"""Support for HomeMatic devices.""" from datetime import timedelta, datetime from functools import partial import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MODE, ATTR_NAME, CONF_HOST, CONF_HOSTS, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_SSL, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.helpers import discovery import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "homematic" SCAN_INTERVAL_HUB = timedelta(seconds=300) SCAN_INTERVAL_VARIABLES = timedelta(seconds=30) DISCOVER_SWITCHES = "homematic.switch" DISCOVER_LIGHTS = "homematic.light" DISCOVER_SENSORS = "homematic.sensor" DISCOVER_BINARY_SENSORS = "homematic.binary_sensor" DISCOVER_COVER = "homematic.cover" DISCOVER_CLIMATE = "homematic.climate" DISCOVER_LOCKS = "homematic.locks" DISCOVER_BATTERY = "homematic.battery" ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES = "devices" ATTR_PARAM = "param" ATTR_CHANNEL = "channel" ATTR_ADDRESS = "address" ATTR_VALUE = "value" ATTR_VALUE_TYPE = "value_type" ATTR_INTERFACE = "interface" ATTR_ERRORCODE = "error" ATTR_MESSAGE = "message" ATTR_TIME = "time" ATTR_UNIQUE_ID = "unique_id" ATTR_PARAMSET_KEY = "paramset_key" ATTR_PARAMSET = "paramset" ATTR_DISCOVERY_TYPE = "discovery_type" ATTR_LOW_BAT = "LOW_BAT" ATTR_LOWBAT = "LOWBAT" EVENT_KEYPRESS = "homematic.keypress" EVENT_IMPULSE = "homematic.impulse" EVENT_ERROR = "homematic.error" SERVICE_VIRTUALKEY = "virtualkey" SERVICE_RECONNECT = "reconnect" SERVICE_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE = "set_variable_value" SERVICE_SET_DEVICE_VALUE = "set_device_value" SERVICE_SET_INSTALL_MODE = "set_install_mode" SERVICE_PUT_PARAMSET = "put_paramset" HM_DEVICE_TYPES = { DISCOVER_SWITCHES: [ "Switch", "SwitchPowermeter", "IOSwitch", "IPSwitch", "RFSiren", "IPSwitchPowermeter", "HMWIOSwitch", "Rain", "EcoLogic", "IPKeySwitchPowermeter", "IPGarage", "IPKeySwitch", "IPKeySwitchLevel", "IPMultiIO", ], DISCOVER_LIGHTS: [ "Dimmer", "KeyDimmer", "IPKeyDimmer", "IPDimmer", "ColorEffectLight", "IPKeySwitchLevel", ], DISCOVER_SENSORS: [ "SwitchPowermeter", "Motion", "MotionV2", "RemoteMotion", "MotionIP", "ThermostatWall", "AreaThermostat", "RotaryHandleSensor", "WaterSensor", "PowermeterGas", "LuxSensor", "WeatherSensor", "WeatherStation", "ThermostatWall2", "TemperatureDiffSensor", "TemperatureSensor", "CO2Sensor", "IPSwitchPowermeter", "HMWIOSwitch", "FillingLevel", "ValveDrive", "EcoLogic", "IPThermostatWall", "IPSmoke", "RFSiren", "PresenceIP", "IPAreaThermostat", "IPWeatherSensor", "RotaryHandleSensorIP", "IPPassageSensor", "IPKeySwitchPowermeter", "IPThermostatWall230V", "IPWeatherSensorPlus", "IPWeatherSensorBasic", "IPBrightnessSensor", "IPGarage", "UniversalSensor", "MotionIPV2", "IPMultiIO", "IPThermostatWall2", ], DISCOVER_CLIMATE: [ "Thermostat", "ThermostatWall", "MAXThermostat", "ThermostatWall2", "MAXWallThermostat", "IPThermostat", "IPThermostatWall", "ThermostatGroup", "IPThermostatWall230V", "IPThermostatWall2", ], DISCOVER_BINARY_SENSORS: [ "ShutterContact", "Smoke", "SmokeV2", "Motion", "MotionV2", "MotionIP", "RemoteMotion", "WeatherSensor", "TiltSensor", "IPShutterContact", "HMWIOSwitch", "MaxShutterContact", "Rain", "WiredSensor", "PresenceIP", "IPWeatherSensor", "IPPassageSensor", "SmartwareMotion", "IPWeatherSensorPlus", "MotionIPV2", "WaterIP", "IPMultiIO", "TiltIP", "IPShutterContactSabotage", ], DISCOVER_COVER: ["Blind", "KeyBlind", "IPKeyBlind", "IPKeyBlindTilt"], DISCOVER_LOCKS: ["KeyMatic"], } HM_IGNORE_DISCOVERY_NODE = ["ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE", "ACTUAL_HUMIDITY"] HM_IGNORE_DISCOVERY_NODE_EXCEPTIONS = { "ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE": [ "IPAreaThermostat", "IPWeatherSensor", "IPWeatherSensorPlus", "IPWeatherSensorBasic", "IPThermostatWall", "IPThermostatWall2", ] } HM_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT = { "LOWBAT": ["battery", {0: "High", 1: "Low"}], "LOW_BAT": ["battery", {0: "High", 1: "Low"}], "ERROR": ["error", {0: "No"}], "ERROR_SABOTAGE": ["sabotage", {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}], "SABOTAGE": ["sabotage", {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}], "RSSI_PEER": ["rssi_peer", {}], "RSSI_DEVICE": ["rssi_device", {}], "VALVE_STATE": ["valve", {}], "LEVEL": ["level", {}], "BATTERY_STATE": ["battery", {}], "CONTROL_MODE": [ "mode", {0: "Auto", 1: "Manual", 2: "Away", 3: "Boost", 4: "Comfort", 5: "Lowering"}, ], "POWER": ["power", {}], "CURRENT": ["current", {}], "VOLTAGE": ["voltage", {}], "OPERATING_VOLTAGE": ["voltage", {}], "WORKING": ["working", {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}], "STATE_UNCERTAIN": ["state_uncertain", {}], } HM_PRESS_EVENTS = [ "PRESS_SHORT", "PRESS_LONG", "PRESS_CONT", "PRESS_LONG_RELEASE", "PRESS", ] HM_IMPULSE_EVENTS = ["SEQUENCE_OK"] CONF_RESOLVENAMES_OPTIONS = ["metadata", "json", "xml", False] DATA_HOMEMATIC = "homematic" DATA_STORE = "homematic_store" DATA_CONF = "homematic_conf" CONF_INTERFACES = "interfaces" CONF_LOCAL_IP = "local_ip" CONF_LOCAL_PORT = "local_port" CONF_PORT = "port" CONF_PATH = "path" CONF_CALLBACK_IP = "callback_ip" CONF_CALLBACK_PORT = "callback_port" CONF_RESOLVENAMES = "resolvenames" CONF_JSONPORT = "jsonport" CONF_VARIABLES = "variables" CONF_DEVICES = "devices" CONF_PRIMARY = "primary" DEFAULT_LOCAL_IP = "" DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT = 0 DEFAULT_RESOLVENAMES = False DEFAULT_JSONPORT = 80 DEFAULT_PORT = 2001 DEFAULT_PATH = "" DEFAULT_USERNAME = "Admin" DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "" DEFAULT_SSL = False DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL = False DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 1 DEVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_PLATFORM): "homematic", vol.Required(ATTR_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_ADDRESS): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_INTERFACE): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_CHANNEL, default=DEFAULT_CHANNEL): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Optional(ATTR_PARAM): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_UNIQUE_ID): cv.string, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_INTERFACES, default={}): { cv.match_all: { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_PATH, default=DEFAULT_PATH): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_RESOLVENAMES, default=DEFAULT_RESOLVENAMES ): vol.In(CONF_RESOLVENAMES_OPTIONS), vol.Optional(CONF_JSONPORT, default=DEFAULT_JSONPORT): cv.port, vol.Optional( CONF_USERNAME, default=DEFAULT_USERNAME ): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_PASSWORD, default=DEFAULT_PASSWORD ): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CALLBACK_IP): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CALLBACK_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_SSL, default=DEFAULT_SSL): cv.boolean, vol.Optional( CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL ): cv.boolean, } }, vol.Optional(CONF_HOSTS, default={}): { cv.match_all: { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_USERNAME, default=DEFAULT_USERNAME ): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_PASSWORD, default=DEFAULT_PASSWORD ): cv.string, } }, vol.Optional(CONF_LOCAL_IP, default=DEFAULT_LOCAL_IP): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_LOCAL_PORT): cv.port, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) SCHEMA_SERVICE_VIRTUALKEY = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_ADDRESS): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), vol.Required(ATTR_CHANNEL): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(ATTR_PARAM): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_INTERFACE): cv.string, } ) SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_VALUE): cv.match_all, vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, } ) SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_DEVICE_VALUE = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_ADDRESS): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), vol.Required(ATTR_CHANNEL): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(ATTR_PARAM): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), vol.Required(ATTR_VALUE): cv.match_all, vol.Optional(ATTR_VALUE_TYPE): vol.In( ["boolean", "dateTime.iso8601", "double", "int", "string"] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_INTERFACE): cv.string, } ) SCHEMA_SERVICE_RECONNECT = vol.Schema({}) SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_INSTALL_MODE = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_INTERFACE): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_TIME, default=60): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(ATTR_MODE, default=1): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.In([1, 2])), vol.Optional(ATTR_ADDRESS): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), } ) SCHEMA_SERVICE_PUT_PARAMSET = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_INTERFACE): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_ADDRESS): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), vol.Required(ATTR_PARAMSET_KEY): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Upper), vol.Required(ATTR_PARAMSET): dict, } ) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the Homematic component.""" from pyhomematic import HMConnection conf = config[DOMAIN] hass.data[DATA_CONF] = remotes = {} hass.data[DATA_STORE] = set() # Create hosts-dictionary for pyhomematic for rname, rconfig in conf[CONF_INTERFACES].items(): remotes[rname] = { "ip": rconfig.get(CONF_HOST), "port": rconfig.get(CONF_PORT), "path": rconfig.get(CONF_PATH), "resolvenames": rconfig.get(CONF_RESOLVENAMES), "jsonport": rconfig.get(CONF_JSONPORT), "username": rconfig.get(CONF_USERNAME), "password": rconfig.get(CONF_PASSWORD), "callbackip": rconfig.get(CONF_CALLBACK_IP), "callbackport": rconfig.get(CONF_CALLBACK_PORT), "ssl": rconfig.get(CONF_SSL), "verify_ssl": rconfig.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL), "connect": True, } for sname, sconfig in conf[CONF_HOSTS].items(): remotes[sname] = { "ip": sconfig.get(CONF_HOST), "port": DEFAULT_PORT, "username": sconfig.get(CONF_USERNAME), "password": sconfig.get(CONF_PASSWORD), "connect": False, } # Create server thread bound_system_callback = partial(_system_callback_handler, hass, config) hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC] = homematic = HMConnection( local=config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LOCAL_IP), localport=config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LOCAL_PORT, DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT), remotes=remotes, systemcallback=bound_system_callback, interface_id="homeassistant", ) # Start server thread, connect to hosts, initialize to receive events homematic.start() # Stops server when HASS is shutting down hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].stop) # Init homematic hubs entity_hubs = [] for hub_name in conf[CONF_HOSTS].keys(): entity_hubs.append(HMHub(hass, homematic, hub_name)) def _hm_service_virtualkey(service): """Service to handle virtualkey servicecalls.""" address = service.data.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) channel = service.data.get(ATTR_CHANNEL) param = service.data.get(ATTR_PARAM) # Device not found hmdevice = _device_from_servicecall(hass, service) if hmdevice is None: _LOGGER.error("%s not found for service virtualkey!", address) return # Parameter doesn't exist for device if param not in hmdevice.ACTIONNODE: _LOGGER.error("%s not datapoint in hm device %s", param, address) return # Channel doesn't exist for device if channel not in hmdevice.ACTIONNODE[param]: _LOGGER.error("%i is not a channel in hm device %s", channel, address) return # Call parameter hmdevice.actionNodeData(param, True, channel) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_VIRTUALKEY, _hm_service_virtualkey, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_VIRTUALKEY, ) def _service_handle_value(service): """Service to call setValue method for HomeMatic system