"""Tests for SMHI config flow.""" from smhi.smhi_lib import Smhi as SmhiApi, SmhiForecastException from homeassistant.components.smhi import config_flow from homeassistant.const import CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE from tests.async_mock import Mock, patch # pylint: disable=protected-access async def test_homeassistant_location_exists() -> None: """Test if Home Assistant location exists it should return True.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch.object(flow, "_check_location", return_value=True): # Test exists hass.config.location_name = "Home" hass.config.latitude = 17.8419 hass.config.longitude = 59.3262 assert await flow._homeassistant_location_exists() is True # Test not exists hass.config.location_name = None hass.config.latitude = 0 hass.config.longitude = 0 assert await flow._homeassistant_location_exists() is False async def test_name_in_configuration_exists() -> None: """Test if home location exists in configuration.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass # Test exists hass.config.location_name = "Home" hass.config.latitude = 17.8419 hass.config.longitude = 59.3262 # Check not exists with patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "test2": "something else"}, ): assert flow._name_in_configuration_exists("no_exist_name") is False # Check exists with patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ): assert flow._name_in_configuration_exists("name_exist") is True def test_smhi_locations(hass) -> None: """Test return empty set.""" locations = config_flow.smhi_locations(hass) assert not locations async def test_show_config_form() -> None: """Test show configuration form.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass result = await flow._show_config_form() assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_show_config_form_default_values() -> None: """Test show configuration form.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass result = await flow._show_config_form(name="test", latitude="65", longitude="17") assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_flow_with_home_location(hass) -> None: """Test config flow . Tests the flow when a default location is configured then it should return a form with default values """ flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch.object(flow, "_check_location", return_value=True): hass.config.location_name = "Home" hass.config.latitude = 17.8419 hass.config.longitude = 59.3262 result = await flow.async_step_user() assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_flow_show_form() -> None: """Test show form scenarios first time. Test when the form should show when no configurations exists """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass # Test show form when Home Assistant config exists and # home is already configured, then new config is allowed with patch.object( flow, "_show_config_form", return_value=None ) as config_form, patch.object( flow, "_homeassistant_location_exists", return_value=True ), patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ): await flow.async_step_user() assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 # Test show form when Home Assistant config not and # home is not configured with patch.object( flow, "_show_config_form", return_value=None ) as config_form, patch.object( flow, "_homeassistant_location_exists", return_value=False ), patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ): await flow.async_step_user() assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_flow_show_form_name_exists() -> None: """Test show form if name already exists. Test when the form should show when no configurations exists """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass test_data = {"name": "home", CONF_LONGITUDE: "0", CONF_LATITUDE: "0"} # Test show form when Home Assistant config exists and # home is already configured, then new config is allowed with patch.object( flow, "_show_config_form", return_value=None ) as config_form, patch.object( flow, "_name_in_configuration_exists", return_value=True ), patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ), patch.object( flow, "_check_location", return_value=True ): await flow.async_step_user(user_input=test_data) assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(flow._errors) == 1 async def test_flow_entry_created_from_user_input() -> None: """Test that create data from user input. Test when the form should show when no configurations exists """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass test_data = {"name": "home", CONF_LONGITUDE: "0", CONF_LATITUDE: "0"} # Test that entry created when user_input name not exists with patch.object( flow, "_show_config_form", return_value=None ) as config_form, patch.object( flow, "_name_in_configuration_exists", return_value=False ), patch.object( flow, "_homeassistant_location_exists", return_value=False ), patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ), patch.object( flow, "_check_location", return_value=True ): result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=test_data) assert result["type"] == "create_entry" assert result["data"] == test_data assert not config_form.mock_calls async def test_flow_entry_created_user_input_faulty() -> None: """Test that create data from user input and are faulty. Test when the form should show when user puts faulty location in the config gui. Then the form should show with error """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass test_data = {"name": "home", CONF_LONGITUDE: "0", CONF_LATITUDE: "0"} # Test that entry created when user_input name not exists with patch.object(flow, "_check_location", return_value=True), patch.object( flow, "_show_config_form", return_value=None ) as config_form, patch.object( flow, "_name_in_configuration_exists", return_value=False ), patch.object( flow, "_homeassistant_location_exists", return_value=False ), patch.object( config_flow, "smhi_locations", return_value={"test": "something", "name_exist": "config"}, ), patch.object( flow, "_check_location", return_value=False ): await flow.async_step_user(user_input=test_data) assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(flow._errors) == 1 async def test_check_location_correct() -> None: """Test check location when correct input.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch.object( config_flow.aiohttp_client, "async_get_clientsession" ), patch.object(SmhiApi, "async_get_forecast", return_value=None): assert await flow._check_location("58", "17") is True async def test_check_location_faulty() -> None: """Test check location when faulty input.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.SmhiFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch.object( config_flow.aiohttp_client, "async_get_clientsession" ), patch.object(SmhiApi, "async_get_forecast", side_effect=SmhiForecastException()): assert await flow._check_location("58", "17") is False