"""The unifiprotect integration models.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, TypeVar, cast from pyunifiprotect.data import NVR, Event, ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel from homeassistant.helpers.entity import EntityDescription from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from .utils import get_nested_attr _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T", bound=ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel | NVR) def split_tuple(value: tuple[str, ...] | str | None) -> tuple[str, ...] | None: """Split string to tuple.""" if value is None: return None if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(value, str) return tuple(value.split(".")) class PermRequired(int, Enum): """Type of permission level required for entity.""" NO_WRITE = 1 WRITE = 2 DELETE = 3 @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProtectRequiredKeysMixin(EntityDescription, Generic[T]): """Mixin for required keys.""" # `ufp_required_field`, `ufp_value`, and `ufp_enabled` are defined as # a `str` in the dataclass, but `__post_init__` converts it to a # `tuple[str, ...]` to avoid doing it at run time in `get_nested_attr` # which is usually called millions of times per day. ufp_required_field: tuple[str, ...] | str | None = None ufp_value: tuple[str, ...] | str | None = None ufp_value_fn: Callable[[T], Any] | None = None ufp_enabled: tuple[str, ...] | str | None = None ufp_perm: PermRequired | None = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Pre-convert strings to tuples for faster get_nested_attr.""" object.__setattr__( self, "ufp_required_field", split_tuple(self.ufp_required_field) ) object.__setattr__(self, "ufp_value", split_tuple(self.ufp_value)) object.__setattr__(self, "ufp_enabled", split_tuple(self.ufp_enabled)) def get_ufp_value(self, obj: T) -> Any: """Return value from UniFi Protect device.""" if (ufp_value := self.ufp_value) is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: # `ufp_value` is defined as a `str` in the dataclass, but # `__post_init__` converts it to a `tuple[str, ...]` to avoid # doing it at run time in `get_nested_attr` which is usually called # millions of times per day. This tells mypy that it's a tuple. assert isinstance(ufp_value, tuple) return get_nested_attr(obj, ufp_value) if (ufp_value_fn := self.ufp_value_fn) is not None: return ufp_value_fn(obj) # reminder for future that one is required raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "`ufp_value` or `ufp_value_fn` is required" ) def get_ufp_enabled(self, obj: T) -> bool: """Return value from UniFi Protect device.""" if (ufp_enabled := self.ufp_enabled) is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: # `ufp_enabled` is defined as a `str` in the dataclass, but # `__post_init__` converts it to a `tuple[str, ...]` to avoid # doing it at run time in `get_nested_attr` which is usually called # millions of times per day. This tells mypy that it's a tuple. assert isinstance(ufp_enabled, tuple) return bool(get_nested_attr(obj, ufp_enabled)) return True def has_required(self, obj: T) -> bool: """Return if has required field.""" if (ufp_required_field := self.ufp_required_field) is None: return True if TYPE_CHECKING: # `ufp_required_field` is defined as a `str` in the dataclass, but # `__post_init__` converts it to a `tuple[str, ...]` to avoid # doing it at run time in `get_nested_attr` which is usually called # millions of times per day. This tells mypy that it's a tuple. assert isinstance(ufp_required_field, tuple) return bool(get_nested_attr(obj, ufp_required_field)) @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProtectEventMixin(ProtectRequiredKeysMixin[T]): """Mixin for events.""" ufp_event_obj: str | None = None def get_event_obj(self, obj: T) -> Event | None: """Return value from UniFi Protect device.""" if self.ufp_event_obj is not None: return cast(Event, getattr(obj, self.ufp_event_obj, None)) return None def get_is_on(self, event: Event | None) -> bool: """Return value if event is active.""" if event is None: return False now = dt_util.utcnow() value = now > event.start if value and event.end is not None and now > event.end: value = False return value @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProtectSetableKeysMixin(ProtectRequiredKeysMixin[T]): """Mixin for settable values.""" ufp_set_method: str | None = None ufp_set_method_fn: Callable[[T, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] | None = None async def ufp_set(self, obj: T, value: Any) -> None: """Set value for UniFi Protect device.""" _LOGGER.debug("Setting %s to %s for %s", self.name, value, obj.display_name) if self.ufp_set_method is not None: await getattr(obj, self.ufp_set_method)(value) elif self.ufp_set_method_fn is not None: await self.ufp_set_method_fn(obj, value)