variable.""" entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) name = service.data[ATTR_NAME] value = service.data[ATTR_VALUE] if entity_ids: entities = [ entity for entity in entity_hubs if entity.entity_id in entity_ids ] else: entities = entity_hubs if not entities: _LOGGER.error("No HomeMatic hubs available") return for hub in entities: hub.hm_set_variable(name, value) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE, _service_handle_value, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE, ) def _service_handle_reconnect(service): """Service to reconnect all HomeMatic hubs.""" homematic.reconnect() hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_RECONNECT, _service_handle_reconnect, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_RECONNECT, ) def _service_handle_device(service): """Service to call setValue method for HomeMatic devices.""" address = service.data.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) channel = service.data.get(ATTR_CHANNEL) param = service.data.get(ATTR_PARAM) value = service.data.get(ATTR_VALUE) value_type = service.data.get(ATTR_VALUE_TYPE) # Convert value into correct XML-RPC Type. # https://docs.python.org/3/library/xmlrpc.client.html#xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy if value_type: if value_type == "int": value = int(value) elif value_type == "double": value = float(value) elif value_type == "boolean": value = bool(value) elif value_type == "dateTime.iso8601": value = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") else: # Default is 'string' value = str(value) # Device not found hmdevice = _device_from_servicecall(hass, service) if hmdevice is None: _LOGGER.error("%s not found!", address) return hmdevice.setValue(param, value, channel) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_DEVICE_VALUE, _service_handle_device, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_DEVICE_VALUE, ) def _service_handle_install_mode(service): """Service to set interface into install mode.""" interface = service.data.get(ATTR_INTERFACE) mode = service.data.get(ATTR_MODE) time = service.data.get(ATTR_TIME) address = service.data.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) homematic.setInstallMode(interface, t=time, mode=mode, address=address) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_INSTALL_MODE, _service_handle_install_mode, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_SET_INSTALL_MODE, ) def _service_put_paramset(service): """Service to call the putParamset method on a HomeMatic connection.""" interface = service.data.get(ATTR_INTERFACE) address = service.data.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) paramset_key = service.data.get(ATTR_PARAMSET_KEY) # When passing in the paramset from a YAML file we get an OrderedDict # here instead of a dict, so add this explicit cast. # The service schema makes sure that this cast works. paramset = dict(service.data.get(ATTR_PARAMSET)) _LOGGER.debug( "Calling putParamset: %s, %s, %s, %s", interface, address, paramset_key, paramset, ) homematic.putParamset(interface, address, paramset_key, paramset) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_PUT_PARAMSET, _service_put_paramset, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_PUT_PARAMSET, ) return True def _system_callback_handler(hass, config, src, *args): """System callback handler.""" # New devices available at hub if src == "newDevices": (interface_id, dev_descriptions) = args interface = interface_id.split("-")[-1] # Device support active? if not hass.data[DATA_CONF][interface]["connect"]: return addresses = [] for dev in dev_descriptions: address = dev["ADDRESS"].split(":")[0] if address not in hass.data[DATA_STORE]: hass.data[DATA_STORE].add(address) addresses.append(address) # Register EVENTS # Search all devices with an EVENTNODE that includes data bound_event_callback = partial(_hm_event_handler, hass, interface) for dev in addresses: hmdevice = hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].devices[interface].get(dev) if