"""Custom loader.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator import fnmatch from io import StringIO, TextIOWrapper import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, TextIO, overload import yaml try: from yaml import CSafeLoader as FastestAvailableSafeLoader HAS_C_LOADER = True except ImportError: HAS_C_LOADER = False from yaml import ( # type: ignore[assignment] SafeLoader as FastestAvailableSafeLoader, ) from propcache import cached_property from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.frame import report from .const import SECRET_YAML from .objects import Input, NodeDictClass, NodeListClass, NodeStrClass # mypy: allow-untyped-calls, no-warn-return-any JSON_TYPE = list | dict | str _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class YamlTypeError(HomeAssistantError): """Raised by load_yaml_dict if top level data is not a dict.""" class Secrets: """Store secrets while loading YAML.""" def __init__(self, config_dir: Path) -> None: """Initialize secrets.""" self.config_dir = config_dir self._cache: dict[Path, dict[str, str]] = {} def get(self, requester_path: str, secret: str) -> str: """Return the value of a secret.""" current_path = Path(requester_path) secret_dir = current_path while True: secret_dir = secret_dir.parent try: secret_dir.relative_to(self.config_dir) except ValueError: # We went above the config dir break secrets = self._load_secret_yaml(secret_dir) if secret in secrets: _LOGGER.debug( "Secret %s retrieved from secrets.yaml in folder %s", secret, secret_dir, ) return secrets[secret] raise HomeAssistantError(f"Secret {secret} not defined") def _load_secret_yaml(self, secret_dir: Path) -> dict[str, str]: """Load the secrets yaml from path.""" if (secret_path := secret_dir / SECRET_YAML) in self._cache: return self._cache[secret_path] _LOGGER.debug("Loading %s", secret_path) try: secrets = load_yaml(str(secret_path)) if not isinstance(secrets, dict): raise HomeAssistantError("Secrets is not a dictionary") if "logger" in secrets: logger = str(secrets["logger"]).lower() if logger == "debug": _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: _LOGGER.error( ( "Error in secrets.yaml: 'logger: debug' expected, but" " 'logger: %s' found" ), logger, ) del secrets["logger"] except FileNotFoundError: secrets = {} self._cache[secret_path] = secrets return secrets class _LoaderMixin: """Mixin class with extensions for YAML loader.""" name: str stream: Any @cached_property def get_name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the loader.""" return self.name @cached_property def get_stream_name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the stream.""" return getattr(self.stream, "name", "") class FastSafeLoader(FastestAvailableSafeLoader, _LoaderMixin): """The fastest available safe loader, either C or Python.""" def __init__(self, stream: Any, secrets: Secrets | None = None) -> None: """Initialize a safe line loader.""" self.stream = stream # Set name in same way as the Python loader does in yaml.reader.__init__ if isinstance(stream, str): self.name = "" elif isinstance(stream, bytes): self.name = "" else: self.name = getattr(stream, "name", "") super().__init__(stream) self.secrets = secrets class SafeLoader(FastSafeLoader): """Provided for backwards compatibility. Logs when instantiated.""" def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLoader.__report_deprecated() FastSafeLoader.__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def add_constructor(cls, tag: str, constructor: Callable) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLoader.__report_deprecated() FastSafeLoader.add_constructor(tag, constructor) @classmethod def add_multi_constructor( cls, tag_prefix: str, multi_constructor: Callable ) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLoader.__report_deprecated() FastSafeLoader.add_multi_constructor(tag_prefix, multi_constructor) @staticmethod def __report_deprecated() -> None: """Log deprecation warning.""" report( "uses deprecated 'SafeLoader' instead of 'FastSafeLoader', " "which will stop working in HA Core 2024.6," ) class PythonSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader, _LoaderMixin): """Python safe loader.""" def __init__(self, stream: Any, secrets: Secrets | None = None) -> None: """Initialize a safe line loader.""" super().__init__(stream) self.secrets = secrets class SafeLineLoader(PythonSafeLoader): """Provided for backwards compatibility. Logs when instantiated.""" def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLineLoader.__report_deprecated() PythonSafeLoader.__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def add_constructor(cls, tag: str, constructor: Callable) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLineLoader.__report_deprecated() PythonSafeLoader.add_constructor(tag, constructor) @classmethod def add_multi_constructor( cls, tag_prefix: str, multi_constructor: Callable ) -> None: """Log a warning and call super.""" SafeLineLoader.