""" Support for local control of entities by emulating the Phillips Hue bridge. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/ """ import threading import socket import logging import json import os import select import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import util, core from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, STATE_ON, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ) from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS ) from homeassistant.components.http import ( HomeAssistantView, HomeAssistantWSGI ) # pylint: disable=unused-import from homeassistant.components.http import REQUIREMENTS # noqa import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv DOMAIN = 'emulated_hue' _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_HOST_IP = 'host_ip' CONF_LISTEN_PORT = 'listen_port' CONF_OFF_MAPS_TO_ON_DOMAINS = 'off_maps_to_on_domains' CONF_EXPOSE_BY_DEFAULT = 'expose_by_default' CONF_EXPOSED_DOMAINS = 'exposed_domains' ATTR_EMULATED_HUE = 'emulated_hue' ATTR_EMULATED_HUE_NAME = 'emulated_hue_name' DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT = 8300 DEFAULT_OFF_MAPS_TO_ON_DOMAINS = ['script', 'scene'] DEFAULT_EXPOSE_BY_DEFAULT = True DEFAULT_EXPOSED_DOMAINS = [ 'switch', 'light', 'group', 'input_boolean', 'media_player', 'fan' ] HUE_API_STATE_ON = 'on' HUE_API_STATE_BRI = 'bri' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_HOST_IP): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_LISTEN_PORT, default=DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=65535)), vol.Optional(CONF_OFF_MAPS_TO_ON_DOMAINS): cv.ensure_list, vol.Optional(CONF_EXPOSE_BY_DEFAULT): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_EXPOSED_DOMAINS): cv.ensure_list }) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) def setup(hass, yaml_config): """Activate the emulated_hue component.""" config = Config(yaml_config) server = HomeAssistantWSGI( hass, development=False, server_host=config.host_ip_addr, server_port=config.listen_port, api_password=None, ssl_certificate=None, ssl_key=None, cors_origins=[], trusted_networks=[] ) server.register_view(DescriptionXmlView(hass, config)) server.register_view(HueUsernameView(hass)) server.register_view(HueLightsView(hass, config)) upnp_listener = UPNPResponderThread( config.host_ip_addr, config.listen_port) def start_emulated_hue_bridge(event): """Start the emulated hue bridge.""" server.start() upnp_listener.start() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, start_emulated_hue_bridge) def stop_emulated_hue_bridge(event): """Stop the emulated hue bridge.""" upnp_listener.stop() server.stop() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop_emulated_hue_bridge) return True # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class Config(object): """Holds configuration variables for the emulated hue bridge.""" def __init__(self, yaml_config): """Initialize the instance.""" conf = yaml_config.get(DOMAIN, {}) # Get the IP address that will be passed to the Echo during discovery self.host_ip_addr = conf.get(CONF_HOST_IP) if self.host_ip_addr is None: self.host_ip_addr = util.get_local_ip() _LOGGER.warning( "Listen IP address not specified, auto-detected address is %s", self.host_ip_addr) # Get the port that the Hue bridge will listen on self.listen_port = conf.get(CONF_LISTEN_PORT) if not isinstance(self.listen_port, int): self.listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT _LOGGER.warning( "Listen port not specified, defaulting to %s", self.listen_port) # Get domains that cause both "on" and "off" commands to map to "on" # This is primarily useful for things like scenes or scripts, which # don't really have a concept of being off self.off_maps_to_on_domains = conf.get(CONF_OFF_MAPS_TO_ON_DOMAINS) if not isinstance(self.off_maps_to_on_domains, list): self.off_maps_to_on_domains = DEFAULT_OFF_MAPS_TO_ON_DOMAINS # Get whether or not entities should be exposed by default, or if only # explicitly marked ones will be exposed self.expose_by_default = conf.get( CONF_EXPOSE_BY_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_EXPOSE_BY_DEFAULT) # Get domains that are exposed by default when expose_by_default is # True self.exposed_domains = conf.get( CONF_EXPOSED_DOMAINS, DEFAULT_EXPOSED_DOMAINS) class DescriptionXmlView(HomeAssistantView): """Handles requests for the description.xml file.""" url = '/description.xml' name = 'description:xml' requires_auth = False def __init__(self, hass, config): """Initialize the instance of the view.""" super().__init__(hass) self.config = config def get(self, request): """Handle a GET request.""" xml_template = """ 1 0 http://{0}:{1}/ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1 HASS Bridge ({0}) Royal Philips Electronics http://www.philips.com Philips hue Personal Wireless Lighting Philips hue bridge 2015 BSB002 http://www.meethue.com 1234 uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-001788255acc """ resp_text = xml_template.format( self.config.host_ip_addr, self.config.listen_port) return self.Response(resp_text, mimetype='text/xml') class HueUsernameView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle requests to create a username for the emulated hue bridge.""" url = '/api' name = 'hue:api' extra_urls = ['/api/'] requires_auth = False def __init__(self, hass): """Initialize the instance of the view.""" super().