hmdevice.EVENTNODE: hmdevice.setEventCallback(callback=bound_event_callback, bequeath=True) # Create HASS entities if addresses: for component_name, discovery_type in ( ("switch", DISCOVER_SWITCHES), ("light", DISCOVER_LIGHTS), ("cover", DISCOVER_COVER), ("binary_sensor", DISCOVER_BINARY_SENSORS), ("sensor", DISCOVER_SENSORS), ("climate", DISCOVER_CLIMATE), ("lock", DISCOVER_LOCKS), ("binary_sensor", DISCOVER_BATTERY), ): # Get all devices of a specific type found_devices = _get_devices(hass, discovery_type, addresses, interface) # When devices of this type are found # they are setup in HASS and a discovery event is fired if found_devices: discovery.load_platform( hass, component_name, DOMAIN, { ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES: found_devices, ATTR_DISCOVERY_TYPE: discovery_type, }, config, ) # Homegear error message elif src == "error": _LOGGER.error("Error: %s", args) (interface_id, errorcode, message) = args hass.bus.fire(EVENT_ERROR, {ATTR_ERRORCODE: errorcode, ATTR_MESSAGE: message}) def _get_devices(hass, discovery_type, keys, interface): """Get the HomeMatic devices for given discovery_type.""" device_arr = [] for key in keys: device = hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].devices[interface][key] class_name = device.__class__.__name__ metadata = {} # Class not supported by discovery type if ( discovery_type != DISCOVER_BATTERY and class_name not in HM_DEVICE_TYPES[discovery_type] ): continue # Load metadata needed to generate a parameter list if discovery_type == DISCOVER_SENSORS: metadata.update(device.SENSORNODE) elif discovery_type == DISCOVER_BINARY_SENSORS: metadata.update(device.BINARYNODE) elif discovery_type == DISCOVER_BATTERY: if ATTR_LOWBAT in device.ATTRIBUTENODE: metadata.update({ATTR_LOWBAT: device.ATTRIBUTENODE[ATTR_LOWBAT]}) elif ATTR_LOW_BAT in device.ATTRIBUTENODE: metadata.update({ATTR_LOW_BAT: device.ATTRIBUTENODE[ATTR_LOW_BAT]}) else: continue else: metadata.update({None: device.ELEMENT}) # Generate options for 1...n elements with 1...n parameters for param, channels in metadata.items(): if ( param in HM_IGNORE_DISCOVERY_NODE and class_name not in HM_IGNORE_DISCOVERY_NODE_EXCEPTIONS.get(param, []) ): continue if discovery_type == DISCOVER_SWITCHES and class_name == "IPKeySwitchLevel": channels.remove(8) channels.remove(12) if discovery_type == DISCOVER_LIGHTS and class_name == "IPKeySwitchLevel": channels.remove(4) # Add devices _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Handling %s: %s: %s", discovery_type, key, param, channels ) for channel in channels: name = _create_ha_id( name=device.NAME, channel=channel, param=param, count=len(channels) ) unique_id = _create_ha_id( name=key, channel=channel, param=param, count=len(channels) ) device_dict = { CONF_PLATFORM: "homematic", ATTR_ADDRESS: key, ATTR_INTERFACE: interface, ATTR_NAME: name, ATTR_CHANNEL: channel, ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: unique_id, } if param is not None: device_dict[ATTR_PARAM] = param # Add new device try: DEVICE_SCHEMA(device_dict) device_arr.append(device_dict) except vol.MultipleInvalid as err: _LOGGER.error("Invalid device config: %s", str(err)) return device_arr def _create_ha_id(name, channel, param, count): """Generate a unique entity id.""" # HMDevice is a simple device if count == 1 and param is None: return name # Has multiple elements/channels if count > 1 and param is None: return f"{name} {channel}" # With multiple parameters on first channel if count == 1 and param is not None: return f"{name} {param}" # Multiple parameters with multiple channels if count > 1 and param is not None: return f"{name} {channel} {param}" def _hm_event_handler(hass, interface, device, caller, attribute, value): """Handle all pyhomematic device events.""" try: channel = int(device.split(":")[1]) address = device.split(":")[0] hmdevice = hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].devices[interface].get(address) except (TypeError, ValueError): _LOGGER.error("Event handling channel