__report_deprecated() PythonSafeLoader.add_multi_constructor(tag_prefix, multi_constructor) @staticmethod def __report_deprecated() -> None: """Log deprecation warning.""" report( "uses deprecated 'SafeLineLoader' instead of 'PythonSafeLoader', " "which will stop working in HA Core 2024.6," ) type LoaderType = FastSafeLoader | PythonSafeLoader def load_yaml( fname: str | os.PathLike[str], secrets: Secrets | None = None ) -> JSON_TYPE | None: """Load a YAML file. If opening the file raises an OSError it will be wrapped in a HomeAssistantError, except for FileNotFoundError which will be re-raised. """ try: with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as conf_file: return parse_yaml(conf_file, secrets) except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: _LOGGER.error("Unable to read file %s: %s", fname, exc) raise HomeAssistantError(exc) from exc except FileNotFoundError: raise except OSError as exc: raise HomeAssistantError(exc) from exc def load_yaml_dict( fname: str | os.PathLike[str], secrets: Secrets | None = None ) -> dict: """Load a YAML file and ensure the top level is a dict. Raise if the top level is not a dict. Return an empty dict if the file is empty. """ loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, secrets) if loaded_yaml is None: loaded_yaml = {} if not isinstance(loaded_yaml, dict): raise YamlTypeError(f"YAML file {fname} does not contain a dict") return loaded_yaml def parse_yaml( content: str | TextIO | StringIO, secrets: Secrets | None = None ) -> JSON_TYPE: """Parse YAML with the fastest available loader.""" if not HAS_C_LOADER: return _parse_yaml_python(content, secrets) try: return _parse_yaml(FastSafeLoader, content, secrets) except yaml.YAMLError: # Loading failed, so we now load with the Python loader which has more # readable exceptions if isinstance(content, (StringIO, TextIO, TextIOWrapper)): # Rewind the stream so we can try again content.seek(0, 0) return _parse_yaml_python(content, secrets) def _parse_yaml_python( content: str | TextIO | StringIO, secrets: Secrets | None = None ) -> JSON_TYPE: """Parse YAML with the python loader (this is very slow).""" try: return _parse_yaml(PythonSafeLoader, content, secrets) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: _LOGGER.error(str(exc)) raise HomeAssistantError(exc) from exc def _parse_yaml( loader: type[FastSafeLoader | PythonSafeLoader], content: str | TextIO, secrets: Secrets | None = None, ) -> JSON_TYPE: """Load a YAML file.""" return yaml.load(content, Loader=lambda stream: loader(stream, secrets)) # type: ignore[arg-type] @overload def _add_reference( obj: list | NodeListClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeListClass: ... @overload def _add_reference( obj: str | NodeStrClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeStrClass: ... @overload def _add_reference( obj: dict | NodeDictClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeDictClass: ... def _add_reference( obj: dict | list | str | NodeDictClass | NodeListClass | NodeStrClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node, ) -> NodeDictClass | NodeListClass | NodeStrClass: """Add file reference information to an object.""" if isinstance(obj, list): obj = NodeListClass(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): obj = NodeStrClass(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): obj = NodeDictClass(obj) return _add_reference_to_node_class(obj, loader, node) @overload def _add_reference_to_node_class( obj: NodeListClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeListClass: ... @overload def _add_reference_to_node_class( obj: NodeStrClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeStrClass: ... @overload def _add_reference_to_node_class( obj: NodeDictClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeDictClass: ... def _add_reference_to_node_class( obj: NodeDictClass | NodeListClass | NodeStrClass, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node, ) -> NodeDictClass | NodeListClass | NodeStrClass: """Add file reference information to a node class object.""" try: # suppress is much slower obj.__config_file__ = loader.get_name obj.__line__ = node.start_mark.line + 1 except AttributeError: pass return obj def _raise_if_no_value[NodeT: yaml.nodes.Node, _R]( func: Callable[[LoaderType, NodeT], _R], ) -> Callable[[LoaderType, NodeT], _R]: def wrapper(loader: LoaderType, node: NodeT) -> _R: if not node.value: raise HomeAssistantError( f"{node.start_mark}: {node.tag} needs an argument." ) return func(loader, node) return wrapper @_raise_if_no_value def _include_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE: """Load another YAML file and embed it using the !include tag. Example: device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml """ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value) try: loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets) if loaded_yaml is None: loaded_yaml = NodeDictClass() return _add_reference(loaded_yaml, loader, node) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise HomeAssistantError( f"{node.start_mark}: Unable to read file {fname}" ) from exc def _is_file_valid(name: str) -> bool: """Decide if a file is valid.""" return not name.startswith(".") def _find_files(directory: str, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]: """Recursively load files in a directory.""