"""Support for Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier and Xiaomi Mi Air Humidifier.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod import asyncio import logging import math from typing import Any from miio.fan_common import ( MoveDirection as FanMoveDirection, OperationMode as FanOperationMode, ) from miio.integrations.airpurifier.dmaker.airfresh_t2017 import ( OperationMode as AirfreshOperationModeT2017, ) from miio.integrations.airpurifier.zhimi.airfresh import ( OperationMode as AirfreshOperationMode, ) from miio.integrations.airpurifier.zhimi.airpurifier import ( OperationMode as AirpurifierOperationMode, ) from miio.integrations.airpurifier.zhimi.airpurifier_miot import ( OperationMode as AirpurifierMiotOperationMode, ) from miio.integrations.fan.zhimi.zhimi_miot import ( OperationModeFanZA5 as FanZA5OperationMode, ) import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.fan import FanEntity, FanEntityFeature from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_MODEL from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.util.percentage import ( percentage_to_ranged_value, ranged_value_to_percentage, ) from .const import ( CONF_FLOW_TYPE, DOMAIN, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH_A1, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH_T2017, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_2S, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_3C, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_4, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_MIIO, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_PRO, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_V3, FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_1C, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P5, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P9, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P10_P11_P18, FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_ZA5, FEATURE_RESET_FILTER, FEATURE_SET_EXTRA_FEATURES, KEY_COORDINATOR, KEY_DEVICE, MODEL_AIRFRESH_A1, MODEL_AIRFRESH_T2017, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_2H, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_2S, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_3C, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_3C_REV_A, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE_RMA1, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE_RMB1, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_PRO, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_PRO, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_V3, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1, MODEL_FAN_1C, MODEL_FAN_P5, MODEL_FAN_P9, MODEL_FAN_P10, MODEL_FAN_P11, MODEL_FAN_P18, MODEL_FAN_ZA5, MODELS_FAN_MIIO, MODELS_FAN_MIOT, MODELS_PURIFIER_MIOT, SERVICE_RESET_FILTER, SERVICE_SET_EXTRA_FEATURES, ) from .entity import XiaomiCoordinatedMiioEntity from .typing import ServiceMethodDetails _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_KEY = "fan.xiaomi_miio" ATTR_MODE_NATURE = "nature" ATTR_MODE_NORMAL = "normal" # Air Purifier ATTR_BRIGHTNESS = "brightness" ATTR_FAN_LEVEL = "fan_level" ATTR_SLEEP_TIME = "sleep_time" ATTR_SLEEP_LEARN_COUNT = "sleep_mode_learn_count" ATTR_EXTRA_FEATURES = "extra_features" ATTR_FEATURES = "features" ATTR_TURBO_MODE_SUPPORTED = "turbo_mode_supported" ATTR_SLEEP_MODE = "sleep_mode" ATTR_USE_TIME = "use_time" ATTR_BUTTON_PRESSED = "button_pressed" # Air Fresh A1 ATTR_FAVORITE_SPEED = "favorite_speed" # Air Purifier 3C ATTR_FAVORITE_RPM = "favorite_rpm" ATTR_MOTOR_SPEED = "motor_speed" # Map attributes to properties of the state object AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_COMMON = { ATTR_EXTRA_FEATURES: "extra_features", ATTR_TURBO_MODE_SUPPORTED: "turbo_mode_supported", ATTR_BUTTON_PRESSED: "button_pressed", } AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER = { **AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_COMMON, ATTR_SLEEP_TIME: "sleep_time", ATTR_SLEEP_LEARN_COUNT: "sleep_mode_learn_count", ATTR_USE_TIME: "use_time", ATTR_SLEEP_MODE: "sleep_mode", } AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO = { **AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_COMMON, ATTR_USE_TIME: "use_time", ATTR_SLEEP_TIME: "sleep_time", ATTR_SLEEP_LEARN_COUNT: "sleep_mode_learn_count", } AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT = {ATTR_USE_TIME: "use_time"} AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7 = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_COMMON AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_V3 = { # Common set isn't used here. It's a very basic version of the device. ATTR_SLEEP_TIME: "sleep_time", ATTR_SLEEP_LEARN_COUNT: "sleep_mode_learn_count", ATTR_EXTRA_FEATURES: "extra_features", ATTR_USE_TIME: "use_time", ATTR_BUTTON_PRESSED: "button_pressed", } AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRFRESH = { ATTR_USE_TIME: "use_time", ATTR_EXTRA_FEATURES: "extra_features", } PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite", "Idle"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite", "Fan"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7 = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_2S = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_3C = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1 = ["Auto", "Silent", "Favorite"] PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_V3 = [ "Auto", "Silent", "Favorite", "Idle", "Medium", "High", "Strong", ] PRESET_MODES_AIRFRESH = ["Auto", "Interval"] PRESET_MODES_AIRFRESH_A1 = ["Auto", "Sleep", "Favorite"] AIRPURIFIER_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids}) SERVICE_SCHEMA_EXTRA_FEATURES = AIRPURIFIER_SERVICE_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(ATTR_FEATURES): cv.positive_int} ) SERVICE_TO_METHOD = { SERVICE_RESET_FILTER: ServiceMethodDetails(method="async_reset_filter"), SERVICE_SET_EXTRA_FEATURES: ServiceMethodDetails( method="async_set_extra_features", schema=SERVICE_SCHEMA_EXTRA_FEATURES, ), } FAN_DIRECTIONS_MAP = { "forward": "right", "reverse": "left", } async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the Fan from a config entry.""" entities: list[FanEntity] = [] entity: FanEntity if config_entry.data[CONF_FLOW_TYPE] != CONF_DEVICE: return hass.data.setdefault(DATA_KEY, {}) model = config_entry.data[CONF_MODEL] unique_id = config_entry.unique_id coordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][KEY_COORDINATOR] device = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][KEY_DEVICE] if model in (MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_3C, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_3C_REV_A): entity = XiaomiAirPurifierMB4( device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator, ) elif model in MODELS_PURIFIER_MIOT: entity = XiaomiAirPurifierMiot( device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator, ) elif model.startswith("zhimi.airpurifier."): entity = XiaomiAirPurifier(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model.startswith("zhimi.airfresh."): entity = XiaomiAirFresh(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model == MODEL_AIRFRESH_A1: entity = XiaomiAirFreshA1(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model == MODEL_AIRFRESH_T2017: entity = XiaomiAirFreshT2017(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model == MODEL_FAN_P5: entity = XiaomiFanP5(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model in MODELS_FAN_MIIO: entity = XiaomiFan(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model == MODEL_FAN_ZA5: entity = XiaomiFanZA5(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model == MODEL_FAN_1C: entity = XiaomiFan1C(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) elif model in MODELS_FAN_MIOT: entity = XiaomiFanMiot(device, config_entry, unique_id, coordinator) else: return hass.data[DATA_KEY][unique_id] = entity entities.append(entity) async def async_service_handler(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Map services to methods on XiaomiAirPurifier.""" method = SERVICE_TO_METHOD[service.service] params = { key: value for key, value in service.data.items() if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID } if entity_ids := service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): filtered_entities = [ entity for entity in hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() if entity.entity_id in entity_ids ] else: filtered_entities = hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() update_tasks = [] for entity in filtered_entities: entity_method = getattr(entity, method.method, None) if not entity_method: continue await entity_method(**params) update_tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(entity.async_update_ha_state(True))) if update_tasks: await asyncio.wait(update_tasks) for air_purifier_service, method in SERVICE_TO_METHOD.items(): schema = method.schema or AIRPURIFIER_SERVICE_SCHEMA hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, air_purifier_service, async_service_handler, schema=schema ) async_add_entities(entities) class XiaomiGenericDevice(XiaomiCoordinatedMiioEntity, FanEntity): """Representation of a generic Xiaomi device.""" _attr_name = None def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the generic Xiaomi device.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._available_attributes = {} self._state = None self._mode = None self._fan_level = None self._state_attrs = {} self._device_features = 0 self._preset_modes = [] @property @abstractmethod def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" @property def preset_modes(self) -> list[str]: """Get the list of available preset modes.""" return self._preset_modes @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the percentage based speed of the fan.""" return None @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the state attributes of the device.""" return self._state_attrs @property def is_on(self) -> bool | None: """Return true if device is on.""" return self._state async def async_turn_on( self, percentage: int | None = None, preset_mode: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Turn the device on.""" result = await self._try_command( "Turning the miio device on failed.", self._device.on ) # If operation mode was set the device must not be turned on. if percentage: await self.async_set_percentage(percentage) if preset_mode: await self.async_set_preset_mode(preset_mode) if result: self._state = True self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the device off.""" result = await self._try_command( "Turning the miio device off failed.", self._device.off ) if result: self._state = False self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiGenericAirPurifier(XiaomiGenericDevice): """Representation of a generic AirPurifier device.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the generic AirPurifier device.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._speed_count = 100 @property def speed_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of speeds of the fan supported.""" return self._speed_count @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Get the active preset mode.""" if self._state: preset_mode = self.operation_mode_class(self._mode).name return preset_mode if preset_mode in self._preset_modes else None return None @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._state_attrs.update( { key: self._extract_value_from_attribute(self.coordinator.data, value) for key, value in self._available_attributes.items() } ) self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._fan_level = getattr(self.coordinator.data, ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, None) self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiAirPurifier(XiaomiGenericAirPurifier): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Purifier.""" SPEED_MODE_MAPPING = { 1: AirpurifierOperationMode.Silent, 2: AirpurifierOperationMode.Medium, 3: AirpurifierOperationMode.High, 4: AirpurifierOperationMode.Strong, } REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING = {v: k for k, v in SPEED_MODE_MAPPING.items()} def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the plug switch.