"""The Intent integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import Any, Protocol from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import http from homeassistant.components.cover import ( DOMAIN as COVER_DOMAIN, SERVICE_CLOSE_COVER, SERVICE_OPEN_COVER, ) from homeassistant.components.http.data_validator import RequestDataValidator from homeassistant.components.lock import ( DOMAIN as LOCK_DOMAIN, SERVICE_LOCK, SERVICE_UNLOCK, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN, HomeAssistant, State from homeassistant.helpers import ( area_registry as ar, config_validation as cv, integration_platform, intent, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .const import DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.empty_config_schema(DOMAIN) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the Intent component.""" hass.http.register_view(IntentHandleView()) await integration_platform.async_process_integration_platforms( hass, DOMAIN, _async_process_intent ) intent.async_register( hass, OnOffIntentHandler(intent.INTENT_TURN_ON, HA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON), ) intent.async_register( hass, OnOffIntentHandler(intent.INTENT_TURN_OFF, HA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF), ) intent.async_register( hass, intent.ServiceIntentHandler(intent.INTENT_TOGGLE, HA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TOGGLE), ) intent.async_register( hass, GetStateIntentHandler(), ) intent.async_register( hass, NevermindIntentHandler(), ) return True class IntentPlatformProtocol(Protocol): """Define the format that intent platforms can have.""" async def async_setup_intents(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up platform intents.""" class OnOffIntentHandler(intent.ServiceIntentHandler): """Intent handler for on/off that handles covers too.""" async def async_call_service(self, intent_obj: intent.Intent, state: State) -> None: """Call service on entity with special case for covers.""" hass = intent_obj.hass if state.domain == COVER_DOMAIN: # on = open # off = close if self.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON: service_name = SERVICE_OPEN_COVER else: service_name = SERVICE_CLOSE_COVER await self._run_then_background( hass.async_create_task( hass.services.async_call( COVER_DOMAIN, service_name, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: state.entity_id}, context=intent_obj.context, blocking=True, ) ) ) return if state.domain == LOCK_DOMAIN: # on = lock # off = unlock if self.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON: service_name = SERVICE_LOCK else: service_name = SERVICE_UNLOCK await self._run_then_background( hass.async_create_task( hass.services.async_call( LOCK_DOMAIN, service_name, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: state.entity_id}, context=intent_obj.context, blocking=True, ) ) ) return if not hass.services.has_service(state.domain, self.service): raise intent.IntentHandleError( f"Service {self.service} does not support entity {state.entity_id}" ) # Fall back to homeassistant.turn_on/off await super().async_call_service(intent_obj, state) class GetStateIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): """Answer questions about entity states.""" intent_type = intent.INTENT_GET_STATE slot_schema = { vol.Any("name", "area"): cv.string, vol.Optional("domain"): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional("device_class"): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional("state"): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), } async def async_handle(self, intent_obj: intent.Intent) -> intent.IntentResponse: """Handle the hass intent.""" hass = intent_obj.hass slots = self.async_validate_slots(intent_obj.slots) # Entity name to match name_slot = slots.get("name", {}) entity_name: str | None = name_slot.get("value") entity_text: str | None = name_slot.get("text") # Look up area first to fail early area_slot = slots.get("area", {}) area_id = area_slot.get("value") area_name = area_slot.get("text") area: ar.AreaEntry | None = None if area_id is not None: areas = ar.async_get(hass) area = areas.async_get_area(area_id) if area is None: raise intent.IntentHandleError(f"No area named {area_name}") # Optional domain/device class filters. # Convert to sets for speed. domains: set[str] | None = None device_classes: set[str] | None = None if "domain" in slots: domains = set(slots["domain"]["value"]) if "device_class" in slots: device_classes = set(slots["device_class"]["value"]) state_names: set[str] | None = None if "state" in slots: state_names = set(slots["state"]["value"]) states = list( intent.async_match_states( hass, name=entity_name, area=area, domains=domains, device_classes=device_classes, assistant=intent_obj.assistant, ) ) _LOGGER.debug( "Found %s state(s) that matched: name=%s, area=%s, domains=%s, device_classes=%s, assistant=%s", len(states), entity_name, area, domains, device_classes, intent_obj.assistant, ) if entity_name and (len(states) > 1): # Multiple entities matched for the same name raise intent.DuplicateNamesMatchedError( name=entity_text or entity_name, area=area_name or area_id, ) # Create response response = intent_obj.create_response() response.response_type = intent.IntentResponseType.QUERY_ANSWER success_results: list[intent.IntentResponseTarget] = [] if area is not None: success_results.append( intent.IntentResponseTarget( type=intent.IntentResponseTargetType.AREA, name=area.name, id=area.id, ) ) # If we are matching a state name (e.g., "which lights are on?"), then # we split the filtered states into two groups: # # 1. matched - entity states that match the requested state ("on") # 2. unmatched - entity states that don't match ("off") # # In the response template, we can access these as query.matched and # query.unmatched. matched_states: list[State] = [] unmatched_states: list[State] = [] for state in states: success_results.append( intent.IntentResponseTarget( type=intent.IntentResponseTargetType.ENTITY, name=state.name, id=state.entity_id, ), ) if (not state_names) or (state.state in state_names): # If no state constraint, then all states will be "matched" matched_states.append(state) else: unmatched_states.append(state) response.async_set_results(success_results=success_results) response.async_set_states(matched_states, unmatched_states) return response class NevermindIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): """Takes no action.""" intent_type = intent.INTENT_NEVERMIND async def async_handle(self, intent_obj: intent.Intent) -> intent.IntentResponse: """Doe not do anything, and produces an empty response.""" return intent_obj.create_response() async def _async_process_intent( hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, platform: IntentPlatformProtocol ) -> None: """Process the intents of an integration.""" await platform.async_setup_intents(hass) class IntentHandleView(http.HomeAssistantView): """View to handle intents from JSON.""" url = "/api/intent/handle" name = "api:intent:handle" @RequestDataValidator( vol.Schema( { vol.Required("name"): cv.string, vol.Optional("data"): vol.Schema({cv.string: object}), } ) ) async def post(self, request: web.Request, data: dict[str, Any]) -> web.Response: """Handle intent with name/data.""" hass: HomeAssistant = request.app["hass"] language = hass.config.language try: intent_name = data["name"] slots = { key: {"value": value} for key, value in data.get("data", {}).items() } intent_result = await intent.async_handle( hass, DOMAIN, intent_name, slots, "", self.context(request) ) except intent.IntentHandleError as err: intent_result = intent.IntentResponse(language=language) intent_result.async_set_speech(str(err)) if intent_result is None: intent_result = intent.IntentResponse(language=language) # type: ignore[unreachable] intent_result.async_set_speech("Sorry, I couldn't handle that") return self.json(intent_result)