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if _is_file_valid(d)] for basename in sorted(files): if _is_file_valid(basename) and fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): filename = os.path.join(root, basename) yield filename @_raise_if_no_value def _include_dir_named_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> NodeDictClass: """Load multiple files from directory as a dictionary.""" mapping = NodeDictClass() loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value) for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML: continue loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets) if loaded_yaml is None: # Special case, an empty file included by !include_dir_named is treated # as an empty dictionary loaded_yaml = NodeDictClass() mapping[filename] = loaded_yaml return _add_reference_to_node_class(mapping, loader, node) @_raise_if_no_value def _include_dir_merge_named_yaml( loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> NodeDictClass: """Load multiple files from directory as a merged dictionary.""" mapping = NodeDictClass() loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value) for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"): if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML: continue loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets) if isinstance(loaded_yaml, dict): mapping.update(loaded_yaml) return _add_reference_to_node_class(mapping, loader, node) @_raise_if_no_value def _include_dir_list_yaml( loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> list[JSON_TYPE]: """Load multiple files from directory as a list.""" loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value) return [ loaded_yaml for f in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml") if os.path.basename(f) != SECRET_YAML and (loaded_yaml := load_yaml(f, loader.secrets)) is not None ] @_raise_if_no_value def _include_dir_merge_list_yaml( loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node ) -> JSON_TYPE: """Load multiple files from directory as a merged list.""" loc: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value) merged_list: list[JSON_TYPE] = [] for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"): if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML: continue loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets) if isinstance(loaded_yaml, list): merged_list.extend(loaded_yaml) return _add_reference(merged_list, loader, node) def _handle_mapping_tag( loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.MappingNode ) -> NodeDictClass: """Load YAML mappings into an ordered dictionary to preserve key order.""" loader.flatten_mapping(node) nodes = loader.construct_pairs(node) seen: dict = {} for (key, _), (child_node, _) in zip(nodes, node.value, strict=False): line = child_node.start_mark.line try: hash(key) except TypeError as exc: fname = loader.get_stream_name raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError( context=f'invalid key: "{key}"', context_mark=yaml.Mark( fname, 0, line, -1, None, None, # type: ignore[arg-type] ), ) from exc if key in seen: fname = loader.get_stream_name _LOGGER.warning( 'YAML file %s contains duplicate key "%s". Check lines %d and %d', fname, key, seen[key], line, ) seen[key] = line return _add_reference_to_node_class(NodeDictClass(nodes), loader, node) def _construct_seq(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE: """Add line number and file name to Load YAML sequence.""" (obj,) = loader.construct_yaml_seq(node) return _add_reference(obj, loader, node) def _handle_scalar_tag( loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.ScalarNode ) -> str | int | float | None: """Add line number and file name to Load YAML sequence.""" obj = node.value if not isinstance(obj, str): return obj return _add_reference_to_node_class(NodeStrClass(obj), loader, node) def _env_var_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> str: """Load environment variables and embed it into the configuration YAML.""" args = node.value.split() # Check for a default value if len(args) > 1: return os.getenv(args[0], " ".join(args[1:])) if args[0] in os.environ: return os.environ[args[0]] _LOGGER.error("Environment variable %s not defined", node.value) raise HomeAssistantError(node.value) def secret_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE: """Load secrets and embed it into the configuration YAML.""" if loader.secrets is None: raise HomeAssistantError("Secrets not supported in this YAML file") return loader.secrets.get(loader.get_name, node.value) def add_constructor(tag: Any, constructor: Any) -> None: """Add to constructor to all loaders.""" for yaml_loader in (FastSafeLoader, PythonSafeLoader): yaml_loader.add_constructor(tag, constructor) add_constructor("!include", _include_yaml) add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, _handle_mapping_tag) add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG, _handle_scalar_tag) add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG, _construct_seq) add_constructor("!env_var", _env_var_yaml) add_constructor("!secret", secret_yaml) add_constructor("!include_dir_list", _include_dir_list_yaml) add_constructor("!include_dir_merge_list", _include_dir_merge_list_yaml) add_constructor("!include_dir_named", _include_dir_named_yaml) add_constructor("!include_dir_merge_named", _include_dir_merge_named_yaml) add_constructor("!input", Input.from_node)