"""Nest Media Source implementation. The Nest MediaSource implementation provides a directory tree of devices and events and associated media (e.g. an image or clip). Camera device events publish an event message, received by the subscriber library. Media for an event, such as camera image or clip, may be fetched from the cloud during a short time window after the event happens. The actual management of associating events to devices, fetching media for events, caching, and the overall lifetime of recent events are managed outside of the Nest MediaSource. Users may also record clips to local storage, unrelated to this MediaSource. For additional background on Nest Camera events see: https://developers.google.com/nest/device-access/api/camera#handle_camera_events """ from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Mapping from dataclasses import dataclass import logging import os from google_nest_sdm.camera_traits import CameraClipPreviewTrait, CameraEventImageTrait from google_nest_sdm.device import Device from google_nest_sdm.event import EventImageType, ImageEventBase from google_nest_sdm.event_media import EventMediaStore from google_nest_sdm.google_nest_subscriber import GoogleNestSubscriber from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, MEDIA_CLASS_IMAGE, MEDIA_CLASS_VIDEO, MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, ) from homeassistant.components.media_player.errors import BrowseError from homeassistant.components.media_source.error import Unresolvable from homeassistant.components.media_source.models import ( BrowseMediaSource, MediaSource, MediaSourceItem, PlayMedia, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store from homeassistant.helpers.template import DATE_STR_FORMAT from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util, raise_if_invalid_filename from .const import DATA_SUBSCRIBER, DOMAIN from .device_info import NestDeviceInfo from .events import EVENT_NAME_MAP, MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_TITLE_MAP _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) MEDIA_SOURCE_TITLE = "Nest" DEVICE_TITLE_FORMAT = "{device_name}: Recent Events" CLIP_TITLE_FORMAT = "{event_name} @ {event_time}" EVENT_MEDIA_API_URL_FORMAT = "/api/nest/event_media/{device_id}/{event_id}" STORAGE_KEY = "nest.event_media" STORAGE_VERSION = 1 # Buffer writes every few minutes (plus guaranteed to be written at shutdown) STORAGE_SAVE_DELAY_SECONDS = 120 # Path under config directory MEDIA_PATH = f"{DOMAIN}/event_media" # Size of small in-memory disk cache to avoid excessive disk reads DISK_READ_LRU_MAX_SIZE = 32 async def async_get_media_event_store( hass: HomeAssistant, subscriber: GoogleNestSubscriber ) -> EventMediaStore: """Create the disk backed EventMediaStore.""" media_path = hass.config.path(MEDIA_PATH) def mkdir() -> None: os.makedirs(media_path, exist_ok=True) await hass.async_add_executor_job(mkdir) store = Store(hass, STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY, private=True) return NestEventMediaStore(hass, subscriber, store, media_path) class NestEventMediaStore(EventMediaStore): """Storage hook to locally persist nest media for events. This interface is meant to provide two storage features: - media storage of events (jpgs, mp4s) - metadata about events (e.g. motion, person), filename of the media, etc. The default implementation in nest is in memory, and this allows the data to be backed by disk. The nest event media manager internal to the subscriber manages the lifetime of individual objects stored here (e.g. purging when going over storage limits). This store manages the addition/deletion once instructed. """ def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, subscriber: GoogleNestSubscriber, store: Store, media_path: str, ) -> None: """Initialize NestEventMediaStore.""" self._hass = hass self._subscriber = subscriber self._store = store self._media_path = media_path self._data: dict | None = None self._devices: Mapping[str, str] | None = {} async def async_load(self) -> dict | None: """Load data.""" if self._data is None: self._devices = await self._get_devices() data = await self._store.async_load() if data is None: _LOGGER.debug("Loaded empty event store") self._data = {} elif isinstance(data, dict): _LOGGER.debug("Loaded event store with %d records", len(data)) self._data = data else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected data in storage version={}, key={}".format( STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY ) ) return self._data async def async_save(self, data: dict) -> None: """Save data.""" self._data = data def provide_data() -> dict: return data self._store.async_delay_save(provide_data, STORAGE_SAVE_DELAY_SECONDS) def get_media_key(self, device_id: str, event: ImageEventBase) -> str: """Return the filename to use for a new event.""" # Convert a nest device id to a home assistant device id device_id_str = ( self._devices.get(device_id, f"{device_id}-unknown_device") if self._devices else "unknown_device" ) event_id_str = event.event_session_id try: raise_if_invalid_filename(event_id_str) except ValueError: event_id_str = "" time_str = str(int(event.timestamp.timestamp())) event_type_str = EVENT_NAME_MAP.get(event.event_type, "event") suffix = "jpg" if event.event_image_type == EventImageType.IMAGE else "mp4" return f"{device_id_str}/{time_str}-{event_id_str}-{event_type_str}.