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) if self._model == MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_PRO: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_PRO self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 elif self._model in [MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_PRO]: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_4 self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE ) self._speed_count = 3 elif self._model in [ MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE_RMA1, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE_RMB1, ]: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_4_LITE self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 elif self._model == MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7 self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7 self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_PRO_V7 self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 elif self._model in [MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_2S, MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_2H]: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_2S self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_COMMON self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_2S self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 elif self._model == MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1 self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_ZA1 self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 elif self._model in MODELS_PURIFIER_MIOT: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_MIOT self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE ) self._speed_count = 3 elif self._model == MODEL_AIRPURIFIER_V3: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_V3 self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER_V3 self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_V3 self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 else: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_MIIO self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRPURIFIER self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE self._speed_count = 1 self._attr_supported_features |= ( FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF | FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON ) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._state_attrs.update( { key: self._extract_value_from_attribute(self.coordinator.data, value) for key, value in self._available_attributes.items() } ) self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._fan_level = getattr(self.coordinator.data, ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, None) @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return AirpurifierOperationMode @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current percentage based speed.""" if self._state: mode = self.operation_mode_class(self._mode) if mode in self.REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING: return ranged_value_to_percentage( (1, self._speed_count), self.REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING[mode] ) return None async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan. This method is a coroutine. """ if percentage == 0: await self.async_turn_off() return speed_mode = math.ceil( percentage_to_ranged_value((1, self._speed_count), percentage) ) if speed_mode: await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class(self.SPEED_MODE_MAPPING[speed_mode]), ) async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan. This method is a coroutine. """ if await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ): self._mode = self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode].value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_extra_features(self, features: int = 1): """Set the extra features.""" if self._device_features & FEATURE_SET_EXTRA_FEATURES == 0: return await self._try_command( "Setting the extra features of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_extra_features, features, ) async def async_reset_filter(self): """Reset the filter lifetime and usage.""" if self._device_features & FEATURE_RESET_FILTER == 0: return await self._try_command( "Resetting the filter lifetime of the miio device failed.", self._device.reset_filter, ) class XiaomiAirPurifierMiot(XiaomiAirPurifier): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Purifier (MiOT protocol).""" @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return AirpurifierMiotOperationMode @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current percentage based speed.""" if self._fan_level is None: return None if self._state: return ranged_value_to_percentage((1, 3), self._fan_level) return None async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan. This method is a coroutine. """ if percentage == 0: await self.async_turn_off() return fan_level = math.ceil(percentage_to_ranged_value((1, 3), percentage)) if not fan_level: return if await self._try_command( "Setting fan level of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_fan_level, fan_level, ): self._fan_level = fan_level self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiAirPurifierMB4(XiaomiGenericAirPurifier): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Purifier MB4.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) -> None: """Initialize Air Purifier MB4.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRPURIFIER_3C self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRPURIFIER_3C self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF | FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON ) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._favorite_rpm: int | None = None self._speed_range = (300, 2200) self._motor_speed = 0 @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return AirpurifierMiotOperationMode @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current percentage based speed.""" # show the actual fan speed in silent or auto preset mode if self._mode != self.operation_mode_class["Favorite"].value: return ranged_value_to_percentage(self._speed_range, self._motor_speed) if self._favorite_rpm is None: return None if self._state: return ranged_value_to_percentage(self._speed_range, self._favorite_rpm) return None async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan. This method is a coroutine.""" if percentage == 0: await self.async_turn_off() return favorite_rpm = int( round(percentage_to_ranged_value(self._speed_range, percentage), -1) ) if not favorite_rpm: return if await self._try_command( "Setting fan level of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_favorite_rpm, favorite_rpm, ): self._favorite_rpm = favorite_rpm self._mode = self.operation_mode_class["Favorite"].value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan.""" if not self._state: await self.async_turn_on() if await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ): self._mode = self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode].value self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._favorite_rpm = getattr(self.coordinator.data, ATTR_FAVORITE_RPM, None) self._motor_speed = min( self._speed_range[1], max( self._speed_range[0], getattr(self.coordinator.data, ATTR_MOTOR_SPEED, 0), ), ) self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiAirFresh(XiaomiGenericAirPurifier): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Fresh.""" SPEED_MODE_MAPPING = { 1: AirfreshOperationMode.Silent, 2: AirfreshOperationMode.Low, 3: AirfreshOperationMode.Middle, 4: AirfreshOperationMode.Strong, } REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING = {v: k for k, v in SPEED_MODE_MAPPING.items()} PRESET_MODE_MAPPING = { "Auto": AirfreshOperationMode.Auto, "Interval": AirfreshOperationMode.Interval, } def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the miio device.