{ "title": "Device tracker", "device_automation": { "condition_type": { "is_home": "{entity_name} is home", "is_not_home": "{entity_name} is not home" }, "extra_fields": { "zone": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::zone%]" }, "trigger_type": { "enters": "{entity_name} enters a zone", "leaves": "{entity_name} leaves a zone" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::device_tracker::title%]", "state": { "home": "[%key:common::state::home%]", "not_home": "[%key:common::state::not_home%]" }, "state_attributes": { "battery": { "name": "Battery" }, "gps_accuracy": { "name": "GPS accuracy" }, "latitude": { "name": "Latitude" }, "longitude": { "name": "Longitude" }, "source_type": { "name": "Source", "state": { "bluetooth_le": "Bluetooth LE", "bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "gps": "GPS", "router": "Router" } } } } }, "services": { "see": { "name": "See", "description": "Records a seen tracked device.", "fields": { "mac": { "name": "MAC address", "description": "MAC address of the device." }, "dev_id": { "name": "Device ID", "description": "ID of the device (find the ID in `known_devices.yaml`)." }, "host_name": { "name": "Hostname", "description": "Hostname of the device." }, "location_name": { "name": "Location", "description": "Name of the location where the device is located. The options are: `home`, `not_home`, or the name of the zone." }, "gps": { "name": "GPS coordinates", "description": "GPS coordinates where the device is located, specified by latitude and longitude (for example: [51.513845, -0.100539])." }, "gps_accuracy": { "name": "GPS accuracy", "description": "Accuracy of the GPS coordinates." }, "battery": { "name": "Battery level", "description": "Battery level of the device." } } } } }