{suffix}" def get_media_filename(self, media_key: str) -> str: """Return the filename in storage for a media key.""" return f"{self._media_path}/{media_key}" async def async_load_media(self, media_key: str) -> bytes | None: """Load media content.""" filename = self.get_media_filename(media_key) def load_media(filename: str) -> bytes | None: if not os.path.exists(filename): return None _LOGGER.debug("Reading event media from disk store: %s", filename) with open(filename, "rb") as media: return media.read() try: return await self._hass.async_add_executor_job(load_media, filename) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Unable to read media file: %s %s", filename, err) return None async def async_save_media(self, media_key: str, content: bytes) -> None: """Write media content.""" filename = self.get_media_filename(media_key) def save_media(filename: str, content: bytes) -> None: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(filename): _LOGGER.debug( "Event media already exists, not overwriting: %s", filename ) return _LOGGER.debug("Saving event media to disk store: %s", filename) with open(filename, "wb") as media: media.write(content) try: await self._hass.async_add_executor_job(save_media, filename, content) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Unable to write media file: %s %s", filename, err) async def async_remove_media(self, media_key: str) -> None: """Remove media content.""" filename = self.get_media_filename(media_key) def remove_media(filename: str) -> None: if not os.path.exists(filename): return None _LOGGER.debug("Removing event media from disk store: %s", filename) os.remove(filename) try: await self._hass.async_add_executor_job(remove_media, filename) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Unable to remove media file: %s %s", filename, err) async def _get_devices(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Return a mapping of nest device id to home assistant device id.""" device_registry = dr.async_get(self._hass) device_manager = await self._subscriber.async_get_device_manager() devices = {} for device in device_manager.devices.values(): if device_entry := device_registry.async_get_device( {(DOMAIN, device.name)} ): devices[device.name] = device_entry.id return devices async def async_get_media_source(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MediaSource: """Set up Nest media source.""" return NestMediaSource(hass) async def get_media_source_devices(hass: HomeAssistant) -> Mapping[str, Device]: """Return a mapping of device id to eligible Nest event media devices.""" if DATA_SUBSCRIBER not in hass.data[DOMAIN]: # Integration unloaded, or is legacy nest integration return {} subscriber = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_SUBSCRIBER] device_manager = await subscriber.async_get_device_manager() device_registry = dr.async_get(hass) devices = {} for device in device_manager.devices.values(): if not ( CameraEventImageTrait.NAME in device.traits or CameraClipPreviewTrait.NAME in device.traits ): continue if device_entry := device_registry.async_get_device({(DOMAIN, device.name)}): devices[device_entry.id] = device return devices @dataclass class MediaId: """Media identifier for a node in the Media Browse tree. A MediaId can refer to either a device, or a specific event for a device that is associated with media (e.g. image or video clip). """ device_id: str event_id: str | None = None @property def identifier(self) -> str: """Media identifier represented as a string.""" if self.event_id: return f"{self.device_id}/{self.event_id}" return self.device_id def parse_media_id(identifier: str | None = None) -> MediaId | None: """Parse the identifier path string into a MediaId.""" if identifier is None or identifier == "": return None parts = identifier.split("/") if len(parts) > 1: return MediaId(parts[0], parts[1]) return MediaId(parts[0]) class NestMediaSource(MediaSource): """Provide Nest Media Sources for Nest Cameras. The media source generates a directory tree of devices and media associated with events for each device (e.g. motion, person, etc). Each node in the tree has a unique MediaId. The lifecycle for event media is handled outside of NestMediaSource, and instead it just asks the device for all events it knows about. """ name: str = MEDIA_SOURCE_TITLE def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Initialize NestMediaSource.""" super().