""" homeassistant.components.httpinterface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides an API and a HTTP interface for debug purposes. By default it will run on port 8123. All API calls have to be accompanied by an 'api_password' parameter and will return JSON. If successful calls will return status code 200 or 201. Other status codes that can occur are: - 400 (Bad Request) - 401 (Unauthorized) - 404 (Not Found) - 405 (Method not allowed) The api supports the following actions: /api - GET Returns message if API is up and running. Example result: { "message": "API running." } /api/states - GET Returns a list of entities for which a state is available Example result: [ { .. state object .. }, { .. state object .. } ] /api/states/ - GET Returns the current state from an entity Example result: { "attributes": { "next_rising": "07:04:15 29-10-2013", "next_setting": "18:00:31 29-10-2013" }, "entity_id": "weather.sun", "last_changed": "23:24:33 28-10-2013", "state": "below_horizon" } /api/states/ - POST Updates the current state of an entity. Returns status code 201 if successful with location header of updated resource and as body the new state. parameter: new_state - string optional parameter: attributes - JSON encoded object Example result: { "attributes": { "next_rising": "07:04:15 29-10-2013", "next_setting": "18:00:31 29-10-2013" }, "entity_id": "weather.sun", "last_changed": "23:24:33 28-10-2013", "state": "below_horizon" } /api/events/ - POST Fires an event with event_type optional parameter: event_data - JSON encoded object Example result: { "message": "Event download_file fired." } """ import json import threading import logging import time import gzip import os import random import string from datetime import timedelta from homeassistant.util import Throttle from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from http import cookies from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs import homeassistant as ha from homeassistant.const import ( SERVER_PORT, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, HTTP_HEADER_VARY, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES, HTTP_OK, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) import homeassistant.remote as rem import homeassistant.util as util import homeassistant.util.dt as date_util import homeassistant.bootstrap as bootstrap DOMAIN = "http" DEPENDENCIES = [] CONF_API_PASSWORD = "api_password" CONF_SERVER_HOST = "server_host" CONF_SERVER_PORT = "server_port" CONF_DEVELOPMENT = "development" CONF_SESSIONS_ENABLED = "sessions_enabled" DATA_API_PASSWORD = 'api_password' # Throttling time in seconds for expired sessions check MIN_SEC_SESSION_CLEARING = timedelta(seconds=20) SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 1800 SESSION_KEY = 'sessionId' _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup(hass, config=None): """ Sets up the HTTP API and debug interface. """ if config is None or DOMAIN not in config: config = {DOMAIN: {}} api_password = util.convert(config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_API_PASSWORD), str) no_password_set = api_password is None if no_password_set: api_password = util.get_random_string() # If no server host is given, accept all incoming requests server_host = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SERVER_HOST, '') server_port = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SERVER_PORT, SERVER_PORT) development = str(config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_DEVELOPMENT, "")) == "1" sessions_enabled = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SESSIONS_ENABLED, True) server = HomeAssistantHTTPServer( (server_host, server_port), RequestHandler, hass, api_password, development, no_password_set, sessions_enabled) hass.bus.listen_once( ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, lambda event: threading.Thread(target=server.start, daemon=True).start()) hass.http = server hass.config.api = rem.API(util.get_local_ip(), api_password, server_port) return True # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class HomeAssistantHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): """ Handle HTTP requests in a threaded fashion. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods allow_reuse_address = True daemon_threads = True # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, server_address, request_handler_class, hass, api_password, development, no_password_set, sessions_enabled): super().__init__(server_address, request_handler_class) self.server_address = server_address self.hass = hass self.api_password = api_password self.development = development self.no_password_set = no_password_set self.paths = [] self.sessions = SessionStore(sessions_enabled) # We will lazy init this one if needed self.event_forwarder = None if development: _LOGGER.info("running http in development mode") def start(self): """ Starts the server. """ self.hass.bus.listen_once( ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, lambda event: self.shutdown()) _LOGGER.info( "Starting web interface at http://%s:%d", *self.server_address) # 31-1-2015: Refactored frontend/api components out of this component # To prevent stuff from breaking, load the two extracted components bootstrap.setup_component(self.hass, 'api') bootstrap.setup_component(self.hass, 'frontend') self.serve_forever() def register_path(self, method, url, callback, require_auth=True): """ Regitsters a path wit the server. """ self.paths.append((method, url, callback, require_auth)) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,too-many-locals class RequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """ Handles incoming HTTP requests We extend from SimpleHTTPRequestHandler instead of Base so we can use the guess content type methods. """ server_version = "HomeAssistant/1.0" def __init__(self, req, client_addr, server): """ Contructor, call the base constructor and set up session """ self._session = None SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, req, client_addr, server) def _handle_request(self, method): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Does some common checks and calls appropriate method. """ url = urlparse(self.path) # Read query input data = parse_qs(url.query) # parse_qs gives a list for each value, take the latest element for key in data: data[key] = data[key][-1] # Did we get post input ? content_length = int(self.headers.get(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, 0)) if content_length: body_content = self.rfile.read(content_length).decode("UTF-8") try: data.update(json.loads(body_content)) except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError if JSON object is not a dict # ValueError if we could not parse JSON _LOGGER.exception( "Exception parsing JSON: %s", body_content) self.write_json_message( "Error parsing JSON", HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) return self._session = self.get_session() if self.server.no_password_set: api_password = self.server.api_password else: api_password = self.headers.get(HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH) if not api_password and DATA_API_PASSWORD in