convert error!") return # Return if not an event supported by device if attribute not in hmdevice.EVENTNODE: return _LOGGER.debug("Event %s for %s channel %i", attribute, hmdevice.NAME, channel) # Keypress event if attribute in HM_PRESS_EVENTS: hass.bus.fire( EVENT_KEYPRESS, {ATTR_NAME: hmdevice.NAME, ATTR_PARAM: attribute, ATTR_CHANNEL: channel}, ) return # Impulse event if attribute in HM_IMPULSE_EVENTS: hass.bus.fire(EVENT_IMPULSE, {ATTR_NAME: hmdevice.NAME, ATTR_CHANNEL: channel}) return _LOGGER.warning("Event is unknown and not forwarded") def _device_from_servicecall(hass, service): """Extract HomeMatic device from service call.""" address = service.data.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) interface = service.data.get(ATTR_INTERFACE) if address == "BIDCOS-RF": address = "BidCoS-RF" if interface: return hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].devices[interface].get(address) for devices in hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC].devices.values(): if address in devices: return devices[address] class HMHub(Entity): """The HomeMatic hub. (CCU2/HomeGear).""" def __init__(self, hass, homematic, name): """Initialize HomeMatic hub.""" self.hass = hass self.entity_id = "{}.{}".format(DOMAIN, name.lower()) self._homematic = homematic self._variables = {} self._name = name self._state = None # Load data self.hass.helpers.event.track_time_interval(self._update_hub, SCAN_INTERVAL_HUB) self.hass.add_job(self._update_hub, None) self.hass.helpers.event.track_time_interval( self._update_variables, SCAN_INTERVAL_VARIABLES ) self.hass.add_job(self._update_variables, None) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self): """Return false. HomeMatic Hub object updates variables.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the entity.""" return self._state @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" attr = self._variables.copy() return attr @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return "mdi:gradient" def _update_hub(self, now): """Retrieve latest state.""" service_message = self._homematic.getServiceMessages(self._name) state = None if service_message is None else len(service_message) # state have change? if self._state != state: self._state = state self.schedule_update_ha_state() def _update_variables(self, now): """Retrieve all variable data and update hmvariable states.""" variables = self._homematic.getAllSystemVariables(self._name) if variables is None: return state_change = False for key, value in variables.items(): if key in self._variables and value == self._variables[key]: continue state_change = True self._variables.update({key: value}) if state_change: self.schedule_update_ha_state() def hm_set_variable(self, name, value): """Set variable value on CCU/Homegear.""" if name not in self._variables: _LOGGER.error("Variable %s not found on %s", name, self.name) return old_value = self._variables.get(name) if isinstance(old_value, bool): value = cv.boolean(value) else: value = float(value) self._homematic.setSystemVariable(self.name, name, value) self._variables.update({name: value}) self.schedule_update_ha_state() class HMDevice(Entity): """The HomeMatic device base object.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize a generic HomeMatic device.""" self._name = config.get(ATTR_NAME) self._address = config.get(ATTR_ADDRESS) self._interface = config.get(ATTR_INTERFACE) self._channel = config.get(ATTR_CHANNEL) self._state = config.get(ATTR_PARAM) self._unique_id = config.get(ATTR_UNIQUE_ID) self._data = {} self._homematic = None self._hmdevice = None self._connected = False self._available = False # Set parameter to uppercase if self._state: self._state = self._state.upper() async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Load data init callbacks.""" await self.hass.async_add_job(self.link_homematic) @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique ID. HomeMatic entity IDs are unique by default.""" return self._unique_id.replace(" ", "_") @property def should_poll(self): """Return false. HomeMatic states are pushed by the XML-RPC Server.