{ "config": { "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "The following components are supported: {components}" } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "not_supported_device": "This WiLight is currently not supported", "not_wilight_device": "This Device is not WiLight" } }, "services": { "set_watering_time": { "name": "Set watering time", "description": "Sets time for watering.", "fields": { "watering_time": { "name": "Duration", "description": "Duration for this irrigation to be turned on." } } }, "set_pause_time": { "name": "Set pause time", "description": "Sets time to pause.", "fields": { "pause_time": { "name": "Duration", "description": "Duration for this irrigation to be paused." } } }, "set_trigger": { "name": "Set trigger", "description": "Sets the trigger to use.", "fields": { "trigger_index": { "name": "Trigger index", "description": "Index of Trigger from 1 to 4." }, "trigger": { "name": "Trigger rules", "description": "Configuration of trigger." } } } } }