__init__(hass) def post(self, request): """Handle a POST request.""" data = request.json if 'devicetype' not in data: return self.json_message('devicetype not specified', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) return self.json([{'success': {'username': '12345678901234567890'}}]) class HueLightsView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle requests for getting and setting info about entities.""" url = '/api//lights' name = 'api:username:lights' extra_urls = ['/api//lights/', '/api//lights//state'] requires_auth = False def __init__(self, hass, config): """Initialize the instance of the view.""" super().__init__(hass) self.config = config self.cached_states = {} def get(self, request, username, entity_id=None): """Handle a GET request.""" if entity_id is None: return self.get_lights_list() if not request.base_url.endswith('state'): return self.get_light_state(entity_id) return self.Response("Method not allowed", status=405) def put(self, request, username, entity_id=None): """Handle a PUT request.""" if not request.base_url.endswith('state'): return self.Response("Method not allowed", status=405) content_type = request.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') if content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': # Alexa sends JSON data with a form data content type, for # whatever reason, and Werkzeug parses form data automatically, # so we need to do some gymnastics to get the data we need json_data = None for key in request.form: try: json_data = json.loads(key) break except ValueError: # Try the next key? pass if json_data is None: return self.Response("Bad request", status=400) else: json_data = request.json return self.put_light_state(json_data, entity_id) def get_lights_list(self): """Process a request to get the list of available lights.""" json_response = {} for entity in self.hass.states.all(): if self.is_entity_exposed(entity): json_response[entity.entity_id] = entity_to_json(entity) return self.json(json_response) def get_light_state(self, entity_id): """Process a request to get the state of an individual light.""" entity = self.hass.states.get(entity_id) if entity is None or not self.is_entity_exposed(entity): return self.Response("Entity not found", status=404) cached_state = self.cached_states.get(entity_id, None) if cached_state is None: final_state = entity.state == STATE_ON final_brightness = entity.attributes.get( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, 255 if final_state else 0) else: final_state, final_brightness = cached_state json_response = entity_to_json(entity, final_state, final_brightness) return self.json(json_response) def put_light_state(self, request_json, entity_id): """Process a request to set the state of an individual light.""" config = self.config # Retrieve the entity from the state machine entity = self.hass.states.get(entity_id) if entity is None: return self.Response("Entity not found", status=404) if not self.is_entity_exposed(entity): return self.Response("Entity not found", status=404) # Parse the request into requested "on" status and brightness parsed = parse_hue_api_put_light_body(request_json, entity) if parsed is None: return self.Response("Bad request", status=400) result, brightness = parsed # Convert the resulting "on" status into the service we need to call service = SERVICE_TURN_ON if result else SERVICE_TURN_OFF # Construct what we need to send to the service data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if brightness is not None: data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = brightness if entity.domain.lower() in config.off_maps_to_on_domains: # Map the off command to on service = SERVICE_TURN_ON # Caching is required because things like scripts and scenes won't # report as "off" to Alexa if an "off" command is received, because # they'll map to "on". Thus, instead of reporting its actual # status, we report what Alexa will want to see, which is the same # as the actual requested command. self.cached_states[entity_id] = (result, brightness) # Perform the requested action self.hass.services.call(core.DOMAIN, service, data, blocking=True) json_response = \ [create_hue_success_response(entity_id, HUE_API_STATE_ON, result)] if brightness is not None: json_response.append(create_hue_success_response( entity_id, HUE_API_STATE_BRI, brightness)) return self.json(json_response) def is_entity_exposed(self, entity): """Determine if an entity should be exposed on the emulated bridge.""" config = self.config if entity.attributes.get('view') is not None: # Ignore entities that are views return False domain = entity.domain.lower() explicit_expose = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_EMULATED_HUE, None) domain_exposed_by_default = \ config.expose_by_default and domain in config.exposed_domains # Expose an entity if the entity's domain