"""Define tests for the PlayStation 4 config flow.""" from unittest.mock import patch from pyps4_2ndscreen.errors import CredentialTimeout from homeassistant import data_entry_flow from homeassistant.components import ps4 from homeassistant.components.ps4.const import DEFAULT_NAME, DEFAULT_REGION from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_CODE, CONF_HOST, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_NAME, CONF_REGION, CONF_TOKEN, ) from homeassistant.util import location from tests.common import MockConfigEntry MOCK_TITLE = "PlayStation 4" MOCK_CODE = "12345678" MOCK_CREDS = "000aa000" MOCK_HOST = "" MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL = "" MOCK_DEVICE = { CONF_HOST: MOCK_HOST, CONF_NAME: DEFAULT_NAME, CONF_REGION: DEFAULT_REGION, } MOCK_DEVICE_ADDITIONAL = { CONF_HOST: MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL, CONF_NAME: DEFAULT_NAME, CONF_REGION: DEFAULT_REGION, } MOCK_CONFIG = { CONF_IP_ADDRESS: MOCK_HOST, CONF_NAME: DEFAULT_NAME, CONF_REGION: DEFAULT_REGION, CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE, } MOCK_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL = { CONF_IP_ADDRESS: MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL, CONF_NAME: DEFAULT_NAME, CONF_REGION: DEFAULT_REGION, CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE, } MOCK_DATA = {CONF_TOKEN: MOCK_CREDS, "devices": [MOCK_DEVICE]} MOCK_UDP_PORT = int(987) MOCK_TCP_PORT = int(997) MOCK_AUTO = {"Config Mode": "Auto Discover"} MOCK_MANUAL = {"Config Mode": "Manual Entry", CONF_IP_ADDRESS: MOCK_HOST} MOCK_LOCATION = location.LocationInfo( "", "US", "United States", "CA", "California", "San Diego", "92122", "America/Los_Angeles", 32.8594, -117.2073, True, ) async def test_full_flow_implementation(hass): """Test registering an implementation and flow works.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.location = MOCK_LOCATION manager = hass.config_entries # User Step Started, results in Step Creds with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.port_bind", return_value=None): result = await flow.async_step_user() assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "creds" # Step Creds results with form in Step Mode. with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.get_creds", return_value=MOCK_CREDS): result = await flow.async_step_creds({}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "mode" # Step Mode with User Input which is not manual, results in Step Link. with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}] ): result = await flow.async_step_mode(MOCK_AUTO) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" # User Input results in created entry. with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(True, True)), patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}] ): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"][CONF_TOKEN] == MOCK_CREDS assert result["data"]["devices"] == [MOCK_DEVICE] assert result["title"] == MOCK_TITLE await hass.async_block_till_done() # Add entry using result data. mock_data = { CONF_TOKEN: result["data"][CONF_TOKEN], "devices": result["data"]["devices"], } entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=mock_data) entry.add_to_manager(manager) # Check if entry exists. assert len(manager.async_entries()) == 1 # Check if there is a device config in entry. assert len(entry.data["devices"]) == 1 async def test_multiple_flow_implementation(hass): """Test multiple device flows.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.location = MOCK_LOCATION manager = hass.config_entries # User Step Started, results in Step Creds with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.port_bind", return_value=None): result = await flow.async_step_user() assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "creds" # Step Creds results with form in Step Mode. with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.get_creds", return_value=MOCK_CREDS): result = await flow.async_step_creds({}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "mode" # Step Mode with User Input which is not manual, results in Step Link. with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ): result = await flow.async_step_mode(MOCK_AUTO) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" # User Input results in created entry. with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(True, True)), patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"][CONF_TOKEN] == MOCK_CREDS assert result["data"]["devices"] == [MOCK_DEVICE] assert result["title"] == MOCK_TITLE await hass.async_block_till_done() # Add entry using result data. mock_data = { CONF_TOKEN: result["data"][CONF_TOKEN], "devices": result["data"]["devices"], } entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=mock_data) entry.add_to_manager(manager) # Check if entry exists. assert len(manager.async_entries()) == 1 # Check if there is a device config in entry. assert len(entry.data["devices"]) == 1 # Test additional flow. # User Step Started, results in Step Mode: with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.port_bind", return_value=None), patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ): result = await flow.async_step_user() assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "creds" # Step Creds results with form in Step Mode. with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.get_creds", return_value=MOCK_CREDS): result = await flow.async_step_creds({}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "mode" # Step Mode with User