{ "services": { "create_task": { "name": "Create task", "description": "Creates (or update) a new task in your Remember The Milk account. If you want to update a task later on, you have to set an \"id\" when creating the task. Note: Updating a tasks does not support the smart syntax.", "fields": { "name": { "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::name%]", "description": "Name of the new task, you can use the smart syntax here." }, "id": { "name": "ID", "description": "Identifier for the task you're creating, can be used to update or complete the task later on." } } }, "complete_task": { "name": "Complete task", "description": "Completes a task that was previously created.", "fields": { "id": { "name": "ID", "description": "Identifier that was defined when creating the task." } } } } }