"""Home Assistant representation of an UPnP/IGD.""" from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime from functools import partial from ipaddress import ip_address from typing import Any from urllib.parse import urlparse from async_upnp_client.aiohttp import AiohttpNotifyServer, AiohttpSessionRequester from async_upnp_client.client_factory import UpnpFactory from async_upnp_client.const import AddressTupleVXType from async_upnp_client.exceptions import UpnpCommunicationError from async_upnp_client.profiles.igd import IgdDevice, IgdStateItem from async_upnp_client.utils import async_get_local_ip from getmac import get_mac_address from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator from .const import ( BYTES_RECEIVED, BYTES_SENT, KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_RECEIVED, KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_SENT, LOGGER as _LOGGER, PACKETS_PER_SEC_RECEIVED, PACKETS_PER_SEC_SENT, PACKETS_RECEIVED, PACKETS_SENT, PORT_MAPPING_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_IPV4, ROUTER_IP, ROUTER_UPTIME, TIMESTAMP, WAN_STATUS, ) TYPE_STATE_ITEM_MAPPING = { BYTES_RECEIVED: IgdStateItem.BYTES_RECEIVED, BYTES_SENT: IgdStateItem.BYTES_SENT, KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_RECEIVED: IgdStateItem.KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_RECEIVED, KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_SENT: IgdStateItem.KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_SENT, PACKETS_PER_SEC_RECEIVED: IgdStateItem.PACKETS_PER_SEC_RECEIVED, PACKETS_PER_SEC_SENT: IgdStateItem.PACKETS_PER_SEC_SENT, PACKETS_RECEIVED: IgdStateItem.PACKETS_RECEIVED, PACKETS_SENT: IgdStateItem.PACKETS_SENT, ROUTER_IP: IgdStateItem.EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS, ROUTER_UPTIME: IgdStateItem.UPTIME, WAN_STATUS: IgdStateItem.CONNECTION_STATUS, PORT_MAPPING_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_IPV4: IgdStateItem.PORT_MAPPING_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES, } def get_preferred_location(locations: set[str]) -> str: """Get the preferred location (an IPv4 location) from a set of locations.""" # Prefer IPv4 over IPv6. for location in locations: if location.startswith(("http://[", "https://[")): continue return location # Fallback to any. for location in locations: return location raise ValueError("No location found") async def async_get_mac_address_from_host(hass: HomeAssistant, host: str) -> str | None: """Get mac address from host.""" ip_addr = ip_address(host) if ip_addr.version == 4: mac_address = await hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(get_mac_address, ip=host) ) else: mac_address = await hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(get_mac_address, ip6=host) ) return mac_address async def async_create_device( hass: HomeAssistant, location: str, force_poll: bool ) -> Device: """Create UPnP/IGD device.""" session = async_get_clientsession(hass, verify_ssl=False) requester = AiohttpSessionRequester(session, with_sleep=True, timeout=20) # Create UPnP device. factory = UpnpFactory(requester, non_strict=True) upnp_device = await factory.async_create_device(location) # Create notify server. _, local_ip = await async_get_local_ip(location) source: AddressTupleVXType = (local_ip, 0) notify_server = AiohttpNotifyServer( requester=requester, source=source, ) await notify_server.async_start_server() _LOGGER.debug("Started event handler at %s", notify_server.callback_url) # Create profile wrapper. igd_device = IgdDevice(upnp_device, notify_server.event_handler) return Device(hass, igd_device, force_poll) class Device: """Home Assistant representation of a UPnP/IGD device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, igd_device: IgdDevice, force_poll: bool ) -> None: """Initialize UPnP/IGD device.""" self.hass = hass self._igd_device = igd_device self._force_poll = force_poll self.coordinator: ( DataUpdateCoordinator[dict[str, str | datetime | int | float | None]] | None ) = None self.original_udn: str | None = None async def async_get_mac_address(self) -> str | None: """Get mac address.""" if not self.host: return None return await async_get_mac_address_from_host(self.hass, self.host) @property def udn(self) -> str: """Get the UDN.""" return self._igd_device.udn @property def name(self) -> str: """Get the name.""" return self._igd_device.name @property def manufacturer(self) -> str: """Get the manufacturer.""" return self._igd_device.manufacturer @property def model_name(self) -> str: """Get the model name.""" return self._igd_device.model_name @property def device_type(self) -> str: """Get the device type.""" return self._igd_device.device_type @property def usn(self) -> str: """Get the USN.""" return f"{self.udn}::{self.device_type}" @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Get the unique id.""" return self.usn @property def host(self) -> str | None: """Get the hostname.""" parsed = urlparse(self.device_url) return parsed.hostname @property def device_url(self) -> str: """Get the device_url of the device.""" return self._igd_device.device.device_url @property def serial_number(self) -> str | None: """Get the serial number.""" return self._igd_device.device.serial_number def __str__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"IGD Device: {self.name}/{self.udn}::{self.device_type}" @property def force_poll(self) -> bool: """Get force_poll.""" return self._force_poll async def async_set_force_poll(self, force_poll: bool) -> None: """Set force_poll, and (un)subscribe if needed.""" self._force_poll = force_poll if self._force_poll: # No need for subscriptions, as eventing will never be used. await self.async_unsubscribe_services() elif not self._force_poll and not self._igd_device.is_subscribed: await self.async_subscribe_services() async def async_subscribe_services(self) -> None: """Subscribe to services.""" try: await self._igd_device.async_subscribe_services(auto_resubscribe=True) except UpnpCommunicationError as ex: _LOGGER.debug( "Error subscribing to services, falling back to forced polling: %s", ex ) await self.async_set_force_poll(True) async def async_unsubscribe_services(self) -> None: """Unsubscribe from services.""" try: await self._igd_device.async_unsubscribe_services() except UpnpCommunicationError as ex: _LOGGER.debug("Error unsubscribing to services: %s", ex) async def async_get_data( self, entity_description_keys: list[str] | None ) -> dict[str, str | datetime | int | float | None]: """Get all data from device.""" if not entity_description_keys: igd_state_items = None else: igd_state_items = { TYPE_STATE_ITEM_MAPPING[key] for key in entity_description_keys } _LOGGER.debug( "Getting data for device: %s, state_items: %s, force_poll: %s", self, igd_state_items, self._force_poll, ) igd_state = await self._igd_device.async_get_traffic_and_status_data( igd_state_items, force_poll=self._force_poll ) def get_value(value: Any) -> Any: if value is None or isinstance(value, BaseException): return None return value return { TIMESTAMP: igd_state.timestamp, BYTES_RECEIVED: get_value(igd_state.bytes_received), BYTES_SENT: get_value(igd_state.bytes_sent), PACKETS_RECEIVED: get_value(igd_state.packets_received), PACKETS_SENT: get_value(igd_state.packets_sent), WAN_STATUS: get_value(igd_state.connection_status), ROUTER_UPTIME: get_value(igd_state.uptime), ROUTER_IP: get_value(igd_state.external_ip_address), KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_RECEIVED: igd_state.kibibytes_per_sec_received, KIBIBYTES_PER_SEC_SENT: igd_state.kibibytes_per_sec_sent, PACKETS_PER_SEC_RECEIVED: igd_state.packets_per_sec_received, PACKETS_PER_SEC_SENT: igd_state.packets_per_sec_sent, PORT_MAPPING_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_IPV4: get_value( igd_state.port_mapping_number_of_entries ), }