{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "Please enter the API key obtained from ecobee.com.", "data": { "api_key": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::api_key%]" } }, "authorize": { "description": "Please authorize this app at https://www.ecobee.com/consumerportal/index.html with PIN code:\n\n{pin}\n\nThen, press Submit." } }, "error": { "pin_request_failed": "Error requesting PIN from ecobee; please verify API key is correct.", "token_request_failed": "Error requesting tokens from ecobee; please try again." }, "abort": { "single_instance_allowed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::single_instance_allowed%]" } }, "entity": { "number": { "ventilator_min_type_home": { "name": "Ventilator min time home" }, "ventilator_min_type_away": { "name": "Ventilator min time away" } } }, "services": { "create_vacation": { "name": "Create vacation", "description": "Creates a vacation on the selected thermostat. Note: start/end date and time must all be specified together for these parameters to have an effect. If start/end date and time are not specified, the vacation will start immediately and last 14 days (unless deleted earlier).", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "Ecobee thermostat on which to create the vacation." }, "vacation_name": { "name": "Vacation name", "description": "Name of the vacation to create; must be unique on the thermostat." }, "cool_temp": { "name": "Cool temperature", "description": "Cooling temperature during the vacation." }, "heat_temp": { "name": "Heat temperature", "description": "Heating temperature during the vacation." }, "start_date": { "name": "Start date", "description": "Date the vacation starts in the YYYY-MM-DD format (optional, immediately if not provided along with start_time)." }, "start_time": { "name": "Start time", "description": "Time the vacation starts, in the local time of the thermostat, in the 24-hour format \"HH:MM:SS\"." }, "end_date": { "name": "End date", "description": "Date the vacation ends in the YYYY-MM-DD format (optional, 14 days from now if not provided along with end_time)." }, "end_time": { "name": "End time", "description": "Time the vacation ends, in the local time of the thermostat, in the 24-hour format \"HH:MM:SS\"." }, "fan_mode": { "name": "Fan mode", "description": "Fan mode of the thermostat during the vacation." }, "fan_min_on_time": { "name": "Fan minimum on time", "description": "Minimum number of minutes to run the fan each hour (0 to 60) during the vacation." } } }, "delete_vacation": { "name": "Delete vacation", "description": "Deletes a vacation on the selected thermostat.", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "Ecobee thermostat on which to delete the vacation." }, "vacation_name": { "name": "[%key:component::ecobee::services::create_vacation::fields::vacation_name::name%]", "description": "Name of the vacation to delete." } } }, "resume_program": { "name": "Resume program", "description": "Resumes the programmed schedule.", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "Name(s) of entities to change." }, "resume_all": { "name": "Resume all", "description": "Resume all events and return to the scheduled program." } } }, "set_fan_min_on_time": { "name": "Set fan minimum on time", "description": "Sets the minimum fan on time.", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "[%key:component::ecobee::services::resume_program::fields::entity_id::description%]" }, "fan_min_on_time": { "name": "[%key:component::ecobee::services::create_vacation::fields::fan_min_on_time::name%]", "description": "New value of fan min on time." } } }, "set_dst_mode": { "name": "Set Daylight savings time mode", "description": "Enables/disables automatic daylight savings time.", "fields": { "dst_enabled": { "name": "Daylight savings time enabled", "description": "Enable automatic daylight savings time." } } }, "set_mic_mode": { "name": "Set mic mode", "description": "Enables/disables Alexa mic (only for Ecobee 4).", "fields": { "mic_enabled": { "name": "Mic enabled", "description": "Enable Alexa mic." } } }, "set_occupancy_modes": { "name": "Set occupancy modes", "description": "Enables/disables Smart Home/Away and Follow Me modes.", "fields": { "auto_away": { "name": "Auto away", "description": "Enable Smart Home/Away mode." }, "follow_me": { "name": "Follow me", "description": "Enable Follow Me mode." } } } } }