{ "config": { "flow_title": "LG webOS Smart TV", "step": { "user": { "title": "Connect to webOS TV", "description": "Turn on TV, fill the following fields click submit", "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]", "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::name%]" } }, "pairing": { "title": "webOS TV Pairing", "description": "Click submit and accept the pairing request on your TV.\n\n![Image](/static/images/config_webos.png)" } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect, please turn on your TV or check ip address" }, "abort": { "error_pairing": "Connected to LG webOS TV but not paired", "already_in_progress": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_in_progress%]", "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "title": "Options for webOS Smart TV", "description": "Select enabled sources", "data": { "sources": "Sources list" } } }, "error": { "script_not_found": "Script not found", "cannot_retrieve": "Unable to retrieve the list of sources. Make sure device is switched on" } }, "device_automation": { "trigger_type": { "webostv.turn_on": "Device is requested to turn on" } } }