{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "New Threshold Sensor", "description": "Configure when the sensor should turn on and off.\n\nOnly lower limit configured - Turn on when the input sensor's value is less than the lower limit.\nOnly upper limit configured - Turn on when the input sensor's value is greater than the upper limit.\nBoth lower and upper limit configured - Turn on when the input sensor's value is in the range [lower limit .. upper limit].", "data": { "entity_id": "Input sensor", "hysteresis": "Hysteresis", "lower": "Lower limit", "mode": "Threshold mode", "name": "Name", "upper": "Upper limit" } } }, "error": { "need_lower_upper": "Lower and upper limits can't both be empty" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "description": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::description%]", "data": { "entity_id": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::entity_id%]", "hysteresis": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::hysteresis%]", "lower": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::lower%]", "mode": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::mode%]", "name": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::name%]", "upper": "[%key:component::threshold::config::step::user::data::upper%]" } } }, "error": { "need_lower_upper": "[%key:component::threshold::config::error::need_lower_upper%]" } } }