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def available(self): """Return true if device is available.""" return self._available @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" attr = {} # Generate a dictionary with attributes for node, data in HM_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT.items(): # Is an attribute and exists for this object if node in self._data: value = data[1].get(self._data[node], self._data[node]) attr[data[0]] = value # Static attributes attr["id"] = self._hmdevice.ADDRESS attr["interface"] = self._interface return attr def link_homematic(self): """Connect to HomeMatic.""" if self._connected: return True # Initialize self._homematic = self.hass.data[DATA_HOMEMATIC] self._hmdevice = self._homematic.devices[self._interface][self._address] self._connected = True try: # Initialize datapoints of this object self._init_data() self._load_data_from_hm() # Link events from pyhomematic self._subscribe_homematic_events() self._available = not self._hmdevice.UNREACH except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._connected = False _LOGGER.error("Exception while linking %s: %s", self._address, str(err)) def _hm_event_callback(self, device, caller, attribute, value): """Handle all pyhomematic device events.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s received event '%s' value: %s", self._name, attribute, value) has_changed = False # Is data needed for this instance? if attribute in self._data: # Did data change? if self._data[attribute] != value: self._data[attribute] = value has_changed = True # Availability has changed if self.available != (not self._hmdevice.UNREACH): self._available = not self._hmdevice.UNREACH has_changed = True # If it has changed data point, update HASS if has_changed: self.schedule_update_ha_state() def _subscribe_homematic_events(self): """Subscribe all required events to handle job.""" channels_to_sub = set() # Push data to channels_to_sub from hmdevice metadata for metadata in ( self._hmdevice.SENSORNODE, self._hmdevice.BINARYNODE, self._hmdevice.ATTRIBUTENODE, self._hmdevice.WRITENODE, self._hmdevice.EVENTNODE, self._hmdevice.ACTIONNODE, ): for node, channels in metadata.items(): # Data is needed for this instance if node in self._data: # chan is current channel if len(channels) == 1: channel = channels[0] else: channel = self._channel # Prepare for subscription try: channels_to_sub.add(int(channel)) except (ValueError, TypeError): _LOGGER.error("Invalid channel in metadata from %s", self._name) # Set callbacks for channel in channels_to_sub: _LOGGER.debug("Subscribe channel %d from %s", channel, self._name) self._hmdevice.setEventCallback( callback=self._hm_event_callback, bequeath=False, channel=channel ) def _load_data_from_hm(self): """Load first value from pyhomematic.""" if not self._connected: return False # Read data from pyhomematic for metadata, funct in ( (self._hmdevice.ATTRIBUTENODE, self._hmdevice.getAttributeData), (self._hmdevice.WRITENODE, self._hmdevice.getWriteData), (self._hmdevice.SENSORNODE, self._hmdevice.getSensorData), (self._hmdevice.BINARYNODE, self._hmdevice.getBinaryData), ): for node in metadata: if metadata[node] and node in self._data: self._data[node] = funct(name=node, channel=self._channel) return True def _hm_set_state(self, value): """Set data to main datapoint.""" if self._state in self._data: self._data[self._state] = value def _hm_get_state(self): """Get data from main datapoint.""" if self._state in self._data: return self._data[self._state] return None def _init_data(self): """Generate a data dict (self._data) from the HomeMatic metadata.""" # Add all attributes to data dictionary for data_note in self._hmdevice.ATTRIBUTENODE: self._data.update({data_note: STATE_UNKNOWN}) # Initialize device specific data self._init_data_struct() def _init_data_struct(self): """Generate a data dictionary from the HomeMatic device metadata.""" raise NotImplementedError