"""Matter event entities from Node events.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from chip.clusters import Objects as clusters from matter_server.client.models import device_types from matter_server.common.models import EventType, MatterNodeEvent from homeassistant.components.event import ( EventDeviceClass, EventEntity, EventEntityDescription, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback from .entity import MatterEntity from .helpers import get_matter from .models import MatterDiscoverySchema SwitchFeature = clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature EVENT_TYPES_MAP = { # mapping from raw event id's to translation keys 0: "switch_latched", # clusters.Switch.Events.SwitchLatched 1: "initial_press", # clusters.Switch.Events.InitialPress 2: "long_press", # clusters.Switch.Events.LongPress 3: "short_release", # clusters.Switch.Events.ShortRelease 4: "long_release", # clusters.Switch.Events.LongRelease 5: "multi_press_ongoing", # clusters.Switch.Events.MultiPressOngoing 6: "multi_press_complete", # clusters.Switch.Events.MultiPressComplete } async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddConfigEntryEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Matter switches from Config Entry.""" matter = get_matter(hass) matter.register_platform_handler(Platform.EVENT, async_add_entities) class MatterEventEntity(MatterEntity, EventEntity): """Representation of a Matter Event entity.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize the entity.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fill the event types based on the features the switch supports event_types: list[str] = [] feature_map = int( self.get_matter_attribute_value(clusters.Switch.Attributes.FeatureMap) ) if feature_map & SwitchFeature.kLatchingSwitch: # a latching switch only supports switch_latched event event_types.append("switch_latched") elif feature_map & SwitchFeature.kMomentarySwitchMultiPress: # Momentary switch with multi press support # NOTE: We ignore 'multi press ongoing' as it doesn't make a lot # of sense and many devices do not support it. # Instead we report on the 'multi press complete' event with the number # of presses. max_presses_supported = self.get_matter_attribute_value( clusters.Switch.Attributes.MultiPressMax ) max_presses_supported = min(max_presses_supported or 1, 8) for i in range(max_presses_supported): event_types.append(f"multi_press_{i + 1}") # noqa: PERF401 elif feature_map & SwitchFeature.kMomentarySwitch: # momentary switch without multi press support event_types.append("initial_press") if feature_map & SwitchFeature.kMomentarySwitchRelease: # momentary switch without multi press support can optionally support release event_types.append("short_release") # a momentary switch can optionally support long press if feature_map & SwitchFeature.kMomentarySwitchLongPress: event_types.append("long_press") event_types.append("long_release") self._attr_event_types = event_types async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle being added to Home Assistant.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() # subscribe to NodeEvent events self._unsubscribes.append( self.matter_client.subscribe_events( callback=self._on_matter_node_event, event_filter=EventType.NODE_EVENT, node_filter=self._endpoint.node.node_id, ) ) def _update_from_device(self) -> None: """Call when Node attribute(s) changed.""" @callback def _on_matter_node_event( self, event: EventType, data: MatterNodeEvent, ) -> None: """Call on NodeEvent.""" if data.endpoint_id != self._endpoint.endpoint_id: return if data.event_id == clusters.Switch.Events.MultiPressComplete.event_id: # multi press event presses = (data.data or {}).get("totalNumberOfPressesCounted", 1) event_type = f"multi_press_{presses}" else: event_type = EVENT_TYPES_MAP[data.event_id] if event_type not in self.event_types: # this should not happen, but guard for bad things # some remotes send events that they do not report as supported (sigh...) return # pass the rest of the data as-is (such as the advanced Position data) self._trigger_event(event_type, data.data) self.async_write_ha_state() # Discovery schema(s) to map Matter Attributes to HA entities DISCOVERY_SCHEMAS = [ MatterDiscoverySchema( platform=Platform.EVENT, entity_description=EventEntityDescription( key="GenericSwitch", device_class=EventDeviceClass.BUTTON, translation_key="button", ), entity_class=MatterEventEntity, required_attributes=( clusters.Switch.Attributes.CurrentPosition, clusters.Switch.Attributes.FeatureMap, ), device_type=(device_types.GenericSwitch,), optional_attributes=( clusters.Switch.Attributes.NumberOfPositions, clusters.FixedLabel.Attributes.LabelList, ), allow_multi=True, # also used for sensor (current position) entity ), ]