__init__(DOMAIN) self.hass = hass async def async_resolve_media(self, item: MediaSourceItem) -> PlayMedia: """Resolve media identifier to a url.""" media_id: MediaId | None = parse_media_id(item.identifier) if not media_id: raise Unresolvable("No identifier specified for MediaSourceItem") if not media_id.event_id: raise Unresolvable("Identifier missing an event_id: %s" % item.identifier) devices = await self.devices() if not (device := devices.get(media_id.device_id)): raise Unresolvable( "Unable to find device with identifier: %s" % item.identifier ) events = await _get_events(device) if media_id.event_id not in events: raise Unresolvable( "Unable to find event with identifier: %s" % item.identifier ) event = events[media_id.event_id] return PlayMedia( EVENT_MEDIA_API_URL_FORMAT.format( device_id=media_id.device_id, event_id=media_id.event_id ), event.event_image_type.content_type, ) async def async_browse_media(self, item: MediaSourceItem) -> BrowseMediaSource: """Return media for the specified level of the directory tree. The top level is the root that contains devices. Inside each device are media for events for that device. """ media_id: MediaId | None = parse_media_id(item.identifier) _LOGGER.debug( "Browsing media for identifier=%s, media_id=%s", item.identifier, media_id ) devices = await self.devices() if media_id is None: # Browse the root and return child devices browse_root = _browse_root() browse_root.children = [] for device_id, child_device in devices.items(): browse_root.children.append( _browse_device(MediaId(device_id), child_device) ) return browse_root # Browse either a device or events within a device if not (device := devices.get(media_id.device_id)): raise BrowseError( "Unable to find device with identiifer: %s" % item.identifier ) if media_id.event_id is None: # Browse a specific device and return child events browse_device = _browse_device(media_id, device) browse_device.children = [] events = await _get_events(device) for child_event in events.values(): event_id = MediaId(media_id.device_id, child_event.event_session_id) browse_device.children.append( _browse_event(event_id, device, child_event) ) return browse_device # Browse a specific event events = await _get_events(device) if not (event := events.get(media_id.event_id)): raise BrowseError( "Unable to find event with identiifer: %s" % item.identifier ) return _browse_event(media_id, device, event) async def devices(self) -> Mapping[str, Device]: """Return all event media related devices.""" return await get_media_source_devices(self.hass) async def _get_events(device: Device) -> Mapping[str, ImageEventBase]: """Return relevant events for the specified device.""" events = await device.event_media_manager.async_events() return {e.event_session_id: e for e in events} def _browse_root() -> BrowseMediaSource: """Return devices in the root.""" return BrowseMediaSource( domain=DOMAIN, identifier="", media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, media_content_type=MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, children_media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_VIDEO, title=MEDIA_SOURCE_TITLE, can_play=False, can_expand=True, thumbnail=None, children=[], ) def _browse_device(device_id: MediaId, device: Device) -> BrowseMediaSource: """Return details for the specified device.""" device_info = NestDeviceInfo(device) return BrowseMediaSource( domain=DOMAIN, identifier=device_id.identifier, media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, media_content_type=MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, children_media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_VIDEO, title=DEVICE_TITLE_FORMAT.format(device_name=device_info.device_name), can_play=False, can_expand=True, thumbnail=None, children=[], ) def _browse_event( event_id: MediaId, device: Device, event: ImageEventBase ) -> BrowseMediaSource: """Build a BrowseMediaSource for a specific event.""" return BrowseMediaSource( domain=DOMAIN, identifier=event_id.identifier, media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_IMAGE, media_content_type=MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, title=CLIP_TITLE_FORMAT.format( event_name=MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_TITLE_MAP.get(event.event_type, "Event"), event_time=dt_util.as_local(event.timestamp).strftime(DATE_STR_FORMAT), ), can_play=(event.event_image_type == EventImageType.CLIP_PREVIEW), can_expand=False, thumbnail=None, children=[], )