"""Validate integration translation files.""" from functools import partial from itertools import chain import json import re from typing import Dict import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import slugify from script.translations import upload from .model import Config, Integration UNDEFINED = 0 REQUIRED = 1 REMOVED = 2 RE_REFERENCE = r"\[\%key:(.+)\%\]" REMOVED_TITLE_MSG = ( "config.title key has been moved out of config and into the root of strings.json. " "Starting Home Assistant 0.109 you only need to define this key in the root " "if the title needs to be different than the name of your integration in the " "manifest." ) MOVED_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_MSG = ( "The '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', " "starting with Home Assistant 0.112 your translations will no longer " "load if you do not move/rename this " ) def check_translations_directory_name(integration: Integration) -> None: """Check that the correct name is used for the translations directory.""" legacy_translations = integration.path / ".translations" translations = integration.path / "translations" if translations.is_dir(): # No action required return if legacy_translations.is_dir(): integration.add_error("translations", MOVED_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_MSG) def find_references(strings, prefix, found): """Find references.""" for key, value in strings.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): find_references(value, f"{prefix}::{key}", found) continue match = re.match(RE_REFERENCE, value) if match: found.append({"source": f"{prefix}::{key}", "ref": match.groups()[0]}) def removed_title_validator(config, integration, value): """Mark removed title.""" if not config.specific_integrations: raise vol.Invalid(REMOVED_TITLE_MSG) # Don't mark it as an error yet for custom components to allow backwards compat. integration.add_warning("translations", REMOVED_TITLE_MSG) return value def lowercase_validator(value): """Validate value is lowercase.""" if value.lower() != value: raise vol.Invalid("Needs to be lowercase") return value def gen_data_entry_schema( *, config: Config, integration: Integration, flow_title: int, require_step_title: bool, ): """Generate a data entry schema.""" step_title_class = vol.Required if require_step_title else vol.Optional schema = { vol.Optional("flow_title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Required("step"): { str: { step_title_class("title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("description"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("data"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, } }, vol.Optional("error"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("abort"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("progress"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("create_entry"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, } if flow_title == REQUIRED: schema[vol.Required("title")] = cv.string_with_no_html elif flow_title == REMOVED: schema[vol.Optional("title", msg=REMOVED_TITLE_MSG)] = partial( removed_title_validator, config, integration ) return schema def gen_strings_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate a strings schema.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("title"): cv.string_with_no_html, vol.Optional("config"): gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=REMOVED, require_step_title=False, ), vol.Optional("options"): gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=UNDEFINED, require_step_title=False, ), vol.Optional("device_automation"): { vol.Optional("action_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("condition_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("trigger_type"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, vol.Optional("trigger_subtype"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}, }, vol.Optional("state"): cv.schema_with_slug_keys( cv.schema_with_slug_keys(str, slug_validator=lowercase_validator), slug_validator=vol.Any("_", cv.slug), ), vol.Optional("system_health"): { vol.Optional("info"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html} }, } ) def gen_auth_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate auth schema.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("mfa_setup"): { str: gen_data_entry_schema( config=config, integration=integration, flow_title=REQUIRED, require_step_title=True, ) } } ) def gen_platform_strings_schema(config: Config, integration: Integration): """Generate platform strings schema like strings.sensor.json. Example of valid data: { "state": { "moon__phase": { "full": "Full" } } } """ def device_class_validator(value): """Key validator for platorm states. Platform states are only allowed to provide states for device classes they prefix. """ if not value.startswith(f"{integration.domain}__"): raise vol.Invalid( f"Device class need to start with '{integration.domain}__'. Key {value} is invalid. See https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/internationalization/core#stringssensorjson" ) slug_friendly = value.replace("__", "_", 1) slugged = slugify(slug_friendly) if slug_friendly != slugged: raise vol.Invalid( f"invalid device class {value}. After domain__, needs to be all lowercase, no spaces." ) return value return vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("state"): cv.schema_with_slug_keys( cv.schema_with_slug_keys(str, slug_validator=lowercase_validator), slug_validator=device_class_validator, ) } ) ONBOARDING_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Required("area"): {str: cv.string_with_no_html}}) def validate_translation_file(config: Config, integration: Integration, all_strings): """Validate translation files for integration.""" if config.specific_integrations: check_translations_directory_name(integration) strings_files = [integration.path / "strings.json"] # Also validate translations for custom integrations if config.specific_integrations: # Only English needs to be always complete strings_files.append(integration.path / "translations/en.json") references = [] if integration.domain == "auth": strings_schema = gen_auth_schema(config, integration) elif integration.domain == "onboarding": strings_schema = ONBOARDING_SCHEMA else: strings_schema = gen_strings_schema(config, integration) for strings_file in strings_files: if not strings_file.is_file(): continue name = str(strings_file.relative_to(integration.path)) try: strings = json.loads(strings_file.read_text()) except ValueError as err: integration.add_error("translations", f"Invalid JSON in {name}: {err}") continue try: strings_schema(strings) except vol.Invalid as err: integration.add_error( "translations", f"Invalid {name}: {humanize_error(strings, err)}" ) else: if strings_file.name == "strings.json": find_references(strings, name, references) platform_string_schema = gen_platform_strings_schema(config, integration) platform_strings = [integration.path.glob("strings.*.json")] if config.specific_integrations: platform_strings.append(integration.path.glob("translations/*.en.json")) for path in chain(*platform_strings): name = str(path.relative_to(integration.path)) try: strings = json.loads(path.read_text()) except ValueError as err: integration.add_error("translations", f"Invalid JSON in {name}: {err}") continue try: platform_string_schema(strings) except vol.Invalid as err: msg = f"Invalid {path.name}: {humanize_error(strings, err)}" if config.specific_integrations: integration.add_warning("translations", msg) else: integration.add_error("translations", msg) else: find_references(strings, path.name, references) if config.specific_integrations: return # Validate references for reference in references: parts = reference["ref"].split("::") search = all_strings key = parts.pop(0) while parts and key in search: search = search[key] key = parts.pop(0) if parts or key not in search: integration.add_error( "translations", f"{reference['source']} contains invalid reference {reference['ref']}: Could not find {key}", ) def validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Handle JSON files inside integrations.""" if config.specific_integrations: all_strings = None else: all_strings = upload.generate_upload_data() for integration in integrations.values(): validate_translation_file(config, integration, all_strings)