Input which is not manual, results in Step Link. with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ): result = await flow.async_step_mode(MOCK_AUTO) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" # Step Link with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ), patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(True, True)): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"][CONF_TOKEN] == MOCK_CREDS assert len(result["data"]["devices"]) == 1 assert result["title"] == MOCK_TITLE await hass.async_block_till_done() mock_data = { CONF_TOKEN: result["data"][CONF_TOKEN], "devices": result["data"]["devices"], } # Update config entries with result data entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=mock_data) entry.add_to_manager(manager) manager.async_update_entry(entry) # Check if there are 2 entries. assert len(manager.async_entries()) == 2 # Check if there is device config in entry. assert len(entry.data["devices"]) == 1 async def test_port_bind_abort(hass): """Test that flow aborted when cannot bind to ports 987, 997.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.port_bind", return_value=MOCK_UDP_PORT): reason = "port_987_bind_error" result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=None) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == reason with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.port_bind", return_value=MOCK_TCP_PORT): reason = "port_997_bind_error" result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=None) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == reason async def test_duplicate_abort(hass): """Test that Flow aborts when found devices already configured.""" MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=MOCK_DATA).add_to_hass(hass) flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.creds = MOCK_CREDS with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}] ): result = await flow.async_step_link(user_input=None) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "devices_configured" async def test_additional_device(hass): """Test that Flow can configure another device.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.creds = MOCK_CREDS manager = hass.config_entries # Mock existing entry. entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=MOCK_DATA) entry.add_to_manager(manager) # Check that only 1 entry exists assert len(manager.async_entries()) == 1 with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}, {"host-ip": MOCK_HOST_ADDITIONAL}], ), patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(True, True)): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"][CONF_TOKEN] == MOCK_CREDS assert len(result["data"]["devices"]) == 1 assert result["title"] == MOCK_TITLE # Add New Entry entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=ps4.DOMAIN, data=MOCK_DATA) entry.add_to_manager(manager) # Check that there are 2 entries assert len(manager.async_entries()) == 2 async def test_no_devices_found_abort(hass): """Test that failure to find devices aborts flow.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[]): result = await flow.async_step_link() assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "no_devices_found" async def test_manual_mode(hass): """Test host specified in manual mode is passed to Step Link.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.location = MOCK_LOCATION # Step Mode with User Input: manual, results in Step Link. with patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": flow.m_device}] ): result = await flow.async_step_mode(MOCK_MANUAL) assert flow.m_device == MOCK_HOST assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" async def test_credential_abort(hass): """Test that failure to get credentials aborts flow.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.get_creds", return_value=None): result = await flow.async_step_creds({}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "credential_error" async def test_credential_timeout(hass): """Test that Credential Timeout shows error.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.get_creds", side_effect=CredentialTimeout): result = await flow.async_step_creds({}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["errors"] == {"base": "credential_timeout"} async def test_wrong_pin_error(hass): """Test that incorrect pin throws an error.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.location = MOCK_LOCATION with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(True, False)), patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}] ): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" assert result["errors"] == {"base": "login_failed"} async def test_device_connection_error(hass): """Test that device not connected or on throws an error.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass flow.location = MOCK_LOCATION with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.link", return_value=(False, True)), patch( "pyps4_2ndscreen.Helper.has_devices", return_value=[{"host-ip": MOCK_HOST}] ): result = await flow.async_step_link(MOCK_CONFIG) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "link" assert result["errors"] == {"base": "not_ready"} async def test_manual_mode_no_ip_error(hass): """Test no IP specified in manual mode throws an error.""" flow = ps4.PlayStation4FlowHandler() flow.hass = hass mock_input = {"Config Mode": "Manual Entry"} result = await flow.async_step_mode(mock_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "mode" assert result["errors"] == {CONF_IP_ADDRESS: "no_ipaddress"}