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH self._available_attributes = AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTES_AIRFRESH self._speed_count = 4 self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRFRESH self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF | FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON ) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._state_attrs.update( { key: getattr(self.coordinator.data, value) for key, value in self._available_attributes.items() } ) self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return AirfreshOperationMode @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current percentage based speed.""" if self._state: mode = AirfreshOperationMode(self._mode) if mode in self.REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING: return ranged_value_to_percentage( (1, self._speed_count), self.REVERSE_SPEED_MODE_MAPPING[mode] ) return None async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan. This method is a coroutine. """ speed_mode = math.ceil( percentage_to_ranged_value((1, self._speed_count), percentage) ) if speed_mode: if await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, AirfreshOperationMode(self.SPEED_MODE_MAPPING[speed_mode]), ): self._mode = AirfreshOperationMode( self.SPEED_MODE_MAPPING[speed_mode] ).value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan. This method is a coroutine. """ if await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ): self._mode = self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode].value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_extra_features(self, features: int = 1): """Set the extra features.""" if self._device_features & FEATURE_SET_EXTRA_FEATURES == 0: return await self._try_command( "Setting the extra features of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_extra_features, features, ) async def async_reset_filter(self): """Reset the filter lifetime and usage.""" if self._device_features & FEATURE_RESET_FILTER == 0: return await self._try_command( "Resetting the filter lifetime of the miio device failed.", self._device.reset_filter, ) class XiaomiAirFreshA1(XiaomiGenericAirPurifier): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Fresh A1.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the miio device.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._favorite_speed = None self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH_A1 self._preset_modes = PRESET_MODES_AIRFRESH_A1 self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF | FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON ) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._speed_range = (60, 150) @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return AirfreshOperationModeT2017 @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current percentage based speed.""" if self._favorite_speed is None: return None if self._state: return ranged_value_to_percentage(self._speed_range, self._favorite_speed) return None async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan. This method is a coroutine.""" if percentage == 0: await self.async_turn_off() return await self.async_set_preset_mode("Favorite") favorite_speed = math.ceil( percentage_to_ranged_value(self._speed_range, percentage) ) if not favorite_speed: return if await self._try_command( "Setting fan level of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_favorite_speed, favorite_speed, ): self._favorite_speed = favorite_speed self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan. This method is a coroutine.""" if await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ): self._mode = self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode].value self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.value self._favorite_speed = getattr(self.coordinator.data, ATTR_FAVORITE_SPEED, None) self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiAirFreshT2017(XiaomiAirFreshA1): """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Fresh T2017.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the miio device.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_AIRFRESH_T2017 self._speed_range = (60, 300) class XiaomiGenericFan(XiaomiGenericDevice): """Representation of a generic Xiaomi Fan.""" _attr_translation_key = "generic_fan" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the fan.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) if self._model == MODEL_FAN_P5: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P5 elif self._model == MODEL_FAN_ZA5: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_ZA5 elif self._model == MODEL_FAN_1C: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_1C elif self._model == MODEL_FAN_P9: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P9 elif self._model in (MODEL_FAN_P10, MODEL_FAN_P11, MODEL_FAN_P18): self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN_P10_P11_P18 else: self._device_features = FEATURE_FLAGS_FAN self._attr_supported_features = ( FanEntityFeature.SET_SPEED | FanEntityFeature.OSCILLATE | FanEntityFeature.PRESET_MODE | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF | FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON ) if self._model != MODEL_FAN_1C: self._attr_supported_features |= FanEntityFeature.DIRECTION self._preset_mode = None self._oscillating = None self._percentage = None @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Get the active preset mode.""" return self._preset_mode @property def preset_modes(self) -> list[str]: """Get the list of available preset modes.""" return [mode.name for mode in self.operation_mode_class] @property def percentage(self) -> int | None: """Return the current speed as a percentage.""" if self._state: return self._percentage return None @property def oscillating(self) -> bool | None: """Return whether or not the fan is currently oscillating.""" return self._oscillating async def async_oscillate(self, oscillating: bool) -> None: """Set oscillation.""" await self._try_command( "Setting oscillate on/off of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_oscillate, oscillating, ) self._oscillating = oscillating self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_direction(self, direction: str) -> None: """Set the direction of the fan.""" if self._oscillating: await self.async_oscillate(oscillating=False) await self._try_command( "Setting move direction of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_rotate, FanMoveDirection(FAN_DIRECTIONS_MAP[direction]), ) class XiaomiFan(XiaomiGenericFan): """Representation of a Xiaomi Fan.