rules: # Bronze action-setup: status: done comment: only actions implemented are platform native ones. appropriate-polling: status: done comment: fixed 1 minute cycle based on Enphase Envoy device characteristics brands: done common-modules: done config-flow-test-coverage: status: todo comment: | - test_zero_conf_malformed_serial_property - with pytest.raises(KeyError) as ex:: I don't believe this should be able to raise a KeyError Shouldn't we abort the flow? config-flow: status: todo comment: | - async_step_reaut L160: I believe that the unique is already set when starting a reauth flow dependency-transparency: done docs-actions: status: done comment: docs-high-level-description: status: done comment: docs-installation-instructions: status: done comment: docs-removal-instructions: status: done comment: entity-event-setup: status: done comment: no events used. entity-unique-id: done has-entity-name: done runtime-data: done test-before-configure: done test-before-setup: done unique-config-entry: done # Silver action-exceptions: status: todo comment: | needs to raise appropriate error when exception occurs. Pending config-entry-unloading: done docs-configuration-parameters: status: done comment: docs-installation-parameters: status: done comment: entity-unavailable: done integration-owner: done log-when-unavailable: done parallel-updates: status: done comment: pending reauthentication-flow: done test-coverage: status: todo comment: | - test_config_different_unique_id -> unique_id set to the mock config entry is an int, not a str - Apart from the coverage, test_option_change_reload does not verify that the config entry is reloaded # Gold devices: done diagnostics: done discovery-update-info: done discovery: done docs-data-update: status: done comment: docs-examples: status: todo comment: add blue-print examples, if any docs-known-limitations: todo docs-supported-devices: status: done comment: docs-supported-functions: todo docs-troubleshooting: status: done comment: docs-use-cases: todo dynamic-devices: todo entity-category: todo entity-device-class: done entity-disabled-by-default: done entity-translations: done exception-translations: done icon-translations: todo reconfiguration-flow: done repair-issues: status: exempt comment: no general issues or stale-devices: todo # Platinum async-dependency: done inject-websession: done strict-typing: done