{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Connect to UPB PIM", "description": "Connect a Universal Powerline Bus Powerline Interface Module (UPB PIM). The address string must be in the form 'address[:port]' for 'tcp'. The port is optional and defaults to 2101. Example: ''. For the serial protocol, the address must be in the form 'tty[:baud]'. The baud is optional and defaults to 4800. Example: '/dev/ttyS1'.", "data": { "protocol": "Protocol", "address": "Address (see description above)", "file_path": "Path and name of the UPStart UPB export file." } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect to UPB PIM, please try again.", "invalid_upb_file": "Missing or invalid UPB UPStart export file, check the name and path of the file.", "unknown": "Unexpected error." }, "abort": { "address_already_configured": "An UPB PIM with this address is already configured." } } }