{ "services": { "request_data": { "name": "Request data", "description": "Requesta new data from the charging station." }, "authorize": { "name": "Authorize", "description": "Authorizes a charging process with the predefined RFID tag of the configuration file." }, "deauthorize": { "name": "Deauthorize", "description": "Deauthorizes the running charging process with the predefined RFID tag of the configuration file." }, "set_energy": { "name": "Set energy", "description": "Sets the energy target after which the charging process stops.", "fields": { "energy": { "name": "Energy", "description": "The energy target to stop charging. Setting 0 disables the limit." } } }, "set_current": { "name": "Set current", "description": "Sets the maximum current for charging processes.", "fields": { "current": { "name": "Current", "description": "The maximum current used for the charging process. The value is depending on the DIP-switch settings and the used cable of the charging station." } } }, "enable": { "name": "[%key:common::action::enable%]", "description": "Starts a charging process if charging station is authorized." }, "disable": { "name": "[%key:common::action::disable%]", "description": "Stops the charging process if charging station is authorized." }, "set_failsafe": { "name": "Set failsafe", "description": "Sets the failsafe mode of the charging station. If all parameters are 0, the failsafe mode will be disabled.", "fields": { "failsafe_timeout": { "name": "Failsafe timeout", "description": "Timeout after which the failsafe mode is triggered, if set_current was not executed during this time." }, "failsafe_fallback": { "name": "Failsafe fallback", "description": "Fallback current to be set after timeout." }, "failsafe_persist": { "name": "Failsafe persist", "description": "If failsafe_persist is 0, the failsafe option is only until charging station reboot. If failsafe_persist is 1, the failsafe option will survive a reboot." } } } } }