is exposed by default and # the configuration doesn't explicitly exclude it from being # exposed, or if the entity is explicitly exposed is_default_exposed = \ domain_exposed_by_default and explicit_expose is not False return is_default_exposed or explicit_expose def parse_hue_api_put_light_body(request_json, entity): """Parse the body of a request to change the state of a light.""" if HUE_API_STATE_ON in request_json: if not isinstance(request_json[HUE_API_STATE_ON], bool): return None if request_json['on']: # Echo requested device be turned on brightness = None report_brightness = False result = True else: # Echo requested device be turned off brightness = None report_brightness = False result = False if HUE_API_STATE_BRI in request_json: # Make sure the entity actually supports brightness entity_features = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if (entity_features & SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS) == SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS: try: # Clamp brightness from 0 to 255 brightness = \ max(0, min(int(request_json[HUE_API_STATE_BRI]), 255)) except ValueError: return None report_brightness = True result = (brightness > 0) return (result, brightness) if report_brightness else (result, None) def entity_to_json(entity, is_on=None, brightness=None): """Convert an entity to its Hue bridge JSON representation.""" if is_on is None: is_on = entity.state == STATE_ON if brightness is None: brightness = 255 if is_on else 0 name = entity.attributes.get( ATTR_EMULATED_HUE_NAME, entity.attributes[ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME]) return { 'state': { HUE_API_STATE_ON: is_on, HUE_API_STATE_BRI: brightness, 'reachable': True }, 'type': 'Dimmable light', 'name': name, 'modelid': 'HASS123', 'uniqueid': entity.entity_id, 'swversion': '123' } def create_hue_success_response(entity_id, attr, value): """Create a success response for an attribute set on a light.""" success_key = '/lights/{}/state/{}'.format(entity_id, attr) return {'success': {success_key: value}} class UPNPResponderThread(threading.Thread): """Handle responding to UPNP/SSDP discovery requests.""" _interrupted = False def __init__(self, host_ip_addr, listen_port): """Initialize the class.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.host_ip_addr = host_ip_addr self.listen_port = listen_port # Note that the double newline at the end of # this string is required per the SSDP spec resp_template = """HTTP/1.1 200 OK CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=60 EXT: LOCATION: http://{0}:{1}/description.xml SERVER: FreeRTOS/6.0.5, UPnP/1.0, IpBridge/0.1 ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 USN: uuid:Socket-1_0-221438K0100073::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 """ self.upnp_response = resp_template.format(host_ip_addr, listen_port) \ .replace("\n", "\r\n") \ .encode('utf-8') # Set up a pipe for signaling to the receiver that it's time to # shutdown. Essentially, we place the SSDP socket into nonblocking # mode and use select() to wait for data to arrive on either the SSDP # socket or the pipe. If data arrives on either one, select() returns # and tells us which filenos have data ready to read. # # When we want to stop the responder, we write data to the pipe, which # causes the select() to return and indicate that said pipe has data # ready to be read, which indicates to us that the responder needs to # be shutdown. self._interrupted_read_pipe, self._interrupted_write_pipe = os.pipe() def run(self): """Run the server.""" # Listen for UDP port 1900 packets sent to SSDP multicast address ssdp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ssdp_socket.setblocking(False) # Required for receiving multicast ssdp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ssdp_socket.setsockopt( socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(self.host_ip_addr)) ssdp_socket.setsockopt( socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, socket.inet_aton("") + socket.inet_aton(self.host_ip_addr)) ssdp_socket.bind(("", 1900)) while True: if self._interrupted: clean_socket_close(ssdp_socket) return try: read, _, _ = select.select( [self._interrupted_read_pipe, ssdp_socket], [], [ssdp_socket]) if self._interrupted_read_pipe in read: # Implies self._interrupted is True clean_socket_close(ssdp_socket) return elif ssdp_socket in read: data, addr = ssdp_socket.recvfrom(1024) else: continue except socket.error as ex: if self._interrupted: clean_socket_close(ssdp_socket) return _LOGGER.error("UPNP Responder socket exception occured: %s", ex.__str__) if "M-SEARCH" in data.decode('utf-8'): # SSDP M-SEARCH method received, respond to it with our info resp_socket = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) resp_socket.sendto(self.upnp_response, addr) resp_socket.close() def stop(self): """Stop the server.""" # Request for server self._interrupted = True os.write(self._interrupted_write_pipe, bytes([0])) self.join() def clean_socket_close(sock): """Close a socket connection and logs its closure.""" _LOGGER.info("UPNP responder shutting down.") sock.close()