data: api_password = data[DATA_API_PASSWORD] if not api_password and self._session is not None: api_password = self._session.cookie_values.get( CONF_API_PASSWORD) if '_METHOD' in data: method = data.pop('_METHOD') # Var to keep track if we found a path that matched a handler but # the method was different path_matched_but_not_method = False # Var to hold the handler for this path and method if found handle_request_method = False require_auth = True # Check every handler to find matching result for t_method, t_path, t_handler, t_auth in self.server.paths: # we either do string-comparison or regular expression matching # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member if isinstance(t_path, str): path_match = url.path == t_path else: path_match = t_path.match(url.path) if path_match and method == t_method: # Call the method handle_request_method = t_handler require_auth = t_auth break elif path_match: path_matched_but_not_method = True # Did we find a handler for the incoming request? if handle_request_method: # For some calls we need a valid password if require_auth and api_password != self.server.api_password: self.write_json_message( "API password missing or incorrect.", HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) else: if self._session is None and require_auth: self._session = self.server.sessions.create( api_password) handle_request_method(self, path_match, data) elif path_matched_but_not_method: self.send_response(HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(HTTP_NOT_FOUND) self.end_headers() def do_HEAD(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ HEAD request handler. """ self._handle_request('HEAD') def do_GET(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ GET request handler. """ self._handle_request('GET') def do_POST(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ POST request handler. """ self._handle_request('POST') def do_PUT(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ PUT request handler. """ self._handle_request('PUT') def do_DELETE(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ DELETE request handler. """ self._handle_request('DELETE') def write_json_message(self, message, status_code=HTTP_OK): """ Helper method to return a message to the caller. """ self.write_json({'message': message}, status_code=status_code) def write_json(self, data=None, status_code=HTTP_OK, location=None): """ Helper method to return JSON to the caller. """ self.send_response(status_code) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) if location: self.send_header('Location', location) self.set_session_cookie_header() self.end_headers() if data is not None: self.wfile.write( json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=rem.JSONEncoder).encode("UTF-8")) def write_file(self, path): """ Returns a file to the user. """ try: with open(path, 'rb') as inp: self.write_file_pointer(self.guess_type(path), inp) except IOError: self.send_response(HTTP_NOT_FOUND) self.end_headers() _LOGGER.exception("Unable to serve %s", path) def write_file_pointer(self, content_type, inp): """ Helper function to write a file pointer to the user. Does not do error handling. """ do_gzip = 'gzip' in self.headers.get(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, '') self.send_response(HTTP_OK) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, content_type) self.set_cache_header() self.set_session_cookie_header() if do_gzip: gzip_data = gzip.compress(inp.read()) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip") self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_VARY, HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, str(len(gzip_data))) else: fst = os.fstat(inp.fileno()) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, str(fst[6])) self.end_headers() if self.command == 'HEAD': return elif do_gzip: self.wfile.write(gzip_data) else: self.copyfile(inp, self.wfile) def set_cache_header(self): """ Add cache headers if not in development """ if not self.server.development: # 1 year in seconds cache_time = 365 * 86400 self.send_header( HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "public, max-age={}".format(cache_time)) self.send_header( HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES, self.date_time_string(time.time()+cache_time)) def set_session_cookie_header(self): """ Add the header for the session cookie """ if self.server.sessions.enabled and self._session is not None: existing_sess_id = self.get_current_session_id() if existing_sess_id != self._session.session_id: self.send_header( 'Set-Cookie', SESSION_KEY+'='+self._session.session_id) def get_session(self): """ Get the requested session object from cookie value """ if self.server.sessions.enabled is not True: return None session_id = self.get_current_session_id() if session_id is not None: session = self.server.sessions.get(session_id) if session is not None: session.reset_expiry() return session return None def get_current_session_id(self): """ Extracts the current session id from the cookie or returns None if not set """ cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie() if self.headers.get('Cookie', None) is not None: cookie.load(self.headers.get("Cookie")) if cookie.get(SESSION_KEY, False): return cookie[SESSION_KEY].value return None class ServerSession: """ A very simple session class """ def __init__(self, session_id): """ Set up the expiry time on creation """ self._expiry = 0 self.reset_expiry() self.cookie_values = {} self.session_id = session_id def reset_expiry(self): """ Resets the expiry based on current time """ self._expiry = date_util.utcnow() + timedelta( seconds=SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) @property def is_expired(self): """ Return true if the session is expired based on the expiry time """ return self._expiry < date_util.utcnow() class SessionStore: """ Responsible for storing and retrieving http sessions """ def __init__(self, enabled=True): """ Set up the session store """ self._sessions = {} self.enabled = enabled self.session_lock = threading.RLock() @Throttle(MIN_SEC_SESSION_CLEARING) def remove_expired(self): """ Remove any expired sessions. """ if self.session_lock.acquire(False): try: keys = [] for key in self._sessions.keys(): keys.append(key) for key in keys: if self._sessions[key].is_expired: del self._sessions[key] _LOGGER.info("Cleared expired session %s", key) finally: self.session_lock.release() def add(self, key, session): """ Add a new session to the list of tracked sessions """ self.remove_expired() with self.session_lock: self._sessions[key] = session def get(self, key): """ get a session by key """ self.remove_expired() session = self._sessions.get(key, None) if session is not None and session.is_expired: return None return session def create(self, api_password): """ Creates a new session and adds it to the sessions """ if self.enabled is not True: return None chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits session_id = ''.join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(20)]) session = ServerSession(session_id) session.cookie_values[CONF_API_PASSWORD] = api_password self.add(session_id, session) return session