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the fan.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate self._nature_mode = self.coordinator.data.natural_speed != 0 if self._nature_mode: self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.natural_speed else: self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.direct_speed @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" @property def preset_mode(self) -> str: """Get the active preset mode.""" return ATTR_MODE_NATURE if self._nature_mode else ATTR_MODE_NORMAL @property def preset_modes(self) -> list[str]: """Get the list of available preset modes.""" return [ATTR_MODE_NATURE, ATTR_MODE_NORMAL] @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate self._nature_mode = self.coordinator.data.natural_speed != 0 if self._nature_mode: self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.natural_speed else: self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.direct_speed self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan.""" if preset_mode == ATTR_MODE_NATURE: await self._try_command( "Setting natural fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_natural_speed, self._percentage, ) else: await self._try_command( "Setting direct fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_direct_speed, self._percentage, ) self._preset_mode = preset_mode self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan.""" if percentage == 0: self._percentage = 0 await self.async_turn_off() return if self._nature_mode: await self._try_command( "Setting fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_natural_speed, percentage, ) else: await self._try_command( "Setting fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_direct_speed, percentage, ) self._percentage = percentage if not self.is_on: await self.async_turn_on() else: self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiFanP5(XiaomiGenericFan): """Representation of a Xiaomi Fan P5.""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize the fan.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._preset_mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.name self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.speed @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return FanOperationMode @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._preset_mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.name self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.speed self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan.""" await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ) self._preset_mode = preset_mode self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan.""" if percentage == 0: self._percentage = 0 await self.async_turn_off() return await self._try_command( "Setting fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_speed, percentage, ) self._percentage = percentage if not self.is_on: await self.async_turn_on() else: self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiFanMiot(XiaomiGenericFan): """Representation of a Xiaomi Fan Miot.""" @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return FanOperationMode @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Get the active preset mode.""" return self._preset_mode @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._preset_mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.name self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate if self.coordinator.data.is_on: self._percentage = self.coordinator.data.speed else: self._percentage = 0 self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set the preset mode of the fan.""" await self._try_command( "Setting operation mode of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_mode, self.operation_mode_class[preset_mode], ) self._preset_mode = preset_mode self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan.""" if percentage == 0: self._percentage = 0 await self.async_turn_off() return result = await self._try_command( "Setting fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_speed, percentage, ) if result: self._percentage = percentage if not self.is_on: await self.async_turn_on() elif result: self.async_write_ha_state() class XiaomiFanZA5(XiaomiFanMiot): """Representation of a Xiaomi Fan ZA5.""" @property def operation_mode_class(self): """Hold operation mode class.""" return FanZA5OperationMode class XiaomiFan1C(XiaomiFanMiot): """Representation of a Xiaomi Fan 1C (Standing Fan 2 Lite).""" def __init__(self, device, entry, unique_id, coordinator): """Initialize MIOT fan with speed count.""" super().__init__(device, entry, unique_id, coordinator) self._speed_count = 3 @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" self._state = self.coordinator.data.is_on self._preset_mode = self.coordinator.data.mode.name self._oscillating = self.coordinator.data.oscillate if self.coordinator.data.is_on: self._percentage = ranged_value_to_percentage( (1, self._speed_count), self.coordinator.data.speed ) else: self._percentage = 0 self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_percentage(self, percentage: int) -> None: """Set the percentage of the fan.""" if percentage == 0: self._percentage = 0 await self.async_turn_off() return speed = math.ceil( percentage_to_ranged_value((1, self._speed_count), percentage) ) # if the fan is not on, we have to turn it on first if not self.is_on: await self.async_turn_on() result = await self._try_command( "Setting fan speed percentage of the miio device failed.", self._device.set_speed, speed, ) if result: self._percentage = ranged_value_to_percentage((1, self._speed_count), speed) self.async_write_ha_state()