "water_level" # The WEMO_ constants below come from pywemo itself WEMO_ON = 1 WEMO_OFF = 0 WEMO_HUMIDITY_45 = 0 WEMO_HUMIDITY_50 = 1 WEMO_HUMIDITY_55 = 2 WEMO_HUMIDITY_60 = 3 WEMO_HUMIDITY_100 = 4 WEMO_FAN_OFF = 0 WEMO_FAN_MINIMUM = 1 WEMO_FAN_LOW = 2 # Not used due to limitations of the base fan implementation WEMO_FAN_MEDIUM = 3 WEMO_FAN_HIGH = 4 # Not used due to limitations of the base fan implementation WEMO_FAN_MAXIMUM = 5 WEMO_WATER_EMPTY = 0 WEMO_WATER_LOW = 1 WEMO_WATER_GOOD = 2 SUPPORTED_SPEEDS = [SPEED_OFF, SPEED_LOW, SPEED_MEDIUM, SPEED_HIGH] SUPPORTED_FEATURES = SUPPORT_SET_SPEED # Since the base fan object supports a set list of fan speeds, # we have to reuse some of them when mapping to the 5 WeMo speeds WEMO_FAN_SPEED_TO_HASS = { WEMO_FAN_OFF: SPEED_OFF, WEMO_FAN_MINIMUM: SPEED_LOW, WEMO_FAN_LOW: SPEED_LOW, # Reusing SPEED_LOW WEMO_FAN_MEDIUM: SPEED_MEDIUM, WEMO_FAN_HIGH: SPEED_HIGH, # Reusing SPEED_HIGH WEMO_FAN_MAXIMUM: SPEED_HIGH, } # Because we reused mappings in the previous dict, we have to filter them # back out in this dict, or else we would have duplicate keys HASS_FAN_SPEED_TO_WEMO = { v: k for (k, v) in WEMO_FAN_SPEED_TO_HASS.items() if k not in [WEMO_FAN_LOW, WEMO_FAN_HIGH] } SET_HUMIDITY_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_TARGET_HUMIDITY): vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, max=100) ), } ) RESET_FILTER_LIFE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids}) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up discovered WeMo humidifiers.""" if DATA_KEY not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} if discovery_info is None: return location = discovery_info["ssdp_description"] mac = discovery_info["mac_address"] try: device = WemoHumidifier(discovery.device_from_description(location, mac)) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout) as err: _LOGGER.error("Unable to access %s (%s)", location, err) raise PlatformNotReady hass.data[DATA_KEY][device.entity_id] = device add_entities([device]) def service_handle(service): """Handle the WeMo humidifier services.""" entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) humidifiers = [ device for device in hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() if device.entity_id in entity_ids ] if service.service == SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY: target_humidity = service.data.get(ATTR_TARGET_HUMIDITY) for humidifier in humidifiers: humidifier.set_humidity(target_humidity) elif service.service == SERVICE_RESET_FILTER_LIFE: for humidifier in humidifiers: humidifier.reset_filter_life() # Register service(s) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY, service_handle, schema=SET_HUMIDITY_SCHEMA ) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_RESET_FILTER_LIFE, service_handle, schema=RESET_FILTER_LIFE_SCHEMA, ) class WemoHumidifier(FanEntity): """Representation of a WeMo humidifier.""" def __init__(self, device): """Initialize the WeMo switch.""" self.wemo = device self._state = None self._available = True self._update_lock = None self._fan_mode = None self._target_humidity = None self._current_humidity = None self._water_level = None self._filter_life = None self._filter_expired = None self._last_fan_on_mode = WEMO_FAN_MEDIUM self._model_name = self.wemo.model_name self._name = self.wemo.name self._serialnumber = self.wemo.serialnumber def _subscription_callback(self, _device, _type, _params): """Update the state by the Wemo device.""" _LOGGER.info("Subscription update for %s", self.name) updated = self.wemo.subscription_update(_type, _params) self.hass.add_job(self._async_locked_subscription_callback(not updated)) async def _async_locked_subscription_callback(self, force_update): """Handle an update from a subscription.""" # If an update is in progress, we don't do anything if self._update_lock.locked(): return await self._async_locked_update(force_update) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() @property