{ "title": "Climate", "device_automation": { "condition_type": { "is_hvac_mode": "{entity_name} is set to a specific HVAC mode", "is_preset_mode": "{entity_name} is set to a specific preset mode" }, "trigger_type": { "current_temperature_changed": "{entity_name} measured temperature changed", "current_humidity_changed": "{entity_name} measured humidity changed", "hvac_mode_changed": "{entity_name} HVAC mode changed" }, "action_type": { "set_hvac_mode": "Change HVAC mode on {entity_name}", "set_preset_mode": "Change preset on {entity_name}" }, "extra_fields": { "above": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::above%]", "below": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::below%]", "for": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::for%]", "to": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::to%]", "preset_mode": "Preset mode", "hvac_mode": "HVAC mode" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "Thermostat", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "heat": "Heat", "cool": "Cool", "heat_cool": "Heat/Cool", "auto": "Auto", "dry": "Dry", "fan_only": "Fan only" }, "state_attributes": { "aux_heat": { "name": "Aux heat" }, "current_humidity": { "name": "Current humidity" }, "current_temperature": { "name": "Current temperature" }, "fan_mode": { "name": "Fan mode", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "auto": "Auto", "low": "Low", "medium": "Medium", "high": "High", "top": "Top", "middle": "Middle", "focus": "Focus", "diffuse": "Diffuse" } }, "fan_modes": { "name": "Fan modes" }, "humidity": { "name": "Target humidity" }, "hvac_action": { "name": "Current action", "state": { "cooling": "Cooling", "defrosting": "Defrosting", "drying": "Drying", "fan": "Fan", "heating": "Heating", "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "preheating": "Preheating" } }, "hvac_modes": { "name": "HVAC modes" }, "max_humidity": { "name": "Max target humidity" }, "max_temp": { "name": "Max target temperature" }, "min_humidity": { "name": "Min target humidity" }, "min_temp": { "name": "Min target temperature" }, "preset_mode": { "name": "Preset", "state": { "none": "None", "eco": "Eco", "away": "Away", "boost": "Boost", "comfort": "Comfort", "home": "[%key:common::state::home%]", "sleep": "Sleep", "activity": "Activity" } }, "preset_modes": { "name": "Presets" }, "swing_mode": { "name": "Swing mode", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "both": "Both", "vertical": "Vertical", "horizontal": "Horizontal" } }, "swing_modes": { "name": "Swing modes" }, "swing_horizontal_mode": { "name": "Horizontal swing mode", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]" } }, "swing_horizontal_modes": { "name": "Horizontal swing modes" }, "target_temp_high": { "name": "Upper target temperature" }, "target_temp_low": { "name": "Lower target temperature" }, "target_temp_step": { "name": "Target temperature step" }, "temperature": { "name": "Target temperature" } } } }, "services": { "set_aux_heat": { "name": "Turn on/off auxiliary heater", "description": "Turns auxiliary heater on/off.", "fields": { "aux_heat": { "name": "Auxiliary heating", "description": "New value of auxiliary heater." } } }, "set_preset_mode": { "name": "Set preset mode", "description": "Sets preset mode.", "fields": { "preset_mode": { "name": "Preset mode", "description": "Preset mode." } } }, "set_temperature": { "name": "Set target temperature", "description": "Sets the temperature setpoint.", "fields": { "temperature": { "name": "Target temperature", "description": "The temperature setpoint." }, "target_temp_high": { "name": "Upper target temperature", "description": "The max temperature setpoint." }, "target_temp_low": { "name": "Lower target temperature", "description": "The min temperature setpoint." }, "hvac_mode": { "name": "HVAC mode", "description": "HVAC operation mode." } } }, "set_humidity": { "name": "Set target humidity", "description": "Sets target humidity.", "fields": { "humidity": { "name": "Humidity", "description": "Target humidity." } } }, "set_fan_mode": { "name": "Set fan mode", "description": "Sets fan operation mode.", "fields": { "fan_mode": { "name": "Fan mode", "description": "Fan operation mode." } } }, "set_hvac_mode": { "name": "Set HVAC mode", "description": "Sets HVAC operation mode.", "fields": { "hvac_mode": { "name": "HVAC mode", "description": "HVAC operation mode." } } }, "set_swing_mode": { "name": "Set swing mode", "description": "Sets swing operation mode.", "fields": { "swing_mode": { "name": "Swing mode", "description": "Swing operation mode." } } }, "set_swing_horizontal_mode": { "name": "Set horizontal swing mode", "description": "Sets horizontal swing operation mode.", "fields": { "swing_horizontal_mode": { "name": "Horizontal swing mode", "description": "Horizontal swing operation mode." } } }, "turn_on": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_on%]", "description": "Turns climate device on." }, "turn_off": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_off%]", "description": "Turns climate device off." }, "toggle": { "name": "[%key:common::action::toggle%]", "description": "Toggles climate device, from on to off, or off to on." } }, "selector": { "hvac_mode": { "options": { "off": "Off", "auto": "Auto", "cool": "Cool", "dry": "Dry", "fan_only": "Fan only", "heat_cool": "Heat/cool", "heat": "Heat" } } }, "issues": { "deprecated_climate_aux_url_custom": { "title": "The {platform} custom integration is using deprecated climate auxiliary heater", "description": "The custom integration `{platform}` implements the `is_aux_heat` property or uses the auxiliary heater methods in a subclass of ClimateEntity.\n\nPlease create a bug report at {issue_tracker}.\n\nOnce an updated version of `{platform}` is available, install it and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue." }, "deprecated_climate_aux_no_url": { "title": "[%key:component::climate::issues::deprecated_climate_aux_url_custom::title%]", "description": "The custom integration `{platform}` implements the `is_aux_heat` property or uses the auxiliary heater methods in a subclass of ClimateEntity.\n\nPlease report it to the author of the {platform} integration.\n\nOnce an updated version of `{platform}` is available, install it and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue." } }, "exceptions": { "not_valid_preset_mode": { "message": "Preset mode {mode} is not valid. Valid preset modes are: {modes}." }, "not_valid_swing_mode": { "message": "Swing mode {mode} is not valid. Valid swing modes are: {modes}." }, "not_valid_horizontal_swing_mode": { "message": "Horizontal swing mode {mode} is not valid. Valid horizontal swing modes are: {modes}." }, "not_valid_fan_mode": { "message": "Fan mode {mode} is not valid. Valid fan modes are: {modes}." }, "temp_out_of_range": { "message": "Provided temperature {check_temp} is not valid. Accepted range is {min_temp} to {max_temp}." }, "low_temp_higher_than_high_temp": { "message": "Target temperature low can not be higher than Target temperature high." }, "humidity_out_of_range": { "message": "Provided humidity {humidity} is not valid. Accepted range is {min_humidity} to {max_humidity}." }, "missing_target_temperature_entity_feature": { "message": "Set temperature action was used with the target temperature parameter but the entity does not support it." }, "missing_target_temperature_range_entity_feature": { "message": "Set temperature action was used with the target temperature low/high parameter but the entity does not support it." } } }