def unique_id(self): """Return the ID of this WeMo humidifier.""" return self._serialnumber @property def name(self): """Return the name of the humidifier if any.""" return self._name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if switch is on. Standby is on.""" return self._state @property def available(self): """Return true if switch is available.""" return self._available @property def icon(self): """Return the icon of device based on its type.""" return "mdi:water-percent" @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" return { ATTR_CURRENT_HUMIDITY: self._current_humidity, ATTR_TARGET_HUMIDITY: self._target_humidity, ATTR_FAN_MODE: self._fan_mode, ATTR_WATER_LEVEL: self._water_level, ATTR_FILTER_LIFE: self._filter_life, ATTR_FILTER_EXPIRED: self._filter_expired, } @property def speed(self) -> str: """Return the current speed.""" return WEMO_FAN_SPEED_TO_HASS.get(self._fan_mode) @property def speed_list(self) -> list: """Get the list of available speeds.""" return SUPPORTED_SPEEDS @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORTED_FEATURES async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Wemo humidifier added to Home Assistant.""" # Define inside async context so we know our event loop self._update_lock = asyncio.Lock() registry = SUBSCRIPTION_REGISTRY await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(registry.register, self.wemo) registry.on(self.wemo, None, self._subscription_callback) async def async_update(self): """Update WeMo state. Wemo has an aggressive retry logic that sometimes can take over a minute to return. If we don't get a state after 5 seconds, assume the Wemo humidifier is unreachable. If update goes through, it will be made available again. """ # If an update is in progress, we don't do anything if self._update_lock.locked(): return try: with async_timeout.timeout(5): await asyncio.shield(self._async_locked_update(True)) except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning("Lost connection to %s", self.name) self._available = False async def _async_locked_update(self, force_update): """Try updating within an async lock.""" async with self._update_lock: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._update, force_update) def _update(self, force_update=True): """Update the device state.""" try: self._state = self.wemo.get_state(force_update) self._fan_mode = self.wemo.fan_mode_string self._target_humidity = self.wemo.desired_humidity_percent self._current_humidity = self.wemo.current_humidity_percent self._water_level = self.wemo.water_level_string self._filter_life = self.wemo.filter_life_percent self._filter_expired = self.wemo.filter_expired if self.wemo.fan_mode != WEMO_FAN_OFF: self._last_fan_on_mode = self.wemo.fan_mode if not self._available: _LOGGER.info("Reconnected to %s", self.name) self._available = True except AttributeError as err: _LOGGER.warning("Could not update status for %s (%s)", self.name, err) self._available = False def turn_on(self, speed: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn the switch on.""" if speed is None: self.wemo.set_state(self._last_fan_on_mode) else: self.set_speed(speed) def turn_off(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn the switch off.""" self.wemo.set_state(WEMO_FAN_OFF) def set_speed(self, speed: str) -> None: """Set the fan_mode of the Humidifier.""" self.wemo.set_state(HASS_FAN_SPEED_TO_WEMO.get(speed)) def set_humidity(self, humidity: float) -> None: """Set the target humidity level for the Humidifier.""" if humidity < 50: self.wemo.set_humidity(WEMO_HUMIDITY_45) elif 50 <= humidity < 55: self.wemo.set_humidity(WEMO_HUMIDITY_50) elif 55 <= humidity < 60: self.wemo.set_humidity(WEMO_HUMIDITY_55) elif 60 <= humidity < 100: self.wemo.set_humidity(WEMO_HUMIDITY_60) elif humidity >= 100: self.wemo.set_humidity(WEMO_HUMIDITY_100) def reset_filter_life(self) -> None: """Reset the filter life to 100%.""" self.wemo.reset_filter_life()